Simon Pröse

Research Associate

Phone: +49 561 804-1894
E-Mail: simon.proese[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Visitor's address: Untere Königsstraße 71, 34117 Kassel

Postal address: Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel

Research interests

Energy economics, empirical economic research, behavioral economics

Working experience

Since 2023


Research associate at the Chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics (MEE), Insitute of Economics, University of Kassel





M.Sc. Economics, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Topic of master thesis: "Determinants of incidence, pass-through, and evasion of sales and excise taxes. How does shifting the point of taxation influence the outcome?” 



B. Sc. Economics, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg


  • Kokash, K., Pröse, S., Wetzel, H., Ziegler, A. (2025), On the preferences for vehicle-to-grid tariffs: A stated choice experiment for Germany [Arbeitstitel].
  • Bender, J., Pröse, S., Schütte, T., Wetzel, H. (2024), Does knowledge of CO2 Prices Impact Homeowners’ Choices? An Analysis of Energy Retrofit Preferences in Germany [Arbeitstitel].

International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology (ENERDAY) (2024)