
General note: Extensive information on all courses of the subject Quantitative Methods / Economics can be found on the moodle pages of the University of Kassel.

Note on mathematics courses (new and old PO): Due to the new examination regulations (PO), the lecture "Mathematics" (6 SWS, 9 credits) will be offered every semester starting with the winter semester 22/23. The lecture "Mathematics for Economics I" will be offered for the last time in summer semester 2022. However, about 2/3 of the sessions of the (new) lecture "Mathematics" can be attended as a substitute. A written exam (90 min) will still be offered for the module "Mathematics for Economics I". Please note the upcoming information of the subject Quantitative Methods / VWL as well as of the relevant examination boards. Status: 08.03.2022.

Note on the course VWL II / Macroeconomics (as of 12/07/2023): This course will be offered for the last time in winter semester 2023/24 by the subject Quantitative Methods / VWL (Voßkamp). From the summer semester 2024 on, this course will only be offered in the summer semesters by the Department of Macroeconomics (successor Michaelis).


Pre-course Mathematics | www | moodle | HIS

Mathematics (new PO) | moodle | HIS

Mathematics for Economics I (old PO) | moodle | HIS

  • Please pay attention to this note.

Mathematics for Economics II (old PO) | moodle | HIS

Macroeconomics (new PO) / Economics II (old PO) | moodle | HIS

Bridge course in mathematics | moodle | HIS

MatheTreff | moodle | HIS

  • Mathematics for economics I moodle
  • Mathematics for economics II moodle
  • Selected problems in business mathematics moodle
  • Bridge course mathematics moodle
  • Math meeting moodle