
Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Disser, Karoline
Disser, Karoline
Prof. Dr. Friedmann, Elfriede
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Friedmann, Elfriede
Prof. Dr. Knees, Dorothee
Knees, Dorothee
Prof. Dr. Lindner, Felix
Image: Sonja Rode
Prof. Dr. Felix Lindner
Prof. Dr. Meister, Andreas
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Image: Sonja Rode
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Replacement professor
Name, ForenameContact
Dr. Klockmann, Karolina
Vertr. Prof. Analysis/​Stochastik
Dr. Karolina Klockmann
Name, ForenameContact
Ostmann, Christine
Sekretariat der Ingenieurmathematik
Ostmann, Christine
Pösel, Anje
Office of the Research Group for Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Image: Sonja Rode
Anje Pösel
PhD candidate
Name, ForenameContact
Ailabouni, David
Drees & Sommer Projektmanagement und bautechnische Beratung GmbH
Ailabouni, David
M.Sc. Kraus, Heinrich
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
M.Sc. Heinrich Kraus
M.Sc. Meyer, Lisa
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
M.Sc. Lisa Meyer
Trolldenier, Felipe
Felipe Trolldenier
Private lecturer
Name, ForenameContact
PD Dr. Ortleb, Sigrun
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Image: Sonja Rode
PD Dr. Sigrun Ortleb
Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Alidousti-Shahraki, Ahmadreza
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Alidousti-Shahraki, Ahmadreza
Dr. Antoni, Markus
Dr. Markus Antoni
Dr. Cioica-Licht, Petru
RG Ana­ly­sis and Ap­p­lied Ma­the­ma­tics -- Stochastics
Image: P. Cioica-Licht
Dr. Petru Cioica-Licht
Dr. Filimonova, Natalia
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Filimonova, Natalia
Dr. Izgin, Thomas
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Izgin, Thomas
Dr. Kopecz, Stefan
Institute of Mathematics
Kopecz, Stefan
Dr. Sabouri, Mania
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Sabouri, Mania
Dr. Shcherbakov, Viktor
Analysis (Humboldt-Fellow)
Shcherbakov, Viktor
Dr. Stylianou, Athanasios
Dr. Athanasios Stylianou
Former …
Name, ForenameContact
Adrigal, Khalid
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Adrigal, Khalid
Prof. Dr. Ávila, Andrés
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Ávila, Andrés
Bartocha, Damian
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Bartocha, Damian
Becker, Margit
Office of Engineering Mathematics
Becker, Margit
Apl. Prof. Dr. Billhardt, Bernd
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Billhardt, Bernd
Prof. Dr. Birken, Philipp
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Birken, Philipp
Prof. Dr. Bolten, Matthias
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Bolten, Matthias
Dr. Bremicker-Trübelhorn, Sascha
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Bremicker-Trübelhorn, Sascha
Claus, Lisa
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Claus, Lisa
Dörsam, Simon
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Dörsam, Simon
Dr. Eiter, Thomas
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Eiter, Thomas
Hadjizadeh, Saeed
Hadjizadeh, Saeed
Hahn, Camilla
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Hahn, Camilla
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Heyde, Frank
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Heyde, Frank
Dr. Hohmann, Raphael
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Hohmann, Raphael
PD Dr. Kinderknecht (Butko), Yana
Vertr. Prof. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und Kontinuumsmechanik
PD Dr. Yana Kinderknecht (Butko)
Dr. Langer, Stefan
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Langer, Stefan
Lehne, Niklas
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Lehne, Niklas
Liebendörfer, Michael
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Liebendörfer, Michael
Luo, Yongming
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Luo, Yongming
Dr. Marita, Thomas
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Marita, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Matthies, Gunar
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Matthies, Gunar
Dr. Messerschmidt, Bettina
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Messerschmidt, Bettina
Dr. Otte, Peter
Engineering Mathematics
Otte, Peter
Podworny, Stefan
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Podworny, Stefan
Dr. Rauchhaus, Sebastian
Partial Differential Equations and Continuum Mechanics
Rauchhaus, Sebastian
Dr. Robin, Wellmann
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Robin, Wellmann
Prof. Dr. Specovius-Neugebauer, Maria
Partial Differential Equations and Continuum Mechanics
Specovius-Neugebauer, Maria
Steigemann, Martin
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Steigemann, Martin
Steinbrecher, Emma
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Steinbrecher, Emma
Thomas, Stephanie
Thomas, Stephanie
Prof. Dr. Varnhorn, Werner
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Varnhorn, Werner
Dr. Zanger, Florian
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Zanger, Florian
Dr. Zardo, Philipp
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Zardo, Philipp