Visiting Scholars & Affiliates
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Are you interested in our research and publication activities? Would you like to join our group on a temporary basis?
We are happy to host guest scholars (third year PhD candidate, post doc, professors of all levels) for both innovative research projects and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please contact us with a concrete research proposal addressing a relevant research gap fitting to one of our labs.
Your activities in Kassel
- Conceptualizing joint research projects
- Experiments
- Data analysis in our team
- Collaborative article writing and rewriting
Contact: christine.falkenreck(at)
Since 2009, Prof. Dr. Christine Falkenreck is part of our research team. Her research focuses on B2B-Marketing. Her doctoral thesis at University of Kassel concentrated on the development and cross-cultural testing of reputation rooted in resource-based theories. At Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Falkenreck started her professorship rooted in economics and B2B marketing in 2013. Honoring her research activities, from March 2022 on, it has been converted in a research professorship. Together with Prof. Dr. Wagner, she is supervising two doctoral students, Maximilian Froch and Julia Eschenbacher.
Since 2016, Prof. Dr. Falkenreck’s research topics relate to chances and challenges for B2B relationships in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) based business models. The following research questions are linked to digital transformation in B2B and B2G settings. Since 2017, her international research is carried out together with researchers of Poznań University, Poland. She has recently published in Journal of Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Management, among other journals. The following research questions are addressed:
- In the context of critical infrastructure, how can digital transformation in international projects be realized?
- Wth reference to B2G Marketing in IoT business models, are there special requirements and challenges?
- A trustful, satisfactory relationship is not enough to co-create customer value in disruptive IoT business models. Does a customer’s willingness to co-create value in the digital age exist?
- What drives perceived value for B2B and B2G in IoT-based business models?
Based on which Marketing Theories (Commitment-Trust, S-D Logic, Social Exchange Theory) can we explain changes in relationship quality of disruptive IoT-Business Models? Is theory maintenance needed? - The IoT is perceived by the buyers as not being quid pro quo. Automated, unconscious, proactive or forced data transfers in disruptive business models have not been discussed in the sales literature.-Are customers the new service goods?
- A global crisis alters buyer-seller relationships, it negatively impacts the economic success of companies. In no- or low touch economies, limited personal selling is possible.
Latest Publications and Conference Proceedings
- Falkenreck, C & Wagner, R 2021, 'From Managing Customers to Joint Venturing with Customers: Co-Creating Service Value in the Digital Age', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, DOI 10.1108/JBIM-02-2020-0100
- Falkenreck, C & Wagner, R 2017, The Internet of Things-Chance and challenge in international business relationships', Industrial Marketing Management, 66 (October), 181-195.
- Falkenreck, C, Leszczyński, G, Zieliński, M., Discussing the Drivers of Customer Integration in IoT Business Models, under review at Journal of Industrial Marketing Management
- Falkenreck, C. Still Quid Pro Quo in Internet of Things-Related Relationships? Reviewing the Process of Value Co-Destruction in the Context of S-D Logic, under review at Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
- Falkenreck, C., Leszczynski, G; Zielinsky, M, (2021) How to Adjust B2B Sales and Communication Strategies to the New Normal in Low- or even No-Touch Economies?, Full Paper, IMP Forum Seminar online at Uppsala University, 19.-20. Mai 2021
- Falkenreck, C & Wagner, R 2019, Service-Dominant Logic in the Digital Age—Are Actors still Co-Designers and Creators of Value?', Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, University of Hamburg, May 28-29, Germany.
- Falkenreck, C 2019, 'Digitalisierungsprojekte erfolgreich planen und steuern-Kunden und Mitarbeiter für die Digitale Transformation begeistern', Springer essential, Springer Gabler
Visiting Scholars
E-mail: swati.singh[at][dot]in
- Dr. Swati Singh is an Associate Dean & Professor of Marketing at Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India.
- She also chairs “Leadership Immersion Program”, an international student exchange program in partnership with universities across the globe.
- An IIM Ahmedabad Alumni, she holds her Ph.D. from University of Lucknow, India.
- Her expertise is on societal interface and sustainable consumer & entrepreneurial approach in the global market. Her research focus is on eco-tourism, organic buying and wine approach-engagement in emerging economies.
- Google Scholar:
- Research Gate:
- Collaborated on the Research Project in partnership with University of Kassel, Germany (2018) titled “Collaboration of Indian authorities, NGOs and researchers towards insights of consumers’ solid waste disposal behavior: Leveraging the ecosystem for social entrepreneurship”, Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG), Germany.
As part of the Research Project, contributed in collecting data from India related to solid waste disposal behavior of the bottom of the pyramid segment and organized-supported in two workshops- one in India and another in Germany.
The workshops were:
- Workshop on “Future Aspects of Solid Waste in India” (March 26, 2018), Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India. It aimed to systematize views of both Indian & international dignitaries and reflect on current situation of solid waste management and ponder over diverse possibilities of waste management in India.
- Workshop on “Creating Business from Solid Waste in India” (April 27, 2018), University of Kassel Germany. It was a follow up workshop of Mumbai which aimed to understand various aspects of entrepreneurship opportunities for the poor segment related to solid waste in India.
Guest Lecture (April 27, 2018), “Decoding Indian Business Environment in relation to MNCs Growth in India”, Kassel University, Germany.
- Singh, S., Wagner, R. & Raab, K. (2020), “India’s new-found love for wine tourism: a decanter of expectations and change”, International Journal of Wine Business Research. Vol. ahead of print
- Singh, S. & Wagner, R. (2019), "How Indian Home-grown Businesses Outsmart the MNCs", European Business Review. Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 849-869.
- Singh, S. & Wagner, R. (2021): Indian Wine Entrepreneurs: Seizing Post Covid Revenge Travel Opportunities, Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021, Bali. (Best Presentation Award)
- Singh, S. & Wagner, R. (June 20-23, 2017), “National Dynamics of Home-grown Business in India”, Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR), Florence, Italy.
- Singh, S. & Wagner, R. (Sep 28-30, 2017), "Outsmarting the MNCS by Fitting Strategic Maneuvers to National Framing: Evidence from India", Strategica International Academic Conference: Shift Major Challenges of Today's Economy, Bucharest, Romania.
Mohammad Salem is a Prof. Dr. of Marketing at University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza, Palestine. His research interests are in social media, advertising, marketing information systems, packaging, demarketing strategies to manage national problems, and waste disposal practices. Further projects cover waste disposal practices, entrepreneurial marketing and opportunities to alleviate poverty by entrepreneurial activities in emerging economies. Methodological interests are scale equivalence in cross-cultural research and the handling of missing values. In addition, future projects cover reducing food waste in the international tourism industry.
Research Gate:
Raab, K., Wagner, R., Ertz, M., & Salem, M. (2022). When marketing discourages consumption: demarketing of single-use plastics for city tourism in Ottawa, Canada. Journal of Ecotourism, 1–31.
Raab, K., Salem, M., & Wagner, R. (2021). Antecedents of daily disposal routines in the Gaza Strip refugee camps. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168, 105427.
Raab, K., Wagner, R., & Salem, M. (2020). “Feeling the waste” evidence from consumers’ living in Gaza Strip camps. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(7), 921-931.
Salem, M., Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2020). Solid waste management: The disposal behavior of poor people living in Gaza Strip refugee camps. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, 104550.
Dr. Agnieszka Kabalska holds an engineer’s and master's degree in environmental sciences, a Ph.D. with honors in economics in management sciences (AGH University), and a postgraduate degree in sustainable agriculture from the University of Agriculture in Kraków. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Capital and Organizational Management at the Faculty of Management, AGH University of Krakow (Kraków, Poland).
Her areas of expertise in teaching and research include contemporary management concepts and strategic management. Agnieszka's most recent research focuses on sustainable value creation and capture and sustainable business models. She is passionate about sustainable and digital fashion.
Students acknowledge her dedication to teaching and consistently identify her as one of the top lecturers at the AGH's Faculty of Management.
Relevant Links
Google Scholar:
Selected Research
Research Papers:
- Wagner, R., & Kabalska, A. (2023). Sustainable Value in the Fashion Industry: A Case Study of Value Construction/Destruction Using Digital Twins. Sustainable Development, 31(3), 1652-1667.
- Wagner, R., & Kabalska, A. (2023). Between Involvement and Profit: Value (Un-) Captured by a Born-Social Start-Up. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-26.
- Kabalska, A. (2022). Towards Sustainable Value Creation in Polish Health Resorts. Management-Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 27(1), 269-286.
- Kabalska, A. (2021). In Quest for the Ultimately Sustainable Business Model. Research Reviews of Czestochowa University of Technology. Management, (43), 32-42.
- Kozarkiewicz, A., & Kabalska, A. (2020). Digital Transformation of Value Creation Processes in Traditional Industries: Case Study of Polish Health Resort Enterprises. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology – Organization & Management Series.
- Kozarkiewicz, A., & Kabalska, A. (2020). The Evolution of Business Models of Polish Health Resort Enterprises. Journal of Economics and Management, 39(1), 62-81.
Books and Book Chapters:
- Kabalska, A. & Wagner, R. (2024). Digital Doppelgängers and Gamers’ Self-Perceptions: A Fashion Perspective. In Kaufmann, H.R., Panni, F.A.K. & Vrontis D. (eds.), Handbook on Consumerism Issues in the Apparel Industry (forthcoming). Berlin: Springer.
- Kozarkiewicz, A., & Kabalska, A. (2021). Kompetencje organizacyjne w otwartej gospodarce cyfrowej [Organizational Competences in an Open Digital Economy]. Warsaw : CeDeWu.
Conference Presentations:
- Kabalska, A. (2023). Expert in Panel Discussion: How to Find Your Way on the Job Market in the Age of AI? Warsaw. At HumanTech Summit 2023. 9-10 December 2023 in Warsaw.
- Kozarkiewicz, A., Łada, M., & Kabalska, A. (2023). The Vision of Divergent Change: How Entrepreneurs Justify Commitment in Sustainable Fashion. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 16982). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Kabalska, A., Wagner, R., et al. (2023). Calm, Cool, And Collected - A Conceptual Clarification Of Managers' Coolness And Resilience. At the 11th edition of STRATEGICA International Conference. Managing Business Transformations during Uncertain Times. 26-27 October in Bucharest, Romania.
Leading expert in the fields of luxury fashion marketing, consumer behavior in the fashion industry, brand management and activating communication.