FAQs about the Exam

FAQ Examination in Protestant Theology

Here you will find important questions and answers.

1. Where can I find general information about the 1st state exam?

The "Landesschulamt und Lehrkräfteakademie" offers differentiated information on the structure and content of the examinations, grade compositions, etc. on its homepage. Pay particular attention to the information regarding deadlines in the "News and Examination Information" section!


2. Which examination performance do I have to achieve in the examination of evangelical theology?

If you are a modularized student, you will take either an oral exam or a written exam in the form of a 4-hour written exam in Protestant Theology.

If you study according to the old study regulations (95 VO, not modularized), you will take an oral exam in Protestant Theology (all teaching positions) and a written exam in the form of a 4-hour written exam.

The exam situation is that of a discussion on the topic, so an independent discussion of the exam items is required.

3. How many exam topics do I have to prepare for the oral exam? Which areas do I have to cover? How long will the exam take?


Duration: 20 minutes Number of exam topics: 2


L2/3 Duration: 60 minutes Number of exam topics: 4



Duration: 40 minutes

Number of examination topics: 4


Examination areas to be covered: 3x subject science, 1x didactics. The subject area includes Biblical Studies, Church History, Religious Education and Systematic Theology. Please discuss the individual areas you choose with your examiners. Note for students of the old study regulations: What was listed for "L2/3" applies to all teaching positions.

4. What do I have to consider in my choice of examiner for the oral exam?

You will choose two examiners from two different theological disciplines for the oral examination. The subject areas are: Biblical Studies, Church History, Religious Education, and Systematic Theology.

5. How do I find and specify my exam topics?

In your own interest, seek contact with your examiners in good time. A targeted search for personally relevant topics is worthwhile, but pragmatic aspects can also be decisive. Most examiners welcome it if you think about it on your own and come to the consultation hour with initial suggestions. The topics can then be "fine-tuned" together.

6. When should I start preparing for the exam? What should I take into account?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, take into account that many things take time before the actual learning begins. This includes organizational aspects, such as

  • Registration formalities (instructions / deadlines from the AFL must be observed!), obtaining information, choice of topics and examiners, office hours, collecting signatures,...
  • prepare an overview of examination volume and time capacities (period of examinations, number of examinations, number of topics to be prepared, projects still in progress such as term papers or similar....) for a realistic calculation.
  • An early literature search!

Now the actual learning phase begins with information preparation, information processing, control and repetition. Start distributed learning in good time. Generally plan a time buffer for unforeseen events and allow yourself breaks! Free time and breaks are elementary, so that the learning material "sets" and serves the recovery and reward!

7. How can I prepare for the exam?

  • The exam will be about presenting connections and making reasoned judgments. During your preparation, think about: What are the main questions and aspects of the topic? Which topics are related to the subject of my exam? Which scientific controversies exist? Which positions are represented? Which position do I take?
  • Organizational, but also content-related questions can be clarified with Alina Bloch.


8. By when must my outstanding grades be entered?

At the latest one week before admission to the First State Examination for the various teaching professions (the date can be found at the LSA under the heading "News and Examination Information"), all outstanding grades, including the examination paper, must be entered. You are responsible for this.

9. What else should I pay attention to?

  • Carry a student ID and ID card for identification. These will be checked at the beginning of the exam.
  • During the examination period, keep an eye on the preparatory service with the registration deadlines of the individual federal states. The registration deadlines often overlap with the examination period (documents can sometimes be submitted later)!

About the choice of examiners

Choose two examiners from two different theological subjects for the oral examination.

The subjects in Protestant Theology are:

  • Biblical sciences
  • Church History
  • Systematic Theology
  • Religious Education