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Ongoing projects

Lions start pre-season with complex performance diagnostics

KSV Hessen Kassel  started its preparations for the 2014/2015 regional league season on Tuesday. While head coach Matthias Mink welcomed the team to a first session on Monday afternoon, the team continued on Tuesday with an obligatory performance diagnostic session before training then became more intensive.

Lions start pre-season with complex performance diagnostics: Read More

Action inductions by the visual perception of movement in sports

In sports action situations, we visually perceive a variety of motion information. This information consists of spatial features such as positions and running paths of teammates and opponents in sports games, trajectories of balls, attacking and defending actions of the opponent in martial arts, etc....

Action inductions by the visual perception of movement in sports: Read More

Additive effects of strength and balance training - comparison of three fall prevention interventions with seniors.

A large number of epidemiological studies show that the frequency of falls increases significantly with advancing age. Almost ¼ of those over 65 fall at least once a year. Among those over 75, the frequency increases to over 40% (Granacher, Gruber & Gollhofer, 2009).

Additive effects of strength and balance training - comparison of three fall prevention interventions with seniors.: Read More

Implicit movement learning

Project Management: Claudia Classen & Prof. Dr. Armin Kibele

In the present project the question is investigated whether movement learning can be understood as a special case of implicit learning. Based on different research approaches in movement science, in which implicit learning processes are referred to again and again, an integrative theory of (implicit) movement learning was developed, which includes components of the traditional program theories as well as aspects of the newer action theories and, as a completely new element, establishes a content-related proximity to implicit learning.

Implicit movement learning: Read More

Completed projects

Relay change strategies in top swimmers

Project management: Prof. Dr. Armin Kibele, Sebastian Fischer

There are only a few empirical studies on relay changes in swimming in the literature. Most of them focus on questions concerning the motion sequence of the relay start technique.

Relay change strategies in top swimmers: Read More