

  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2024): Urban social movements as extended class actors: struggles over reproduction in Buenos Aires, New York City and Hamburg, in: Global Political Economy,

  • Herb, Irina/Uhlmann, Sarah (2024): Zum Widerspruch zwischen Akkumulation und der Reproduktion von Leben: Social Reproduction Theory als umfassende Analyse kapitalistischer Gesellschaften?, in: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 54, S. 11–31.


  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2023). Shared experiences? Shared struggles? Class and social reproduction from a feminist perspective, in: Outside the Box, Zeitschrift für feministische Gesellschaftskritik,
  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2023): Urban reproductive struggles. A materialist interpretation of housing and urban policy movements, in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 36(1), 30-48.


  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2022): Reproductive struggles in the city. Urban social movements in New York City, Buenos Aires and Hamburg, series Raumproduktionen, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.


  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2018): The riot as harbinger and symptom of a crisis: on the riots during the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg, in: Momentum Quartely, 7(4), 171-232


  • Uhlmann, S., Frenzel, J., Greif, P. & Klein, F. (2016): Riots - On the localization of a blurred phenomenon, in: Sub\Urban. Journal for Critical Urban Research, 4(1), 7-24,
  • Uhlmann, S., Frenzel, J., Greif, P. & Klein, F. (eds.): Thematic issue: Riots, sub\urban. Journal for critical urban research, 4(1), 2016.
  • Uhlmann, Sarah (2016), Review of: Corinna Hölzl, Protest Movement and Urban Politics. Urban conflicts in Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires, in: Peripherie: Politik. Economy. Culture, 36, pp. 132-134.