Dr. An­ja Köb­rich León

Research associate

Phone: +49 561 804-7919
E-Mail: anja.koebrich[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Visitor's address: Untere Königsstraße 71, 34117 Kassel

Postal address: Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel

Research interests

Empirical economics, behavioral economics, social networks, green finance

Working experience

Seit 2024

Research associate (Postdoc) at the Chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics, Insitute of Economics, University of Kassel

Seit 2022

Research associate (Postdoc) at the Chair of Empirical Economic Research, Institute of Economics, University of Kassel


Project Leader BMBF Junior Research Group "The Role of Digital Gaming Applications in Friendship Networks for Decarbonizing Private Consumption Decisions (DeCarbFriends)"


Research associate (Postdoc) at the Chair of Empirical Economic Research, Institute of Economics, University of Kassel


PhD (Dr. rer. pol.), Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Title of dissertation: "Essays in cultural economics - Economic consequences of religion"


PhD scholar and external doctoral candidate at the Chair of Economic Policy, Leuphana University of Lüneburg


Lecturer in Economics for Industrial Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Munich



Visiting Researcher at the Department of Economics, University of Santiago de Chile


Marketing employee in the Department Marketing & Sales at DEKRA Industrial, Stuttgart


Diploma in Economics, University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart
Main focus: Macroeconomics (growth and employment), business and business ethics, human resources and organization
Topic of diploma thesis: "Religion and Economic Growth"

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Papers in Revision

  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin J., (2024), Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing: on social image in online charity, in Revision für Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ)
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Boosting peer influence by Gamification? Evidence from a experimental network intervention study with a serious game, in Revision für Journal of EconomicBehavior and Organization

Discussion papers submitted to peer-reviewed journals

  • Köbrich León, A. (2024), On the relevance of contextual factors for pro-environmental and ethical food consumption: an econometric analysis (Arbeitstitel) 

Registered pre-analysis plans


  • Engler D., Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Protesting for tomorrow: Experimental evidence on the impact of carbon emissions inequality awareness and climate protest on climate action [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Estrada, B.T., (2024), The tug of war between fear and ethics - An experimental investigation of fear of social decline and moral values [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), From fear to action: Experimental evidence on the role of social decline for the acceptance of green transport policies [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Greening the road ahead: The effect of policy announcements on green mobility behaviors [Arbeitstitel].
  • Haefner, G., Köbrich León, A. (2024), Green or not be Green? The mediating role of environmental identity on personality traits and pro-environmental mobility behaviour [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Skin in the game and political affect [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Why anger doesn’t help: Experimental evidence on the role of political affect in climate policy support and activism [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Green ties that bind: Examining the interplay between green social capital and pro-environmental behaviors [Arbeitstitel].
  • Köbrich León, A., Schobin, J. (2024), Do your friends make you give: evidence on pro-social contagion networks [Arbeitstitel].

  • Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017)
  • Annual Congress European Economic Association (2021)
  • Annual Congress Latin American Studies Association (2021)
  • Economic Science Association (2020)
  • Jahrestagung Verein für Sozialpolitik (2020, 2019)
  • World Congress Environmental and Resource Economists (2018)
  • Spring Meeting of Young Economists (2016)
  • Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (2015)
  • Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture (2015, 2012)
  • Scottish Economic Society (2012)
  • Tagung des Arbeitskreises quantitative Religionsforschung (2012)
  • Tiber Symposium on Psychology and Economics (2011)
  • Annual Meeting Western Economic Association (2011)

Peer-reviewed journals

  • Applied Economics, Economics Bulletin, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Social Economy


  • Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018)
  • Spring Meeting of Young Economists (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018)