Student Counseling

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Here you will receive individual support and advice on how to make your studies effective, be it organizational or personal difficulties and/or technical questions relating to academic writing. This also includes offers from students to students.

Please have the transcript of records printed out in the examination office before the consultation appointment. Only stamped trans cripts of records will be accepted.

Do not forget the form 5.


  • German Studies: Dr. Andreas Wicke (please register for consultation hours via moodle) or Dr. Sandra Loevenich
  • English/American Studies: Dr. Lars Heiler
  • Romance Studies: Dr. Juan-Manuel Garcia Serrano
  • (in exceptional cases, Dr. Serrano and Dr. Heiler substitute for each other)
  • Philosophy: Prof. Dr. Dirk Stederoth and Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
  • Protestant theology: Dr. Julia Drube (Substitute: Katharina Gaida)
  • Catholic theology: Prof. Dr. Mirja Kutzer

For BAföG recipients interested in a consecutive Master's degree program, it is advisable to use the early registration deadline for the BA thesis so that the certificate can be issued early. Only then will you be funded for the Master's program. On the BA course, however, funding ends with the last examination. Therefore, please contact your BAföG office to find out whether an early or late BA degree is advantageous for you in terms of financing your studies.

English/American Studies/English:

  • Fiona Dancy (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4040) - Office hours Tue. 11.15-12.15 (presence)
  • Reports on semesters abroad and internship reports: Prof. Dr. Josef Wallmannsberger (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, R 4024) - Office hours Tue. 17.00 - 18.00 (Zoom)

German as a foreign and second language

Protestant Religion/Theology:

  • Prof. Dr. Tom Kleffmann (Henschelstr. 2, Room 1134) - During the lecture period: Wed. 12 - 1 p.m., otherwise on request.

French Studies/French:

  • Lehramt: Lisa Vogel (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4011) - Office hours n. V.
  • BA/MA "Kulturwirt/in" or "Kultur und Wirtschaft" as well as "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Wirtschaft": Dolores León Munoz (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4051) - Office hours Wed. 12-13 and n.V.
  • BA "International Language and Cultural Mediation" and DFH degree program "KulturA": Céline Wieders-Lohéac (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 4011) - office hours on request.
  • BA minor: Larissa Werle (Kurt-Wolter-Str. 5, R 4050) - office hours n. V. V.
  • Internship advice and reports: Ophélie Périquet (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4055) - consultation hours n.V.
  • Key competencies: Jennifer Held (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5) - Office hours n.V.

German Studies/German:

  • Dr. Andreas Wicke (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 3014) - office hours via moodle list
  • Key competencies: Lisa Hinterleitner (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 3039) - office hours n.V.
  • Coordination Kassel-Szeged: Fabian Mehmel (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 3036) - Office hours n.V.

Hispanic Studies/Spanish:

  • Teaching degree: Jennifer Held (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4054) - Office hours n. V.
  • BA/MA "Kulturwirt/in" or "Kultur und Wirtschaft" as well as "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Wirtschaft": Dolores Léon Munoz (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4051) - Office hours Wed. 12-13 and n. V. V.
  • BA minor subject Larissa Werle (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 4050)
  • BA "International Language and Cultural Mediation" and DFH degree program "KulturA": Céline Wieders-Lohéac (Room 4011) - Office hours on request.
  • BA minor subject: Larissa Werle (Kurt-Wolter-Str. 5, R 4050) - Office hours n. V.
  • Internship counselling and reports: Dr. Sebastia Moranta Mas (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 4013) - Office hours Thurs. 2-4 p.m.
  • Key competencies: Jennifer Held (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5) - office hours on request.

Catholic theology/religion:


  • Dr. Carsten Kries (Henschelstr. 2, room 2118) - office hours Tue. 1-4 p.m.
  • Key competencies, internship (BA): apl. Prof. Dr. Dirk Stederoth (Henschelstr. 2, room 2142) - Office hours: Lecture period Thurs. 12-13; lecture-free period n.V.

Students with special needs have the option of applying for compensation for disadvantages and/or applying for preferential enrolment. The contact person in these cases for Faculty 02 is the study coordinator Natalie Dockendorf.

Reasons for submitting an application can be

  • chronic illness or disability within the meaning of § 2 para. 1 SGB IX (proven by a copy of the attached certificate)
  • Child up to the age of 12 to be cared for (proven by a copy of the birth certificate)
  • Pregnancy with delivery date during the semester lecture period (evidenced by medical confirmation of pregnancy stating the date of delivery)
  • Care of a close relative (proven by a copy of a document according to §§ 44, 44a SGB XI)



Applications for compensation for disadvantages or for preferential admission can be submitted to the study coordination office. They will then be forwarded to the relevant examination board. Applications are treated confidentially and the members of the examination board are obliged to maintain confidentiality.

You can find more information and application forms here.


Preferential dial-in procedure

At some institutes, participation in courses takes place in direct consultation with the lecturers.

The PRIOS procedure applies to the institutes and subject area listed below. As a student with special needs, you have the opportunity to apply for preferential enrolment.

You can find more information and application forms in the course catalog of the teaching units or the department or on the following websites:

Applications for student teachers are processed centrally by Melanie Lenz.

Applications for BA and MA students are processed by the study coordination office.

Make contact with other Master's students in the Master's network.

Click here for the mentoring program of the faculty.

The Center for Teacher Training (ZLB) helps student teachers with interdisciplinary questions.

To theZLB Student Advisory Service...

The student councils represent the interests of the students here in the department and also offer personal study counseling from students for students.

  • The AStA sees itself as a contact for questions regarding the financing of studies (BAföG, loans, ALG II, etc.), but also offers psychosocial counseling for students.