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M.Sc. Maren Vakilzadeh

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Fachbereich 07
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
FG Personalwirtschafts- und Organisationslehre
Nora-Platiel-Straße 4
D-34127 Kassel
34127 Kassel
Consultation Hours


By prior arrangement per e-mail.

Vita  (M.Sc. Maren Vakilzadeh)

Maren Vakilzadeh studied English and American Studies as well as Business Studies at the University of Kassel. Ms. Vakilzadeh gained international experience through her participation in cultural exchanges in China and the USA as well as a semester at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia.

Ms. Vakilzadeh's research focuses on the field of strategic communication. Among other things, she investigates how strategies are formulated and reinforced through the application of various practices.

Conference Papers  (M.Sc. Maren Vakilzadeh)