Curriculum Vitae

  • since April 2024: Member of thenets21(Research Network School Language Didactics)
  • February 2023 to April 2024: Maternity leave and parental leave
  • January 2023 to September 2023: Research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Miriam Langlotz (primary school didactics)
  • April 2022 to September 2022: Research assistant at the chair of Prof. in Dr. in Miriam Langlotz (Primary School Didactics)
  • since January 2022: Member of the Diversity-oriented German didactics working group of the SDD
  • November 2020 to November 2022: Women's and Equality Officer of the FB02
  • September 2019 to October 2020: Maternity leave and parental leave
  • October 2018 to April 2022: Equal Opportunities Officer of the GeKKo
  • since June 2018: PhD student at the Institute of German Studies, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel
  • since May 2018: Fellow of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College (GeKKo) at the University of Kassel
  • sinceJanuary 2018: Association member of the Symposion Deutschdidaktik (SDD)
  • since September 2017: Member of the working group on grammar didactics and language observation of the SDD
  • since May 2017: Research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Ágel (linguistics/system-oriented linguistics)
  • Spring 2017: First state examination, thesis: Teaching grammar through texts in schools. A comparative study of conceptual-didactic and literary texts (awarded the Martin Wagenschein Prize 2017)
  • Winter semester 2013/14 to winter semester 2016/17: Assistant & tutor at the Institute of Romance Studies and the Institute of German Studies
  • winter semester 2012/13 to winter semester 2016/17: Teacher training course at the University of Kassel (grammar school teaching degree); subjects: German, Spanish

    Internships during the Course:
    • Semester-long school internship at an integrated comprehensive school (Erich-Kästner-Schule, Baunatal, subject: German)
    • Semester-long school internship at an upper secondary school (Jacob-Grimm-Schule, Kassel, subject: Spanish)
    • Five-week school internship at a private educational institution (Colegio Ramón y Cajal, Madrid)
    • Four-week school internship at a school with a focus on physical and motor development (Alexander-Schmorell-Schule, Kassel)
    • Four-week internship at the Staatstheater Kassel (field: theater pedagogy)