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Komp-HI - Flexible and individual promotion of professional and interdisciplinary competencies through socio-technical design of systems of hybrid intelligence
The project
The number of students at German universities has risen sharply in recent years and success rates in some degree courses are falling short of expectations. At the same time, a shift in the skills profiles required of future graduates can be seen on the job market. While the importance of factual knowledge and its reproduction is decreasing, the importance of technical and interdisciplinary skills is increasing. Educational institutions are therefore required to further develop their curricula and provide students with the necessary subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills. In order to develop these skills, educational institutions must continuously support the learning process. Nowadays, educational institutions are only able to provide these individual learning conditions for the development of skills to a limited extent. The supervision ratio in many degree courses is too high to be able to respond to students individually. In this context, the intelligent use of AI systems that are didactically and meaningfully embedded in teaching-learning scenarios is a promising way to enable a more individual learning experience, promote learning success and counteract the increased problems with regard to the supervision ratio. The Komp-HI project is therefore concerned with the promotion of technical and interdisciplinary skills through the socio-technical design of hybrid intelligence systems. The project aims to use AI to support learners in building and developing important skills alongside subject-specific content. The project focuses on empathy skills and digital media skills as important interdisciplinary skills. Several didactic concepts based on learning psychology will be used to support learners individually in developing their skills. The basic idea of the project is based on the provision of individual learning materials as well as individual and formative feedback throughout the entire learning process. The project will also focus on the areas of common ground and scaffolding.
AI-based learning innovations require the most accurate possible analysis of individual competencies at the start of learning as well as the recording of learning progress in order to be able to accompany individualized learning processes as well as possible and provide competency-based feedback. Established approaches such as Common Ground and scaffolding have considerable potential to become more effective through such individualization. However, this approach leads to data protection challenges that go well beyond what is already being discussed for e-learning. In order to enable individual support for learners that is also in line with data protection and ethical framework conditions, a corresponding concept is to be developed and implemented as part of the project.
The "Komp-HI" project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (bmbf) as part of the funding guideline "Richtlinie zur Bund-Länder-Initiative zur Förderung der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung" (duration 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025).
The project network
The "Komp-HI" project is a joint project of the University of Kassel and takes place in cooperation with the departments of Information Systems and Systems Development (Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner), Developmental Psychology (Prof. Dr. Mirjam Ebersbach, FB01), Mechanical Engineering (Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hetzler, FB05), Public Law, IT Law & Environmental Law (Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hornung), Business Informatics (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) and General Psychology (Prof. Dr. Ralf Rummer, FB01).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner
Florian Weber, M. Sc.