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Lecture at the annual conference of the GEBF - Operationalization of Helsper's antinomies of the teaching profession
At this year's annual conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) in Mannheim, Elisabeth Maué…DiWiBe project: successful participation in "Around the World"
On January 29, 2025, another exciting event of the digital lecture series "Around the WÖRLD" from the competence network…Reinforcement in the team: Roman Höhl
New publication: "The media pedagogical competence of company training personnel - A trend study" (Bonnes, Goller, & Hochholdinger, 2024)
Fourth network meeting - the WÖRLD House is well networked and prepared for the final project year
On December 5 and 6, 2024, the 4th joint meeting of the WÖRLD House took place at the University of Kassel. At this…New publication: "New Work as the key to more workplace-based learning? - Promising thoughts vs. actual work culture" (Gierosz & Goller, 2024)
New publication: "Duale Ausbildungsqualität: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Forschungsstand vor dem Hintergrund neuer Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten" (Deutscher, Abele, Festner, Findeisen, Goller, Harteis, Rausch, & Seifried, 2024)
New publication: "Dynamics of persistence, withdrawal, and dropout intentions in the initial phase of nursing training: A qualitative longitudinal study" (Arianta & Goller, 2024)
The time has come: start of the semester at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training
A warm welcome! - Welcoming the first semester students in the winter semester 2024/25
A warm welcome to all new students on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Business Education, Vocational…