University Policy at FB06

The tasks of the various committees are sometimes very different. Nevertheless, they all have something in common: decisions made here have a major impact on teaching and everyday student life at our faculty.

The faculty's central body is the Faculty Council and the Student Representative Council for the student body. The representatives of both bodies are elected by DIR in the university elections. A legislative period always begins in the winter semester and lasts a whole calendar year, i.e. until the end of the following summer semester. Elections are therefore always held in the summer semester of the expiring legislature before the start of a new legislature

As representatives of the student body, students from our faculty also sit on the committees, commissions and boards. One of the student council's tasks is to coordinate these representatives. The voting rights of the student representatives ensure that decisions are made in the interests of the students and that the student council is informed about what is happening at the faculty.

Further information about the university elections and why it is important that YOU vote can be found further down on this page!

Overview of Committees

All things that happen and are decided at and in relation to the faculty as a whole go through the Faculty Council. The contents range from building issues, the status of appointment committees and the faculty's position on public and relevant specialist topics, to our study regulations.


consists of: Office of the Dean (advisory), 7 professors, 2 academic employees, 1 technical-administrative employee, women's representative, 3 students who are elected in the university elections

The Faculty Council always meets once a month, the election period is 1 year.


Every summer semester, a new student representative body is elected for faculty 06 for the year. The representatives of this student body are delegated to committees, bodies and commissions by the Student Council. As representatives elected by you, these persons also have the right to vote and participate in committees, bodies and commissions of faculty 06.


consists of: 12 elected members of the student council



institutional board for architecture

institutional board for urban development

institutional board for landscape architecture and planning

Representatives of all student councils at the University of Kassel meet once a month to exchange ideas and network. They formulate joint positions, for example, which are then discussed in the student parliament.


consists of: Student Council Officer, Chair, 2 students per Student Council of the University of Kassel (members are delegated annually by the Student Council as required)

The FSK meets once a month.

The faculty receives a certain amount of freely available financial resources per semester for the purpose of quality assurance in teaching. The academic commission determines how these funds are distributed. Applications for support can be submitted by teaching staff as well as students.


Consists of: 2 professors, 2 academic employees, 1 technical/administrative employee, 1 departmental secretary, 4 students

The academic commission meets as required, mainly at the beginning of the semester.

This is where student issues and cases of hardship relating to submissions, particularly theses, are discussed and decided. The formal and content-related reviews of theses are the main component.


consists of: professors of the respective subject groups, 1 academic employee, 2 students (at least 1 student from the Master's degree programs)

The examination board meets twice a semester.

What is discussed in the institutes about the teaching content of the three degree programs is exchanged and coordinated in the study committee. The general organization of studies is also discussed. Decisions cannot be made here. Instead, they are prepared for the faculty.


consists of: Dean of Studies, 3 professors, 1 research assistant, 3 students

The study committee meets as required.

In addition to the doctoral procedures, there are also some who are completing their artistic qualification at our faculty. This committee provides information, discusses and decides on the status and continuation of their doctoral procedures.


Meets when doctorates are awarded.

When a new professorship is sought for a department, a committee is formed. This committee reviews the applications, discusses the qualifications of applicants and selects candidates for hearings (trial lectures). The committee then proposes three candidates to the Presidential Board for appointment.


consists of: Vice Dean, 2 professors, 1 research assistant, 2 students

The appointment committee meets as required and is newly established for each vacant position.

The committee informs and advises on the status of current doctoral projects and their continuation.


Consists of: Vice Dean, 2 professors, 1 academic employee, 1 student

The doctoral committee meets as required when doctoral projects are in progress.

university elections

In the student university elections, you have the opportunity to cast your vote for the student parliament and student representation in the FBR and FSR.

Elections are always held in the summer semester for the next legislative period. A legislative period always runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. The next legislative period therefore runs from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

Your vote is used to elect students to represent your votes at university level or for subject-related decisions at the faculty. For example, you are given a number of 12 votes for the FSR, so it is also important to elect 12 people on the list so that the student body can be well represented.

The next elections will take place this year. You will be able to cast your vote online or as a postal vote!