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Completion of the "Hybrid Intelligence Service Support" (HISS) project

The HISS research project was completed after four successful years. The interdisciplinary project has produced crucial findings for IT support and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). The HISS research project aimed to develop a user-centered service system for IT support that is based on hybrid intelligence and uses adaptive AI. This system combines traditional support methods with state-of-the-art AI and bot technologies. An automated chat system was developed that enables seamless integration of human support expertise with AI technology. In addition, generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT were tested to provide the best possible support for support staff. The basis for AI-based automation and augmentation is specially prepared data and the generation of solutions to problems.

Important results were presented at the final event of the BMBF-funded project. The final event was also an opportunity to discuss key learnings and get to know the LabTeam method as an innovative approach for human-centered AI development. Ideas for future projects and collaborations were collected, giving the project a comprehensive insight into the future of IT support through AI. The research results are a significant contribution to improving working conditions and increasing efficiency in IT support, especially through the integration of generative AI such as ChatGPT. The results include five central mechanisms of hybrid intelligence, which have been implemented in prototypes:

  1. Data preparation (Ticket Analytics)
  2. Making data accessible (ticket matching)
  3. Expert matching (ticket routing)
  4. Real-time augmentation (Whisper Assistant)
  5. Relief & Empowerment (chatbot)

The Business Informatics department acted as an interface between implementation partners, technology providers and piloting partners. By providing advice on conceptual and technical issues and managing the development team with a product owner and scrum master, Dr. Mahei Li and Philipp Reinhard from the Department of Information Systems enabled the agile development of modern AI technologies and achieved exciting research results. The team at the University of Kassel, for example, led the implementation and piloting of a support ticket search engine and accompanied the development of a chatbot. The focus has always been on the development of human-centered AI, the collaboration between humans and AI in the form of hybrid intelligence and the investigation of low-code development and citizen developers.