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Work area IV "Theory and practice of sports" focuses on the close link between theory and practice in subject-specific didactic training. In addition to the interdisciplinary skills addressed in the current curricular requirements for the subject of sport, subject-specific didactic training is essentially based on the guiding principles and corresponding content areas.
The focus of the courses is on acquiring a wide range of sports motor skills and abilities as well as sport-related knowledge. Personal motor experiences facilitate the understanding, explanation, demonstration, observation, design and correction of movements and game actions and form the basis for the integration of knowledge and skills and thus an arrangement of sports practice, sports science and school practice for a well-founded education and professional competence. The interdisciplinary process of theory formation becomes an enrichment of direct experience in one's own actions.
The special feature of didactic training at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science is the close link between theory and practice. In the didactic modules, students are taught in-depth and advanced basic and advanced courses. Furthermore, the range of courses is extended by compulsory elective modules. The aim of the didactic courses is to improve performance and demonstration skills in the respective fields of movement and sports and to acquire teaching skills by learning about and applying teaching methods. The cross-sport and sport-specific training models are subject to constant scientific monitoring and evaluation. If you have any questions about the courses offered by the Institute of Sport and Sport Science, please contact the designated lecturer for the course.
As part of the university education, it is possible to acquire qualifications for trainers' licenses in cooperation with associations in the in-depth elective modules. In addition, university teaching offers a variety of key qualifications (e.g. qualification to lead school ski courses) in the compulsory elective modules. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant subject leaders.