

Leerstehende Kaufhäuser - Zukunft Innenstadt | Lecture by Jan Schulz, Jochen Scharf and Jens Jordan (tbc)

German city centers are facing a massive structural change that has long since begun. The large department stores in the pedestrian zones are falling empty. But what is to become of these buildings - some of which are listed - and these locations? What functions can fill these gaps and who will be responsible for them? In Königsstraße, the RuRuHaus and Sinn Leffers (formerly Bilka) are already empty, and more department stores will follow.

With Jan Schulz (bb22, Frankfurt Main), Jochen Scharf (City of Kassel), Jens Jordan (Jordan Immobilien, tbc)

Please note: The lecture will be held in German.

The lecture will take place in person, will be recorded and will soon be available as a video here.

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