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08/30/2023 | Teaching | Studies

Schedule Work Teaching WS 2023/24

Schedule of work studies WiSe 23/24(subject to change) 30.08.23

Registration for participation in courses WiSe 23/24


Course catalog is published

Fri 01.09.23



Registrationfor participation in courses

(except module 12b and module P6: Seminar "Teaching Industrial Science")

Sat 02.09.23 - Mon 25.09.23

Admission (ZU), non-admission (ST), waiting list (WL) visible in online timetable

from Fri 06.10.23



Deadline for own participationfromregistration of seminars

Fri 06.10.23 - Mon 04.12.23



deviating from module 12b (MPO 2014):




Registration for participation "Introduction to Woodworking/Metalworking"

(CW 38: 18.09. - 22.09.23 and CW 43: 23.10. - 27.10.23).

Admission is automatic upon registration
Note: Admission to participation in "School Kitchen Workplace" is via HIS system.

Fri 07.07.23 - Fri 28.07.23

differing from Module P6 (MPO 2014): "Teaching Work Science".

Registration via Ref. for SPS 02.03.23 - 16.03.23

Registration for examinations and study achievements WiSe 23/24


Registration for specialization modules 1

Beg. Oct. - Mon 13.11.23 (!!)

Registration for Basic Modules 2

Beg. Oct. - Mon 15.01.24

Registration for collective examination module P1

Begin Oct. - Mon 19.02.24



Examination withdrawal Advanced Modules 1

Early Oct. - Mon 27.11.23
(in justified individual cases in writing up to one week before examination date)

Examination withdrawal Basic Modules 2

Beginning of Oct. - Mon 15.01.24

Examination withdrawal collective examination module P1

beginning Oct. - Mon 19.02.24



differing from module 12b:

Registration and registration of the course achievements take place after presentation of the completely filled out form "Sammelnachweis über Sicherheitsunterweisung" in the secretary's office of the FG Arbeitslehre.

Performance registration "Workplace school kitchen

Certificate of achievement "Introduction to Woodworking/Metalworking

Registration form "Safety instructions

Deadlines WiSe 23/24


Submission of all written work

  • Deviating deadlines are possible in individual cases under the responsibility of the lecturer.

until Mo 18.03.24

Further dates in WiSe 23/24


Collective examination module P1 (Mensa HPS)

Wed 21.02.24, 15 h

Safety instruction (in the context of module 12b) (AVZ, R. 0106)

Mon 30.10.23, 13 h


Note: Registration for specialization modules in SoSe 2024 probably possible until



Mon 06.05.24

Specialization modules are: P4, P5, P6, WP1
Basic modules are: P1, P2, P3, (12b) as well as AL-M1 and AL-M2 (MPO 2023).