Professional Training for Chemistry Teachers

23.09.2021Small Dwarfs Illuminated Big - Possible Applications of Nano-Compounds in Chemistry Education; University of Kassel
23.06.2021Virtual Realities for Chemistry Education - Use, Opportunities, Challenges; Online
10.11.2020Chemistry whispers - Podcasts for digital chemistry teaching; Online
18.06.2019Nano; University of Kassel
07.03.2017Chemical equilibrium; University of Kassel
14.09.2016Approach to the core curriculum chemistry for the gymnasiale Oberstufe; University of Kassel
09.06.2016Natural products - part 3; University of Kassel
15.-17.02.2016Specialist forum on natural sciences and aesthetic education in the KulturSchulen Hessen project (Hesse Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs); Burg Fürsteneck
04.02.2016Natural substances - Part 2; University of Kassel
12.05.2015Natural substances - Part 1; University of Kassel
09.12.2014Drugs - experiments, facts and their importance for appropriate medication; University of Kassel.
14.10.2014Chemistry and magic as an approach to context-oriented teaching and learning in chemistry; Chemielehrerfortbildungszentrum Leipzig.
23.09.2014Mathematical models in chemistry teaching; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen a.d. Donau
23.06.2014Natural and artificial macromolecules; University of Kassel
06.12.2013Experiments on the subject of aldehydes; University of Kassel
28.08.2012Debriefing and evaluation of the advanced training course 'Experiments on the topic of alkanols (E2 chemistry)'; University of Kassel
07.05.2012Experiments on the topic of alkanols (E2 chemistry); University of Kassel
15.12.2011Use of smartboards for the diagnosis of assessment competence; Herderschule Kassel
08.11.2011Creation of tasks with graded learning aids; University of Kassel
12.05.2011"Recording assessment competence in everyday chemistry lessons"; Teacher training of the Philologenverband Rheinland-Pfalz, Neustadt a.d.W.
03.05.2011Diagnostics in the natural sciences; Teacher training at the Herderschule in Kassel
03.12.2010"Dealing with heterogeneity in science classes"; Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz - location Saarburg.
21.10.2009"Chemistry and Harry Potter"; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
21.10.2009"Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment, justifications - developments - experiences - results"; Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen
30.03.2009"Pupil experiments as an instrument for diagnosis and evaluation"; Congress of the Ministry for School and Further Education of the State of NRW, Bochum.
05.02.2009Examples for context-oriented project teaching in the upper school; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
17.11.2008Research-based learning, NaT-Working-Symposium, Aachen
13.11.2008Student Experiments as an Instrument for Performance Assessment, Teacher Training at the State Academy for Continuing Education and Personnel Development at Schools, Bad Wildbad
12.11.2008Chemistry in context; Teacher training at the Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen, Bad Wildbad
10.11.2008Moderation of the expert colloquium "Individual Support" of the German Philologists' Association, Berlin
06.05.2008Chemistry in context - an innovative concept for teaching chemistry; teacher training in Neustadt/Weinstraße
21.04.2008Performance assessment with the help of student experiments; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
06.03.2008Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment; lecture at the chemistry congress of the Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
20.09.2007New forms of performance assessment in chemistry teaching; Meeting of the CHiK-Set NRW, Dortmund.
19.09.2007Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment, Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
29.08.2007Educational Standards and Chemistry in Context - Competence Development in Chemistry Teaching - Chemistry Teacher Training Center Dortmund
25.07.2007Assessing student performance with the help of concept maps; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
24.07.2007Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen; Workshop in the context of a teacher training course
13.07.2006Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
13.07.2006New forms of performance assessment in chemistry classes; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
03.05.2005Aids for performance assessment in open lessons; lecture and workshop, conference "Teaching and learning in science lessons: perspectives and developments" in the context of the BLK pilot project SINUS-Transfer, Landesinstitut für Schule Soest
06.10.2004Student experiments as an instrument of performance assessment? - Outlook on a research project; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
06.10.2004Experiments with reference to everyday life - practical course in the context of a teacher training; Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
06.10.2004"Student experiments in chemistry lessons - considerations on justification, use and efficiency", Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management Dillingen
17.02.2004"Aids for performance assessment in open lessons"; lecture and workshop, Pädagogische Tage der Universität Dortmund
14.12.2003"Aids for performance assessment in open lessons"; lecture and workshop, national conference "Chemistry in context", Landesinstitut für Schule Soest
09.12.2003Utilization of Computer Scrap - Conception for a Context-Oriented Development of the Topic "Recycling" in Chemistry Classes"; Chemistry Teacher Training Center at the University of Dortmund
11.09.2003"Aids for performance assessment in open lessons"; Lecture and workshop at the LPM Saarland