FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Studying

Frequently asked questions about studying at the faculty 06 | ASL are answered here. If your question is not listed or you need further advice, please come to our office hours at the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations in the ASL-Neubau, Universitätsplatz 9, room 1115:

  • Mondays from 9:30 to 12:00
  • Wednesdays from 12:00 to 14:30
  • Fridays from 9:30 to 12:00

Or send us an email to sps_fb06[at]asl.uni-kassel[dot]de and please state your name, student number, degree program and your request as precisely and concisely as possible.


Students must register and deregister for each examination independently via the eCampus examination administration (HIS-Pos) within the registration and deregistration period.

You can register and deregister for examinations in eCampus and view a list of the examinations you have registered for and completed. You can find detailed instructions for registration and deregistration here.

Registration is a prerequisite for all examinations you wish to take in the respective semester, i.e. this applies to:

  • all examinations of the theoretical-systematic courses (written examinations, oral examinations),
  • all written submissions such as project and seminar reports, portfolios or term papers, which must be submitted by the end of the submission deadline at the latest,
  • the BPS practical project, which consists of two examinations (therefore two examination registrations are required: 1.) internship and 2.) student research project with technical discussion).

Please register in good time before the deadline in order to be able to consult with the SPS or ITS in the event of technical problems and to carefully check the registration made in eCampus. Students are responsible for registering correctly and on time. The binding registration and deregistration deadlines can be found in the schedule for the current semester, see Infothek > Semester information

The module examination weeks are always published in the schedule of the respective semester. The binding registration periods for participation in the module examinations are also communicated in the schedule of the relevant semester. The current schedules can be found on the semester information page.

There are two examination weeks per semester. The first examination week usually takes place in the second week after the faculty's exhibition week (Rundgangswoche) and the second examination week is always the week in which the course period of the following semester begins. Students can generally decide for themselves in which examination week they would like to take the relevant module examinations. Examinations that were not passed in the first week or that could not be taken due to illness etc. can be repeated in the second examination week.

The latest possible submission date for (project) reports etc. is always published in the schedule for the respective semester. However, it is also possible to submit these examinations before the published deadline. The current timetables can be found on the semester information page.


Subsequent registration is no longer possible. As soon as the grades for the examination are available, the grade will be entered in your transcript of records. For compulsory modules, please contact the lecturers to find out whether it is still possible to take the examination.


It is possible to withdraw from written examinations at the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations up to the day before the examination without justification. Withdrawal from oral or written examinations on the day of the examination must be notified immediately in writing and must be credibly justified. If the candidate is ill, a medical certificate (certificate of incapacity) must be submitted.

To do this, select the course in eCampus. In the single view, all relevant entries for this course are displayed and by clicking on the "Examinations" tab, you can access the examination numbers that are available for this course. The examination numbers refer to the corresponding examinations for which you can register depending on the degree program you are enrolled in and the modules you have already completed.

You have already covered the module or it is not intended for your degree program according to the module list. Please check the registration status in eCampus (on the right). The field indicates the reason why an examination registration may not have been accepted. Check whether registration is possible via another examination assigned to the course, see above "How do I see which examinations are assigned to which course?"

If an examination registration fails, you can also contact the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations within the registration deadline.

It is only possible to register once for a module that consists of several sub-modules. The grades are entered as soon as the results for all sub-modules are available.

The grade for the student research project is sent by the respective lecturer to the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations and then we enter the student research project in your transcript of records.

We have not yet received a grade from the lecturers or you have already covered all the modules listed in the course catalog or the module is not intended for your degree program according to the module list.

Studying with health restrictions often entails particular difficulties. To ensure that these restrictions do not lead to disadvantages and that all students have the same opportunities to prove their qualifications in examinations, there is the possibility of adapted examination conditions (compensation for disadvantages). To compensate for the additional difficulties that a health impairment entails, especially when preparing for and taking examinations, affected students have the right to adapted examination conditions (examination modification, compensation for disadvantages) that take their individual situation into account. The possibility of such compensation for disadvantages exists for people with long-term physical illnesses or mental impairments as well as for people with disabilities. In certain cases, people in serious exceptional family stress situations – for example in connection with pregnancy and childbirth or caring for parents – can also claim compensation for disadvantages. Further information can be found at the Service Center for Students with Chronic Illnesses or Disabilities at the University of Kassel.

Submit your application for compensation for disadvantages (see forms) with the relevant evidence to the Faculty's Office for Student Affairs and Examinations. The examination board will decide on your application on the basis of the documents submitted. Submit your application as early as possible, as the adjustment of examination conditions in practice often involves some organizational effort (different examination room, additional supervision if the time is extended) and time is also required for the decision on the application.

Bachelor Thesis

In order to be admitted to the Bachelor thesis, there are different admission requirements depending on the examination regulations:

  • PO 2015/16: At least 144 credits and successful completion of all compulsory modules, with the exception of the compulsory module in the sixth semester (applies to S, L).
  • PO2020:At least 144 credits that can be credited as examination parts of the Bachelor examination in accordance with the respective subject examination regulations pursuant to Section 7 (1) (a) and (b) and successful completion of at least
    • Architecture: 9 compulsory modules with 54 cp,
    • Urban and Regional Planning: 9 compulsory modules with 54 cp,
    • Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning: 8 compulsory modules

Entry of all module grades in HIS-POS by the end of the registration period is not a prerequisite for registration or admission. In the course of checking the registration for the Bachelor thesis, the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations will, if necessary, request grades from the lecturers if they have not yet been submitted. The internal check also concerns any incorrect assignments of module numbers. It is crucial that your registration for the Bachelor thesis is received on time and in the correct form.

To register for the Bachelor thesis, you must submit a written application to the Examination Board. The registration deadline for the respective semester can be found in the schedule. This is a cut-off period, i.e. applications received late will not be accepted.

The application is made in three steps:

  1. Complete the online registration form on the application platform (activated approx. 7 days before the application deadline). Once registration has been completed, the application form and attachments must be printed out and signed.
  2. Please submit the original printed and signed registration form with all required attachments to the Office of Student Affairs and Examinations by the deadline. Online registration does not replace registration!
  3. In addition, the synopsis (pdf format) must be uploaded to Moodle in the folder of the respective degree program. The corresponding link will be provided during online registration.

The Bachelor thesis is supervised/reviewed by two authorized lecturers of faculty 06, usually one professor and one research assistant of the student's degree program. Students have the right to nominate first and second supervisors. An independent search for supervisors and a coordination of the content of the exposé with the supervisors before submitting the application are required. If a first and/or second supervisor is still missing before the application deadline, an application for admission can still be submitted. The Examination Board will then assign a supervisor. If, for thematic reasons, interdisciplinary supervision across degree programs appears appropriate, this must be justified on a separate sheet (informally) as part of the application.

The title of the Bachelor thesis can still be changed, but the topic cannot. The topic can be returned once and only within three weeks of the start of the processing period. The return can be made without giving reasons and does not count as a failed attempt. A new registration for the Bachelor thesis is then possible in the following semester at the earliest. It is not possible to change the topic after admission in the same processing period.

Yes, you must submit a poster for your Bachelor thesis; you will receive detailed information on this by email.

The Bachelor certificate can be issued as soon as all achievements are available. Once all achievements have been entered in your transcript of records, you should expect a processing period of approx. 6 weeks before you can pick up your certificate.

No, you can have your certificate certified at the Admissions Office of the University of Kassel in the Campus Center or at any citizens' office at your place of residence.

Master Thesis

In order to be admitted to the Master thesis, there are different admission requirements depending on the examination regulations:

  • PO 2012/2015/16: At least 84 credits, regardless of the type of module. Project selection in the respective degree program (PO 2015/ 16). Profile project of the specialization. In the degree program L/specializations LF, LB and ULM: max. 6 cp WP from the ASL/Uni Kassel offer.
  • PO 2020: at least 84 credits which, according to the PO, can be credited as examination parts according to § 9 or 10, letters a to c for the Master examination in the chosen specialization. Profile project of the specialization. from the subject-specific specialization in the degree program L/specializations LF, LB and ULM: at least 12 cp from the offer of the degree program L.

Entry of all module grades in HIS-POS by the end of the registration deadline is not a prerequisite for registration or admission. In the course of checking the registration for the Master thesis, the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations will, if necessary, request grades from the lecturers if they have not yet been submitted. The internal check also concerns any incorrect assignments of module numbers or clarification of the WP regulations in the Master's degree program in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning. It is crucial that your registration for the Master thesis is received on time and in the correct form.

To register for the Master thesis, you must submit a written application to the Examination Board. The registration deadline for the respective semester can be found in the schedule. This is a cut-off deadline, i.e. applications received late will not be accepted.

The application is made in three steps:

  1. Complete the online registration form on the application platform (activated approx. 10 days before the application deadline). Once registration has been completed, the application form and attachments must be printed out and signed.
  2. Please submit the original printed and signed registration form with all required attachments to the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations by the deadline. Online registration does not replace registration!
  3. In addition, the synopsis (pdf format) must be uploaded to Moodle in the folder of the respective degree program. The corresponding link will be provided during the online registration process.

The corresponding notifications of admission to the Master's degree module and the issue of the topic will be sent online/by email to the email address provided during your registration.

The Master thesis is supervised/assessed by two authorized lecturers from faculty 06, usually one professor and one research assistant from the student's degree program. Students have the right to nominate first and second supervisors. An independent search for supervisors and a coordination of the content of the exposé with the supervisors before submitting the application are required. If a first and/or second supervisor is still missing before the application deadline, an application for admission can still be submitted. The Examination Board will then assign a supervisor. If, for thematic reasons, interdisciplinary supervision across degree programs appears appropriate, this must be justified on a separate sheet of paper (informal) as part of the application.

The title of the Master thesis can still be changed, but the topic cannot. The topic can be returned once and only within six weeks of the start of the processing period. The return can be made without giving reasons and does not count as a failed attempt. A new registration for the Master thesis is then possible in the following semester at the earliest. It is not possible to change the topic after admission in the same processing period.

At the Master graduation ceremony, you will first receive a letter of congratulations. The Master certificate will be issued as soon as all achievements have been received. Once all your achievements have been entered in your transcript of records, you should expect a processing period of approx. 6 weeks before you can collect your certificate.

No, you can have your certificate certified at the Admissions Office of the University of Kassel in the Campus Center or at any citizens' office in your place of residence.

Re-registration is only necessary if you have not yet completed all the requirements for the MA degree.

The refund for the semester ticket is possible if you are only missing the final module and you do not have to complete any further coursework. To apply, you must submit proof of your place of residence outside Germany and proof from the Examination Office that you are no longer required to attend.

Further information and reasons for reimbursement can be found here: https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/en/studium/im-studium/studentische-selbstverwaltung/service-und-beratung/semesterticket

Change of Degree Program

  • Apply online for the relevant degree program at the University of Kassel https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/en/studium/vor-der-bewerbung
  • Once you have been admitted to the new degree program, you can submit an application for recognition of your previous academic achievements. You can find the application under Forms. Please submit the originals of all documents listed on the application to the Officce for Student Affairs and Examinations.
  • Please note that you can only take modules from the new degree program once you have changed degree programs.

Register in writing with the SPS during the registration period. Submit an informal notification during office hours or drop it in our mailbox. Please state the exam with the exam name and number, the exam date (for written/oral exams), your first and last name, student number and degree program.

The recognition is still being processed and we ask you to wait. As soon as your application has been processed, the recognized benefits will be entered promptly.

Application Master's Degree Program

Detailed information on the requirements, application and admission can be found on the course-specific pages:

The prerequisites are only checked after the application has been received. After the formal examination by the Admissions Office, the faculty's Examination Board checks whether the content requirements for admission have been met and decides on the subject equivalence, the recognition of previous achievements and decides whether the application is eligible for admission or should be rejected. In the case of eligibility for admission, conditions may also be imposed. Please note that no statements are made before the application as to whether or not your previous academic achievements meet the requirements.

The application procedure for the Master's degree program in Architecture includes compulsory participation in a pre-selection process (portfolio submission). A portfolio with work samples, a CV and a letter of motivation must be submitted for this. You can only formally apply after a positive assessment. You can find detailed information on the pre-selection procedure here.

The submission of documents for participation in the pre-selection procedure is only possible during the following periods:

  • 01/04 to 30/04  for the next winter semester
  • 01/10 to 31/10  for the next summer semester

The examination and evaluation of the submitted documents begins after the respective deadline and takes approx. 6 weeks. As soon as the pre-selection procedure is completed, you will be informed by email that a notification has been deposited for you in the upload portal. The notification will inform you of the number of points you have achieved.

If you have received at least 35 points, you can then use this notification to apply for a place on the Master's degree program in Architecture. You must enclose a copy of the decision with your application documents, as otherwise your application for admission to the Master's program cannot be considered.

The legally binding framework conditions of the pre-selection procedure can be found in the Examination Regulations for the Master's degree program in Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planningdated May 20, 2020.


If you wish to end your studies at the University of Kassel or change your place of study, you must deregister. Deregistration usually takes place at the end of the semester in which the last examination was taken. However, students can deregister at any time by submitting an application in eCampus.

If you have not paid the semester fee by the end of all deadlines, you will be automatically deregistered. If you do not wish to continue your studies anyway, this is the easiest way to exmatriculate without applying. This will not result in any further disadvantages for you!

You can find further information here: https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/en/international-service/coming-to-kassel/studying-in-kassel/during-studies/deregistration

In accordance with the Hessisches Hochschulgesetz (Hessian Higher Education Act), students can be deregistered "if they fail to provide proof of performance as specified in the examination or study regulations within two years"(Section 65 (4) HHG as amended on 14.12.2021).

Affected students are first asked to provide a statement as to why they have not completed the course. If no justification or performance is provided by the end of the deadline, the case will be forwarded to the Admissions Office of the University of Kassel for consideration of deregistration in accordance with Section 65 (4) HHG. Upon deregistration, the right to take examinations in this degree program is forfeited, i.e. enrollment in the same degree program, even at another German university, is permanently excluded.

Further information can be found here: https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/en/international-service/coming-to-kassel/studying-in-kassel/during-studies/deregistration

General Information about Studying

The periods in which students should register for participation in courses/projects are always published in the schedule for the respective semester. The current schedules can be found on the semester information  page.

Course participation must be registered via the University of Kassel's eCampus system; additional registration via the Moodle course may also be required prior to the course. In eCampus you can both register and deregister for courses and view an overview of your registrations. Detailed instructions for registering and deregistering can be found here.

Language courses that serve to deepen subject-specific vocabulary in a foreign language can be credited for the module S-1.0-02 Studienleistung: Fremdsprachenkompetenz.

The Language Center of the University of Kassel offers the following subject-specific courses for ASL students:

  • German as a foreign language: specialized communication in ASL I (basics); specialized communication in ASL II (in-depth) (German course list)
  • English: English for Architects, Urban and Landscape Planners; Technical English for Civil and Environmental Engineers; Technical English; Academic Writing (English course list)

If you have any questions regarding the content and organization of the BPS practical project, please contact the BPS Office https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb06/en/studies/start

Advice & Help

  • The Academic Advisory Service provides information and advice on choosing a course of study, making new decisions and dealing with problems in and with your studies.
  • The Student Advisory Service of the ASL Student Council is available for all subject-related questions concerning the ASL degree programs and is a point of contact for all students for all questions concerning their studies.
  • The Office for Student Affairs and Examinations manages students' examinations and is responsible for registering for and withdrawing from examinations and issuing certificates, among other things.
  • LEO Lernort - Student Learning & Writing Advice offers space for learning and working. At the LernStand, student learning advisors support students with topics relating to learning, writing and presenting during their studies.
  • The International Office advises students and university lecturers on issues relating to international mobility and supports international students, doctoral candidates and visiting academics in organizing their study or research stay.

The Studierendenwerk provides free and independent advice and information on BAföG and student finance advice on all money-related issues.

  • The General Social Counseling Service advises students on individual questions regarding the organization of the "study" phase of life (compatibility of studies and family/career/disability, financing studies).
  • The Psychological Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerk advises students and members of the University of Kassel on coping with psychological crises.