Writing and educational coaching: learning, writing and growing with challenges
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The preparatory course is intended to enable students of Faculty 02 to acquire basic knowledge in the areas of literature research, reading academic texts and the preparation of coursework and examinations. The following topics are covered:
- What is academic work?
- Researching, reading and citing academic texts
- Term papers during studies
- Scientific language
The course is particularly aimed at students in lower semesters, but students in higher semesters are also welcome to brush up on the basics of scientific work.
Leader: Karolin Schäfer (karolin.schaefer@uni-kassel.de)
Next date: Summer semester 2025
Friday, May 9, 2-6 pm
Saturday, May 10, 10 am - 2 pm
Friday, May 16, 2 pm - 6 pm
Saturday, May 17, 10 am - 2 pm
(participation only possible in the entire block seminar)
Registration: via the course catalog under "Faculty 02 > Cross-institute/practice-oriented events"
This is an additional support offer for which no credits or key competencies are awarded.
What is educational coaching? And would it be something for me?
Studying is full of challenges! The development framework is broad and the coaching occasions are varied. In one-to-one sessions, you have the opportunity to explore topics such as motivation, procrastination, self-concept and resources based on your concerns and to gain new perspectives for action. This coaching concept is aimed at all levels between the extremes of dropping out and self-optimization. The boundary lies in the demarcation from psychotherapy. Pathological patterns must be treated by psychologists and psychotherapists. If a coaching session does not help you, the coach can recommend other counseling centers at the university or put you in touch with them.
How does educational coaching work?
After an introductory meeting, during which initial exercises can perhaps be tried out, educational coaching begins with one to three 45-minute sessions. It is not really possible to give a general outline of the process, as it depends entirely on the individual concerns. Basically, the educational coach wants to support you in finding a solution and uses various methods to encourage you to think and act. If an exercise does not work for you or as soon as it becomes uncomfortable, you change the strategy with the coach. Coaching usually takes place in the Bildungscoach office at Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5.
Who is the education coach at Faculty 02?
Annika Rink is a research assistant at the Institute of Romance Studies. She studied Spanish and music at the University of Kassel until 2019. In 2024, she completed an extra-occupational training course as an educational coach and will be offering coaching sessions for all students of Faculty 02 until at least December 2025.
Please register in the Moodle course to make an appointment and to be informed about current additional offers: https: //moodle.uni-kassel.de/course/view.php?id=14123
Our writing consultants provide advice on all questions relating to academic writing and thus help to find sustainable and individual solutions. We can advise on all
- academic texts such as bachelor's and master's theses, seminar papers, presentations, minutes...
- Topics such as avoiding procrastination, finding and narrowing down a topic, getting into writing, organizing, structuring and revising texts, time and self-management, writing problems and writing anxiety...
We also give feedback on texts. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to offer corrections.
When: By appointment by email.
How: Please contact us for a personal appointment at SchreibberatungFB02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.
For all students of Faculty 02 who are planning or at the beginning of their final thesis - be it a Bachelor's, Master's or exam thesis
The aim of the one-day workshop is to plan the writing phase in terms of organization and content. In addition to input phases, students can reflect on their professional interests, develop a research question and draw up a timetable in numerous practical exercises. They can also discuss their experiences with invited graduates. Individual counseling appointments are offered afterwards.
Head: Valentina Roether(roether[at]uni-kassel[dot]de)
Next date: Friday, May 23, 2025, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration takes place via the course catalog.
This is an additional advisory service for which no credits or key competencies are awarded.
The Write Club is a space for peer exchange in which students work together on their assignments. Writing together and a game-based learning approach can be motivating on the one hand, but at the same time questions that arise can be discussed directly with fellow students and lecturers during the writing process. In addition to making progress in the writing process, the aim is to develop your own writing routine, but also to benefit from the low-threshold exchange and best practice strategies of fellow students.
To this end, three joint writing sessions (both analog and digital) are offered during the writing phase for term papers, the semester break, which primarily provide a framework for peer networking and skill sharing between students.
Head: Tamara Bodden and Hanna Poloschek
Next dates: 17.02. // 03.03. // 24.03.2025 14:00 to 18:00 in each case
To register, please send an email to tamara.bodden[at]uni-kassel[dot]de or hanna.poloschek[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.
The course offers a practice-oriented introduction to the use of AI tools in the scientific work process. Along the central stages of scientific research - from brainstorming, literature research and data analysis to writing - students explore the added value and limitations of AI support. In addition to the presentation of relevant tools, participants will critically reflect on their possible applications, taking into account scientific standards and ethical aspects.
When: Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. (22.04.-22.07.25)
Where: Nora-Platiel 6, Room 0207
Lecturer: Larissa Werle (werle@uni-kassel.de)
Registration: via the course catalog