Registration for exams & theses

Please note

Please note the registration deadlines for the courses in the course catalog or on eCampus.

If it is not possible to register for the examination via eCampus of the University of Kassel, please write an e-mail to with the request to register at the examination office under stating

  • the matriculation number,
  • the course,
  • the achievement (examination or course achievement).

Registration for the Bachelor thesis

  • At the beginning of the 5th semester at the earliest
  • Registration with form and signature by the respective first supervisor
  • Students who receive BAFöG should have registered their thesis by May 15 or November 15 of each year to ensure that it can be processed (nine weeks) and reviewed (four to six weeks) within the funding period.

Instructions for submission: e-mail with pdf version of the thesis, prompt submission of 2 bound copies


Registration for the Master's thesis

  • At the beginning of the 3rd semester at the earliest
  • Registration with form and signature by the respective first supervisor
  • Students who receive BaFöG must register their thesis by 15.2. or 15.08. of a year in order to receive funding until the thesis is completed.

Instructions for submission: e-mail with pdf version of the thesis, prompt submission of 2 bound copies
