Larissa Fait
Research Associate
Phone: +49 561 804-1959
E-Mail: larissa.fait[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Visitor's address: Untere Königsstraße 71, 34117 Kassel
Postal address: Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel
Research interests
Energy and behavioral econometrics, econometric analysis, energy and climate policy
Working experience
Since 2019 | Research associate at the Chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics, Insitute of Economics, University of Kassel | |
2018-2019 | Student assistant at the Chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics, Insitute of Economics, University of Kassel | |
2016 | Internship and bachelor thesis at Fraunhofer Institue for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe |
2017-2019 | Economics of Sustainability (M.Sc.), University of Kassel | |
2013-2017 | Sustainable development with economic focus (B.Sc.), Bochum University of Applied Sciences |
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Fait, L., Krüger, J. J., Tarach, M., Wetzel, H. (2025), Trend Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials: A Bootstrap-Based Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 15(1), 607–620.
Bender, J., Fait, L., Wetzel, H. (2024), Acceptance of demand-side flexibility in the residential heating sector — Evidence from a stated choice experiment in Germany, Energy Policy 191, 114145.
- Fait, L., Groh, E. D., Wetzel, H. (2022), “I take the green one”: The choice of regional green electricity contracts in the light of regional and environmental identity, Energy Policy 163, 112831.
Articles in professional journals and contributions to edited volumes
- Fait, L., Wetzel, H., Krüger, J., Tarach, M. (2023), Ineffizienz und Emissionseinsparungen: Quantitative Ergebnisse auf sektoraler Ebene, in: Perspektiven: Die Fachpublikation des House of Energy.
- Fait, L., Heilmann, E., Hoffner, L., Ißler, R., Wetzel, H. (2021), Sind Haushalte zukünftig bereit, netzdienliche Flexibilität bereitzustellen?, et - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 71 (5), 10-13.
- Günther, N., Fait, L., Groh, E.D., Wetzel, H. (2019), Gibt es eine Zahlungsbereitschaft für regionalen Grünstrom?, et - energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 69 (11), 35-38.
Studies and project reports
- Fait, L., Heilmann, E., Hoffner, L., Ißler, R., Wetzel, H. (2021), Dokumentation der Haushaltsbefragung im Rahmen des „ReFlex“-Feldtests.
Fait, L., Wetzel, H. (2024), Efficiency Fist: The Value of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Europe.
- Fait, L., Hoffner, L., Wetzel, H. (2024), E-Mobility and Grid Stability: Household Preferences for Demand-Side Flexibility through Electric Vehicles in Germany.
- Fait, L., (2024), Meeting global Heating: Reduction Potential of CO2 Emissions from energy-intensive Industries in Europe.
- European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (2022)
- International Conference International Association for Energy Economics (2021)
- Jahrestagung Verein für Sozialpolitik (2020)
- Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2020)
- AIEE Energy Symposium (2019)