Arrival and Advice

student first days

Are you starting your studies at our faculty soon?

To help you get off to a good start, we organize so-called fresher days, so you can get to know Kassel and your fellow students before the official start.

New at the University of Kassel?

Here are a few tips for starting your studies!

New at the University of Kassel?: More Infos

Student Advisory Service - student counseling by students

Do you have difficulties finding your way around campus or through the confusion of studies and exams? We are happy to support you in creating your schedule, taking elective subjects, or answering questions about your course of study. We will pass on our experience and tips to you, but we will not give you any legally binding information. This is the responsibility of the official institutions of the University of Kassel, such as the study and examination office of our department.


The Student Advisory Service is currently staffed by:

Nils/ Bachelor Architecture

Paula/ Bachelor Urban and Regional Planning

We speak English! :)


Mon, Tue & Fri: 10:00 - 13:00
Wed: 14:00 - 15:00

R 2115 | ASL-Neubau
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel

Student Advisory Service FAQ

1. where can i get information about the start of my studies?

Here you can get information about the start of your studies. In addition to the official first days' event of the university, we also always offer different program points for first-year students on one or two days. For more information, follow us on Instagram or join our Telegram channel.

2. is there a possibility to talk to an experienced student?

Yes. If you have specific questions about your program, please feel free to contact us. Every year at the end of September/beginning of October, there is also the opportunity to meet with student guides and talk about studying in general.

3.i have questions about admission, enrollment or leave of absence. who can I contact?

The Admissions Office of the University of Kassel is the right contact for these issues. For example, the officially certified copy of the Bachelor certificate for application to one of the Master's degree programs at Fb06 must be submitted there.

4 Where can I manage my licenses for programs?

You can apply for and activate licenses in identity management (website not available in english) at ITS (IT service center). In order to use Adobe programs in c:lab, you must activate the access to Adobe CC in Identity Management.

5. where can I log in to my email address at the University of Kassel?

You can log in under Outlook Uni Kassel.

6. are you looking for an apartment, a job, an event or something similar - or you offer this?

On the blackboard (only available in German) of the University of Kassel you can find interesting things and as a student you advertise offers for free.

7. what public events are there at the University of Kassel?

All public events are listed in the calendar of events.

8. on which page can I register for modules and exams?

In eCampus you can register for modules. In addition, you must also enroll in the corresponding Moodle course. You must register for all modules in which you are enrolled in eCampus by Friday before the exhibition week (Rundgangswoche). For exams, you can cancel your registration in writing at the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations until the day before the exam. The deadlines can be found in the schedule in the Infothek.

9. where can I find the module and examination regulations as well as the study plans?


Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning


Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning

10. where do i find news, dates, informations regading the semester and job offers of FB06?

In the Infothek (for all entries please visit the German page). Here, under semester information, you can also find the schedule, the timetable, and information about final papers and exam dates.

11. i need suggestions for my student research project / bachelor thesis / master thesis. Where is the best place to get them?

In the doku:lab you can view and borrow student work and publications from the faculty.

12. where can I improve my knowledge of scientific work? Who can I contact if I want to have my texts proofread by someone?

Please contact the student writing advising.

13. I find it difficult to prepare for exams on my own. Are there offers to study in a group?

Yes, there is an open learning group in which various students of the University of Kassel participate.

14. i don't own a notebook myself or it is broken and i need a replacement quickly. Where can I borrow one?

At c:lab  you can borrow notebooks for a small fee for the whole semester. By the way, the c:lab does not only lend notebooks, but also other technical equipment such as beamers and cameras.

15. i need model building materials. Where can I get them?

Check out WIKULLiL or our fs office. There is an ASL materials exchange on Telegram from the student group Less:on.

16. who can I contact if I have questions about student financing?

The Studierendenwerk(Kassel Student Union). There you will also receive information about BAföG. BAföG certificates can be obtained from the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations (SPS) of our faculty.

17. I need legal advice on examination matters or on tenancy law or another topic. Who can I contact?

The Studierendenwerk offers appointments with a lawyer.

18. i am mentally overwhelmed by the demands of my studies or simply need someone with whom I can talk about the difficulties that come with studying?

Feel free to contact the psychological counseling or social counseling services of the Studierendenwerk.

19 where can i register if I would like to have examinations from other universities (in Germany and abroad) recognized?

You can contact the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations (SPS) and you will receive a form in which you can enter which modules you would like to receive credit for.


20. i need information or help to apply for an internship / BPS.

The BPS office is to contact. They can provide a list with internship opportunities domestic or abroad, as well as experience reports by students.

21 how to recieve information about a semester abroad?

The international office will inform you about partner universities, scholarships and how you can best integrate a semester abroad in your course of studies.


22 Where can I get help?

The student advisory service of the student council speaks English and will try to help you with any concerns you may have or refer you to the relevant person in charge. Please visit us during opening hours or send us an email. You can also always contact the faculty's International Office.


be curious - coming very soon