Student Council

The Student Council.asl is the official contact point for student affairs at the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning. Once a year, during the university elections, 12 members are elected as student representatives, and anyone who is interested can also join.

We stand up for the needs and rights of students, keep the faculty committees up and running and shape what is on offer outside of teaching at the faculty. Come along, we look forward to hearing from you and your ideas!

participate - join us

The Student Council.asl currently meets Wednesdays at 17:00 in the ASL Neubau FS office (room 2115).



opening and office hours:

FS Office
Mon-Thu: 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00
Fri: 10:00 - 13:00

Student Advisory Service
Mon, Tue & Fri: 10:00 - 13:00
Wed: 14:00 - 17:00

R 2115 | ASL-Neubau
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel

first-year student days and Student Advisory Service?

awesome, sexy, lovely university policy?

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Student self-administration

student council wiki

Basically, YOU are the student council, because the student council is the entire student body in the department. Depending on personal capacities, a larger or smaller proportion of the student body is involved. In addition, there are a few student assistants who support the student council in organizational tasks. Through the mixture of students from A, S and L, as well as Bachelor and Master students, we try to represent the common mood of the student body in a diverse way.


The tasks of the student council include the representation of the student body, the associated evaluation and positioning of studies and teaching. This also includes a constant exchange with other faculties of the University of Kassel, as well as a national to international exchange with student bodies of our faculty's study programs.

Furthermore, the student council wants to promote information exchange and networking together with many students. For this purpose, we need events and workshops that decorate the daily study routine. For the planning of such events, the student council serves as a contact point with its pool of event equipment and organizational knowledge.

The student council of our faculty consists of 12 elected members. These are elected each year by the student body as representatives through the university elections. These members then have the right to vote at the student council meeting. However, we as a student council think that every person who wants to get involved should also have the opportunity to participate. Therefore the FSR is only formal and every person has a vote.


The student council sees it as its task to ensure that all new students have a pleasant arrival at our faculty. To this end, the student council organizes fresher's days every semester, which, in addition to the University's introductory days, are intended to provide information about the faculty and provide an opportunity to get to know your fellow students and Kassel.

The Student Advisory Service also provides all students with a point of contact for questions relating to their studies. Help from students for students is available to you in all semesters.