Janzen, C., Rakholiya, B. B., Ott, F., Huhnstock, R., & Ehresmann,, A. (2024). Advancing Kerr-microscopy imaging of three-dimensional magnetic structures. (IEEE, Hrsg.), INTERMAG 2024 Proceedings ; IEEE International Magnetic Conference, May 5-10, 2024 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Intermag. | |
Hans, A., Kiefer, N., Marder, L., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Heikura, E. J., Golchert, N., Viehmann, J., Cubaynes, D., Ismail, I., Trinter, F., Lablanquie, P., Palaudoux, J., Ehresmann, A., & Penent, F. (2024). Experimental Realization of Auger Decay in the Field of a Positive Elementary Charge. Physical Review Letters, 132, 203002203002. | |
Bloß, D., Trinter, F., Unger, I., Zindel, C., Honisch, C., Viehmann, J., Kiefer, N., Marder, L., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Heikura, E. J., Cederbaum, L. S., Björneholm, O., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., & Hans, A. (2024). X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions. Nature Communications, 15(1), 4594. |
Marder, L., Breier, A. A., Oliveira, N., Reiss, P., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Giesen, T., Nahon, L., Hans, A., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2023). Vibrationally Resolved Absorption and Fluorescence Cross Sections of Adamantane in the Far-ultraviolet Spectral Range on an Absolute Scale. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 267(2), 23. | |
Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Bloß, D., Honisch, C., Kiefer, N., Richter, C., Rubik, S., Schaf, R., Zindel, C., Förstel, M., Gokhberg, K., Knie, A., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., Kolorenč, P., & Hans, A. (2023). Experimental quantification of site-specific efficiency of Interatomic Coulombic Decay after inner shell ionization. Communications Physics, 6(1), 50. | |
Hans, A., Trinter, F., Schmidt, P., Eckart, S., Grundmann, S., Hartmann, G. P. M., Holzapfel, X., Honisch, C., Kastirke, G., Kircher, M., Melzer, N., Ozga, C., Richter, C., Rist, J., Schöffler, M. S., Trabert, D., Vela-Perez, I., Viehmann, J., Weller, M., Dörner, R., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., Gokhberg, K., Ghosh, A., & Jahnke, T. (2023). Mechanisms of one-photon two-site double ionization after resonant inner-valence excitation in Ne clusters. Physical Review Research, 5(1), TBD. | |
Akhundzada, S., Dingel, K., Bischof, D. J. B., Janzen, C., Sick, B., & Ehresmann, A. (2023). Domain Imaging in Periodic Submicron Wide Nanostructures by Digital Drift Correction in Kerr Microscopy. Advanced Photonics Research, 4(10), 2300170. | |
Akhundzada, S., Vereijken, A., Paetzold, L., Vanakalapu, I. S. S. M. V., Janzen, C., Saerbeck, T., & Ehresmann, A. (2023). Ferromagnetic Springs in Exchange Biased Trilayers. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -IEEE-, Hrsg.), IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (S. TBD). | |
Huhnstock, R., Paetzold, L., Merkel, M., Kuświk, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2023). Combined Funnel, Concentrator, and Particle Valve Functional Element for Magnetophoretic Bead Transport Based on Engineered Magnetic Domain Patterns. Small, TBD. | |
Nalin, G., Novikovskiy, N. M., Fehre, K., Anderson, N., Trabert, D., Grundmann, S., Kircher, M., Khan, A., Tomar, R., Hofmann, M., Waitz, M., Vela-Perez, I., Kastirke, G., Siebert, J., Tsitsonis, D., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Viehmann, J., Viehmann, J. H., Trinter, F., Trinter, F., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Williams, J. B., Moser-Knierim, A., Knie, A., Dörner, R., Dörner, R., Schöffler, M. S., Jahnke, T., & Demekhin, P. V. (2023). Molecular-frame differential photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of trifluoromethyloxirane. Physical Review Research, 5(1), 013021 . |
Huhnstock, R., Reginka, M., Sonntag, C., Merkel, M., Dingel, K., Sick, B., Vogel, M., & Ehresmann, A. (2022). Three-dimensional close-to-substrate trajectories of magnetic microparticles in dynamically changing magnetic field landscapes. Scientific reports, 12(1), 20890. | |
Merkel, M., Reginka, M., Huhnstock, R., & Ehresmann, A. (2022). Polycrystalline exchange-biased bilayers: Magnetically effective versus structural antiferromagnetic grain volume distribution. Physical Review B, 2022(106), 014403. | |
Akhundzada, S., Käkel, E. B., Buhmann, S. Y., Ehresmann, A., Hillmer, H., Yang, X., Fiedler, J., & Al-Qargholi, B. (2022). A novel approach to construct self-assembled 3D MEMS arrays. Microsystem Technologies, 28, 2139–2148. | |
Anastaziak, B., Andrzejewska, W., Schmidt, M., Matczak, M., Soldatov, I., Schäfer, R., Lewandowski, M., Stobiecki, F., Janzen, C., Ehresmann, A., & Kuświk, P. (2022). Magnetic patterning of Co/Ni layered systems by plasma oxidation. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 22060. | |
Volkova, K., Heupel, J., Trofimov, S., Betz, F., Colom, R., MacQueen, R. W., Akhundzada, S., Reginka, M., Ehresmann, A., Reithmaier, J. P., Burger, S., Popov, C., & Naydenov, B. (2022). Optical and Spin Properties of NV Center Ensembles in Diamond Nano-Pillars. Nanomaterials, 12(9), 1516. | |
Pelimanni, E., Hans, A., Heikura, E. J., Huttula, M., & Patanen, M. (2022). Efficient neutralization of core ionized species in an aqueous environment. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(19), 11646–11653. 10.1039/d2cp01178f | |
Dingel, K., Otto, T., Marder, L., Funke, L., Held, A., Savio, S., Hans, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Meier, D., Viefhaus, J., Sick, B., Ehresmann, A., Ilchen, M., & Helml, W. (2022). Artificial intelligence for online characterization of ultrashort X-ray free-electron laser pulses. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17809. | |
Holzapfel, X., Miteva, T., Sisourat, N., Schrodt, A., Marder, L., Bloß, D., Ozga, C., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., & Hans, A. (2022). Properties of radiative charge transfer in heterogeneous noble-gas clusters. Physical Review A, 105, TBD. | |
Mittermair, M., Martin, F., Wörle, M., Bloß, D., Duensing, A., Kienberger, R., Hans, A., Iglev, H., Knie, A., & Helml, W. (2022). Water jet space charge spectroscopy: route to direct measurement of electron dynamics for organic systems in their natural environment. New Journal of Physics, 24(7), 073040. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kilin, V. A., Novikovskiy, N. M., Demekhin, P. V., & Ehresmann, A. (2022). Electron Correlations in Sequential Two-Photon Double Ionization of an Ar Atom. Atoms, 10(4), 1–12. | |
Schwickert, D., Kolorenč, P., Usenko, S., Przystawik, A., Baev, K., Baev, I., Bocklage, L., Czwalinna, M., Deinert, S., Braune, M., Düsterer, S., Hans, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Haunhorst, C., Kuhlmann, M., Palutke, S., Röhlsberger, R., Rönsch-Schulenburg, J., Schmidt, P., Toleikis, S., Viefhaus, J., Martins, M., Knie, A., Kip, D., Laarmann, T., Ruberti, M., Averbukh, V., & Marangos, J. P. (2022). Electronic quantum coherence in glycine molecules probed with ultrashort x-ray pulses in real time. Science Advances, 8(22), eabn6848. | |
Fehre, K., Novikovskiy, N. M., Grundmann, S., Kastirke, G., Eckart, S., Trinter, F., Rist, J., Hartung, A., Trabert, D., Janke, C., Pitzer, M., Zeller, S., Wiegandt, F., Weller, M., Kircher, M., Nalin, G., Hofmann, M., Schmidt, L. P. H., Knie, A., Hans, A., Ben Ltaief, L., Ehresmann, A., Berger, R., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Schmidt-Böcking, H., Williams, J. B., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., Demekhin, P. V., & Schöffler, M. S. (2022). A new route for enantio-sensitive structure determination by photoelectron scattering on molecules in the gas phase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, TBD. | |
Allum, F., Music, V., Inhester, L., Schmidt, P., Demekhin, P. V., Ehresmann, A., Galler, A., Kargin, D., Li, Z., Marder, L., Meyer, M., Otto, H., Vidanovic, I., Korff Schmising, C., Walter, P., Bari, S., Ilchen, M., Boll, R., Erk, B., Baumann, T. M., Brenner, G., Burt, M., Dörner, S., Grychtol, P., Heathcote, D., Larsson, M., Lee, J. W. L., Manschwetus, B., Mason, R., Passow, C., Pietschnig, R., Ramm, D., Schubert, K., Schwob, L., Thomas, R. D., Vallance, C., Wagner, R., Zhaunerchyk, V., Rolles, D., & Brouard, M. (2022). A localized view on molecular dissociation via electron-ion partial covariance. Communications Chemistry, 5(1), 42 . |
Merkel, M., Huhnstock, R., Reginka, M., Vogel, M., Głowinski, H., Kuświk, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Viscous magnetization decrease in first-order reversal curves induced by rotatable magnetic anisotropy in polycrystalline exchange-biased bilayers. Physical Review B, 2021(104), 214406–1–11. | |
Mirzaee-Kakhki, M., Ernst, A., de las Heras, D., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Tomita, A.-I., Huhnstock, R., Koch, I., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Fischer, T. (2021). Gauge invariant and gauge dependent aspects of topological walking colloidal bipeds. Soft Matter, 17(6), 1663–1674. | |
Koch, I., Langner, M., Holzinger, D., Merkel, M., Reginka, M., Huhnstock, R., Tomiţa, A., Jauregui Caballero, C., Greiner, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). 3D Arrangement of Magnetic Particles in Thin Polymer Films Assisted by Magnetically Patterned Exchange Bias Layer Systems. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 38(12), 2100072. | |
Reginka, M., Hoang, H., Efendi, Ö., Merkel, M., Huhnstock, R., Holzinger, D., Dingel, K., Sick, B., Bertinetti, D., Herberg, F. W., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Transport efficiency of biofunctionalized magnetic particles tailored by surfactant concentration. Langmuir, 37(28), 8498–8507. | |
Ozga, C., Honisch, C., Schmidt, P., Holzapfel, X., Zindel, C., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Richter, C., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., & Hans, A. (2021). Photon–electron coincidence experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities with arbitrary bunch modes. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(4), 045110. | |
Pelimanni, E., Hautala, L., Hans, A., Kivimaeki, A., Kook, M., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Patanen, M., & Huttula, M. (2021). Core and Valence Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Nanosolvated KCl. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(22), 4750–4759. | |
Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Trinter, F., Deinert, S., Bloß, D., Viehmann, J. H., Schaf, R., Gerstel, M., Saak, C. M., Buck, J., Klumpp, S., Hartmann, G. P. M., Cederbaum, L., Kryzhevoi, N. V., & Knie, A. (2021). Suppression of X-ray-Induced Radiation Damage to Biomolecules in Aqueous Environments by Immediate Intermolecular Decay of Inner-Shell Vacancies. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7146–7150. | |
Urbaniak, M., Matczak, M., Chaves-O’Flynn, G. D., Reginka, M., Ehresmann, A., & Kuświk, P. (2021). Domain wall motion induced magnetophoresis in unpatterned perpendicular magnetic anisotropy Co layers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 519, 167–454. | |
Nalin, G., Fehre, K., Trinter, F., Novikovskiy, N. M., Anderson, N., Trabert, D., Grundmann, S., Kircher, M., Akram Khan, A., Tomar, R., Hofmann, M., Waitz, M., Vela-Pérez, I., Siebert, J., Dimitrios, T., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Williams, J.-B., Kargin, D., Maurer, M., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Viehmann, J., Knie, A., Knieb, A., Ilchen, M., Dörner, R., Pietschnig, R., Demekhin, P. V., & Schoeffler, M. (2021). Photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented trifluoromethyloxirane: Energy dependence and sensitivity to molecular configuration. Chem. Phys., 17248–17258. | |
Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Hu, X. Q., Marder, L., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Zindel, C., Otto, H., Peng, Y. G., Wang, J. G., Richter, C., Sisourat, N., Hergenhahn, U., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Wu, Y., & Hans, A. (2021). Nature and impact of charge transfer to ground-state dications in atomic and molecular environments. Phys. Rev. A, 104(4), 042802. | |
Tomita, A.-I., Reginka, M., Huhnstock, R., Merkel, M., Holzinger, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Magnetic textures in hemispherical thin film caps with in-plane exchange bias. Journal of Applied Physics, 129(1), TBD. | |
Huhnstock, R., Reginka, M., Tomita, A.-I., Merkel, M., Dingel, K., Holzinger, D., Sick, B., Vogel, M., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Translatory and rotatory motion of exchange-bias capped Janus particles controlled by dynamic magnetic field landscapes. Scientific reports, 11(1), 21794. | |
Schmidt, P., Knie, A., Hans, A., Hosaka, K., Ukai, M., Glass-Maujean, M., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Photon-excitation photon-emission maps (PhexPhem maps) with rovibronic resolution as a data base for theory and astrophysics part I: method and first results for H2. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 4(3), 034001. | |
Dingel, K., Huhnstock, R., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., & Sick, B. (2021). AdaPT: Adaptable particle tracking for spherical microparticles in lab on chip systems. Computer Physics Communications, 262(11), 107859. | |
Dingel, K., Liehr, A., Vogel, M., Degener, S., Meier, D., Niendorf, T., Ehresmann, A., & Sick, B. (2021). AI - Based On The Fly Design of Experiments in Physics and Engineering. In I. Electrical & E. Engineers (Hrsg.), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C) (S. 150–153). New York: IEEE. | |
Ozga, C., Honisch, C., Schmidt, L. P. H., Holzapfel, X., Zindel, C., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Richter, C., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., & Hans, A. (2021). Photon-electron coincidence experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities with arbitrary bunch modes. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(4), 045110. | |
Ilchen, M., Schmidt, P., Novikovskiy, N. M., Hartmann, G., Rupprecht, P., Coffee, R. N., Ehresmann, A., Galler, A., Hartmann, N., Helml, W., Huang, Z., Inhester, L., Lutman, A. A., MacArthur, J. P., Maxwell, T., Meyer, M., Music, V., Nuhn, H.-D., Osipov, T., Ray, D., Wolf, T. J. A., Bari, S., Walter, P., Li, Z., Moeller, S., Knie, A., & Demekhin, P. V. (2021). Site-specific interrogation of an ionic chiral fragment during photolysis using an X-ray free-electron laser. Communications Chemistry, 4(1), TBD. | |
Hosaka, K., Torizuka, Y., Schmidt, P., Odagiri, T., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., & Ehresmann, A. (2021). Analytical expression for the angular correlation function of two Lyman- α photons in the photodissociation of hydrogen molecules. Physical Review A, 103(6), 062809 . | |
Frkackowiak, Ł., Stobiecki, F., Chaves-O’Flynn, G. D., Urbaniak, M., Schmidt, M., Matczak, M., Maziewski, A., Reginka, M., Reginka, M., Ehresmann, A., & Kuświk, P. (2021). Subsystem domination influence on magnetization reversal in designed magnetic patterns in ferrimagnetic Tb/Co multilayers. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1041. | |
Philipps, S., Grosse, B., Reginka, M., Merkel, M., Claus, M. M., Sulliger, M., Ehresmann, A., & Poggio, M. (2021). Magnetic hysteresis of individual Janus particles with hemispherical exchange biased caps. Applied Physics Letters, 119(22), TBD. |
Mazza, T., Ilchen, M., Kiselev, M. D., Gryzlova, E. V., Baumann, T. M., Boll, R., Fanis, A., Grychtol, P., Montaño, J., Music, V., Ovcharenko, Y., Rennhack, N., Rivas, D. E., Schmidt, P., Wagner, R., Ziolkowski, P., Berrah, N., Erk, B., Johnsson, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Martins, M., Otto, C., Pathak, S., Pfeifer, T., Rolles, D., Zatsarinny, O., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., & Meyer, M. (2020). Mapping Resonance Structures in Transient Core-Ionized Atoms. Physical Review X, 10(4), 1–8. | |
Jahnke, T., Hergenhahn, U., Winter, B., Dörner, R., Frühling, U., Demekhin, P., Gokhberg, K., Cederbaum, L. S., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., & Dreuw, A. (2020). Interatomic and Intermolecular Coulombic Decay. Chemical Reviews, 120(20), 11295–11369. | |
Usenko, S., Schwickert, D., Przystawik, A., Baev, K., Baev, I., Braune, M., Bocklage, L., Czwalinna, M., Deinert, S., Düsterer, S., Hans, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Haunhorst, C., Kuhlmann, M., Palutke, S., Röhlsberger, R., Rönsch-Schulenburg, J., Schmidt, P., Skruszewicz, S., Toleikis, S., Viefhaus, J., Martins, M., Knie, A., Kip, D., & Laarmann, T. (2020). Auger electron wave packet interferometry on extreme timescales with coherent soft x-rays. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53(24), 244008. | |
Holzapfel, X., Schrodt, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Marder, L., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Reiß, P., Wiegandt, F., Ehresmann, A., Hans, A., & Knie, A. (2020). Determination of Mean Cluster Sizes by Fluorescence Detection upon Site-Specific Photoexcitation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(26), 5352–5358. | |
Deinert, S., Schrodt, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Achner, A., Artemyev, A., Ehresmann, A., Ilchen, M., Hans, A., Ilchen, M., Glaser, L., Scholz, F., Seltmann, J., Viefhaus, J., Demekhin, P., & Knie, A. (2020). Interatomic resonant Auger effect in N 2 O. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53(22), 224003. | |
Nalin, G., Grundmann, S., Kastirke, G., Fehre, K., Trabert, D., Rist, J., Weller, M., Weller, M., Waitz, M., Siebert, J., Vela-Perez, I., Khan, A., Anders, N., Kircher, M., Tomar, R., Hofmann, M., Trinter, F., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Viehmann, J., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Williams, J. B., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., & Schöffler, M. S. (2020). Study of chiral asymmetries in the inner-shell photoionization of partially oriented trifluoro-methyloxirane. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412(15), 152097. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Novikovskiy, N. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Demekhin, P. V., & Ehresmann, A. (2020). Auger-like correlations in the two-photon above threshold ionization of atoms and molecules in the vicinity of the giant resonance. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412(15), 152018. | |
Meyl, M., & Ehresmann, A. (2020). Influence of the antiferromagnetic grain volume distribution on exchange-bias in polycrystalline thin films: An X-ray diffractometry study. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 495, 165859. | |
Mirzaee-Kakhki, M., Ernst, A., de las Heras, D., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Gördes, J., Reginka, M., Ehresmann, A., & Fischer, T. M. (2020). Simultaneous polydirectional transport of colloidal bipeds. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4670. | |
Hans, A., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Holzapfel, X., Otto, H., Zindel, C., Richter, C., Cederbaum, L. S., Ehresmann, A., Hergenhahn, U., Kryzhevoi, N. V., & Knie, A. (2020). Core-level interatomic Coulombic decay in van der Waals clusters. Physical Review Research, 2(1), 012022– 1 – 6. | |
Schmidt, P., Music, V., Hartmann, G. P. M., Boll, R., Erk, B., Bari, S., Allum, F., Baumann, T. M., Brenner, G., Brouard, M., Burt, M., Coffee, R. N., Dörner, S., Galler, A., Grychtol, P., Heathcote, D., Inhester, L., Kazemi, M., Larsson, M., Lee, J., Li, Z., Lutmann, A., Manschwetus, B., Marder, L., Mason, R., Moeller, S., Otto, H., Passow, C., Rolles, D., Rupprecht, P., Schubert, K., Schwob, L., Thomas, R., Vallance, C., Korff Schmising, C. von, Wagner, R., Walter, P., Wolf, T. J. A., Zhaunerchyk, V., Meyer, M., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., Demekhin, P. V., & Ilchen, M. (2020). Ultrafast Structural Changes in Chiral Molecules Measured with Free-Electron Lasers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412, 112009. | |
Ilchen, M., Mazza, T., Baumann, T. M., Boll, R., Fanis, A. de, Grychtol, P., Music, V., Ovcharenko, Y., Rivas, D. E., Berrah, N., Erk, B., Gryzlova, E. V., Johnsson, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Marder, L., Martins, M., Otto, C., Otto, C., Pathak, S., Pfeifer, T., Rolles, D., Schmidt, P., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., & Meyer, M. (2020). X-ray spectroscopy on ultrafast-decaying core-excited atomic ions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412, 112001. | |
Frąckowiak, Ł., Kuświk, P., Chaves-O’Flynn, G. D., Urbaniak, M., Matczak, M., Michałowski, P. P., Maziewski, A., Reginka, M., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2020). Magnetic domains without domain walls: a unique effect of He+ ion bombardment in ferrimagnetic Co/Tb multilayers. Physical Review Letters, 124(4), 047203. | |
Mirzaee-Kakhki, M., Ernst, A., Las Heras, D., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Tomita, A.-I., Huhnstock, R., Koch, I., Gördes, J., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., Reginka, M., & Fischer, T. M. (2020). Colloidal trains. Soft Matter, (6), 1594–1598. | |
Ehresmann, A. (2020). Magnetic structure of ion-beam imprinted stripe domains determined by neutron scattering. NANOMATERIALS, 2020(10), 752. | |
Merkel, M., Huhnstock, R., Reginka, M., Holzinger, D., Vogel, M., Zehner, J., Leistner, K., & Ehresmann, A. (2020). Interrelation between polycrystalline structure and time-dependent magnetic anisotropies in exchange-biased bilayers. Physical Review B, 2020(102), 144421. |
Zehner, J., Huhnstock, R., Oswald, S., Wolff, U., Soldatov, I., Ehresmann, A., Nielsch, K., Holzinger, D., & Leistner, K. (2019). Nonvolatile Electric Control of Exchange Bias by a Redox Transformation of the Ferromagnetic Layer. Advanced Electronic Materials, 5(6), 1900296. | |
Hans, A., Ozga, C., Schmidt, P., Hartmann, G. P. M., Nehls, A., Wenzel, P., Richter, C., Lant, C., Holzapfel, X., Viehmann, J., Hergenhahn, U., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2019). Setup for multicoincidence experiments of photons in the extreme ultraviolet to visible spectral range and charged particles—The solid angle maximization approach. Review of Scientific Instruments, (90), 093104. | |
Hosaka, K., Torizuka, Y., Schmidt, P., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Odagiri, T., Kitajima, M., & Kouchi, N. (2019). Breaking space-inversion symmetry in the dynamics of the doubly excited Q21Πu(1) state of HD. Physical Review A, 99(3), 033423 . | |
Hans, A., Miteva, T., Holzapfel, X., Ozga, C., Schmidt, P., Otto, H., Hartmann, G. P. M., Richter, C., Sisourat, N., Ehresmann, A., Gokhberg, K., Hergenhahn, U., & Knie, A. (2019). Electronic Decay of Singly Charged Ground-State Ions by Charge Transfer via van der Waals Bonds. Physical Review Letters, 123(21), 213001. | |
Pitzer, M., Ozga, C., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Reiss, P., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Jahnke, T., & Giuliani, A. (2019). State-Dependent Fragmentation of Protonated Uracil and Uridine. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(16), 3551–3557. | |
Ilchen, M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Schmidt, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Ozga, C., Scholz, F., Buck, J., Trinter, F., Viefhaus, J., Ehresmann, A., Schöffler, M., Knie, A., & Demekhin, P. V. (2019). Recovery of High-Energy Photoelectron Circular Dichroism through Fano Interference. Physical Review Letters, 123(4), 043202. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Novikovskiy, N. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Demekhin, P., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2019). Auger-like correlations in the two-photon above threshold ionization of Ar. The European Physical Journal D, 73(5), Art. 103. | |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2019). Many-electron dynamics of atomic processes studied by photon-induced fluorescencespectroscopy. Physics Reports, 786, 1–60. | |
Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Richter, C., Otto, H., Holzapfel, X., Hartmann, G. P. M., Ehresmann, A., Hergenhahn, U., & Knie, A. (2019). Efficient Fluorescence Quenching by Distant Production of a Free Electron. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, (10), 1078–1082. | |
Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Novikovskiy, N. M., Demekhin, P. V., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2019). Many-electron character of two-photon above-threshold ionization of Ar. Physical Review A, 99(1), 013408. | |
Massana-Cid, H., Ernst, A., Las Heras, D., Jarosz, A., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Tomita, A.-I., Huhnstock, R., Koch, I., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Fischer, T. M. (2019). Edge transport at the boundary between topologically equivalent lattices. Soft Matter, TBD. | |
Kojima, T., Aihara, H., Kodashima, Y., Makishima, H., Nakiri, S., Takada, S., Shimada, H., Ukai, M., Ozga, C., Holzapfel, X., Schmidt, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Otto, H., Bloß, D., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Yokoya, A., Fujii, K., Fukuda, Y., & Saitoh, Y. (2019). Novel analytical study for reaction intermediates in the primary radiation interaction of dna using a synchrotron radiation-induced luminescence spectroscopy. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2019, ncy239. | |
Torizuka, Y., Hosaka, K., Schmidt, P., Odagiri, T., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Kougo, R., Kitajima, M., & Kouchi, N. (2019). Entangled pairs of 2p atoms produced in photodissociation of H2 and D2. Physical Review A, 99(6), 063426 . | |
Novikovskiy, N. M., Rezvan, D. V., Ivanov, N. M., Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, P., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2019). Rearrangement of electron shells and interchannel interaction in the K photoabsorption of Ne. The European Physical Journal D, 73(2), 29. |
Hans, A., Stumpf, V., Holzapfel, X., Wiegandt, F., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Reiss, P., Ben Ltaief, L., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Jahnke, T., Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, P., Gokhberg, K., & Knie, A. (2018). Direct evidence for radiative charge transfer after inner-shell excitation and ionization of large clusters. New Journal of Physics, 20(1), 012001. | |
Mitin, D., Kovacs, A., Schrefl, T., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Albrecht, M. (2018). Magnetic properties of artificially designed magnetic stray field landscapes in laterally confined exchange-bias layers. Nanotechnology, 29(35), 355708. | |
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Hartmann, N., Hartmann, G. P. M., Heider, R., & Wagner, M. S., et al. (2018). Attosecond time–energy structure of X-ray free-electron laser pulses. Nature Photonics, 12(4), 215–220. s41566-018-0107-6 | |
Kuświk, P., Matczak, M., Kowacz, M., Szuba-Jabłoński, K., Michalak, N., Szymański, B., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2018). Asymmetric domain wall propagation caused by interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in exchange biased Au/Co/NiO layered system. Physical Review B, 97(2), TBD. | |
Pitzer, M., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Hans, A., Artemyev, A., Ehresmann, A., Knie, A., Demekhin, P. V., Reiß, P., & Petrov, I. D. (2018). Circular Dichroism in Fluorescence Emission Following the C 1s→π* Excitation and Resonant Auger Decay of Carbon Monoxide. Molecules, 23(7), 1534. | |
Hosaka, K., Torizuka, Y., Minamizaki, K., Schmidt, P., Knie, A., Odagiri, T., Ehresmann, A., Kitajima, M., & Kouchi, N. (2018). Electron correlation in double photoexcitation of H2S as studied by H( 2p ) formation: Comparison with H2O. Physical Review A, 98(5), 052514 . | |
Ltaief, L. B., Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Holzapfel, X., Wiegandt, F., Reiss, P., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2018). VUV photon emission from Ne clusters of varying sizes following photon and photoelectron excitations. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 51(6), 065002. | |
Ozga, C., Jänkälä, K., Schmidt, P., Hans, A., Reiß, P., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2018). Corrigendum to “X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the chiral molecules fenchone, α-pinene, limonene and carvone in the C1s excitation region” [J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 207 (2016) 34–37]. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 223, 89–91. | |
Gaul, A., Emmrich, D., Ueltzhöffer, T., Huckfeldt, H., Douganay, H., Hackl, J., Khan, M., Gottlob, D. M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Beyer, A., Holzinger, D., Nemšák, S., Schneider, C., Gölzhäuser, A., Reiss, G., & Ehresmann, A. (2018). Size limits of magnetic-domain engineering in continuous in-plane exchange-bias prototype films. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9, 2968–2979. | |
Müglich, N. D., Merkel, M., Gaul, A., Meyl, M., Götz, G., Reiss, G., Kuschel, T., & Ehresmann, A. (2018). Preferential weakening of rotational magnetic anisotropy by keV-He ion bombardment in polycrystalline exchange bias layer systems. New Journal of Physics, 20(5), 053018. | |
Ilchen, M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Gryzlova, E. V., Achner, A., Allaria, E., Beckmann, A., Braune, M., Buck, J., Callegari, C., Coffee, R. N., Cucini, R., Danailov, M. B., De Fanis, A., Demidovich, A., Ferrari, E., Finetti, P., Glaser, L., Knie, A., Lindahl, A. O., Plekan, O., Mahne, N., Mazza, T., Raimondi, L., Roussel, E., Scholz, F., Seltmann, J., Shevchuk, I., Svetina, C., Walter, P., Zangrando, M., Viefhaus, J., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., & Meyer, M. (2018). Symmetry breakdown of electron emission in extreme ultraviolet photoionization of argon. Nature Communications, 9(1), 4659. | |
Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Hartmann, G. P. M., Holzapfel, X., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2018). Erratum: Hans, A.; Schmidt, P.; Ozga, C.; Hartmann, G.; Holzapfel, X.; Ehresmann, A.; Knie, A. Extreme Ultraviolet to Visible Dispersed Single Photon Detection for Highly Sensitive Sensing of Fundamental Processes in Diverse Samples. Materials 2018, 11, 869. matrials , 12(1), 66. | |
Basilewitsch, D., Marder, L., & Koch, C. (2018). Dissipative quantum dynamics and optimal control using iterative time ordering: an application to superconducting qubits. European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 91(7), 161. | |
Kuświk, P., Gaul, A., Urbaniak, M., Schmidt, M., Aleksiejew, J., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2018). Tailoring Perpendicular Exchange Bias Coupling in Au/Co/NiO Systems by Ion Bombardment. Journal of Nanomaterials, 8(10), 813. | |
Kozakov, A. T., Kochur, A. G., Nikolskii, A. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Huckfeldt, H., Holzinger, D., Gaul, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2018). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of an exchange bias system on the basis of Co70Fe30/Mn83Ir17 interface. Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 155301. | |
Urbaniak, M., Holzinger, D., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2018). Magnetophoretic lensing by concentric topographic cylinders of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy multilayers. Biomicrofluidics, 12, 044117. | |
Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Hartmann, G. P. M., Holzapfel, X., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2018). Extreme Ultraviolet to Visible Dispersed Single Photon Detection for Highly Sensitive Sensing of Fundamental Processes in Diverse Samples. Materials, 11(6), 869. | |
Koch, I., Granath, T., Hess, S., Ueltzhöffer, T., Deumel, S., Jauregui Caballero, C. I., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Mandel, K. S. (2018). Smart Surfaces: Magnetically Switchable Light Diffraction through Actuation of Superparamagnetic Plate-Like Microrods by Dynamic Magnetic Stray Field Landscapes. Advanced Optical Materials, 6, 1800133. | |
Ha, U.-M., Kaban, B., Tomita, A.-I., Krekic, K., Klintuch, D., Pietschnig, R., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Hillmer, H. (2018). Multifunctional guest-host particles engineered by reversal nanoimprint lithography. Applied Nanoscience, 1–9. | |
Loehr, J., Heras, D., Jarosz, A., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Tomita, A.-I., Huhnstock, R., Koch, I., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Fischer, T. M. (2018). Colloidal topological insulators. Communications Physics, 1, 4. |
Hans, A., Ozga, C., Seidel, R., Schmidt, P., Ueltzhöffer, T., Holzapfel, X., Pohl, M. N., Wenzel, P., Reiß, P., Unger, I., Aziz, E. F., Ehresmann, A., Slavíček, P., Winter, B., & Knie, A. (2017). Soft X-ray induced ultraviolet fluorescence emission from bulk and interface of a liquid water microjet. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 875, 042008. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Demekhin, P., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2017). Relativistic, correlation, and polarization effects in two-photon photoionization of Xe. Physical Review A, 95(6), TBD. | |
Ilchen, M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Rupprecht, P., Artemyev, A. N., Coffee, R. N., Liu, Z., Ohldag, H., Ogasawara, H., Osipov, T., Ray, D., Schmidt, P., Wolf, T. J. A., Ehresmann, A., Moeller, S., Knie, A., & Demekhin, P. (2017). Emitter-site-selective photoelectron circular dichroism of trifluoromethyloxirane. Physical Review A, 95(5), 053423. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Vasserot, A.-M., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., Ehresmann, A., & Ubachs, W. (2017). Experimental and theoretical studies of the npσ1Σ+u and npπ1Π+u (n⩾4,N′=1–6) states of D2: Energies, natural widths, absorption line intensities, and dynamics . Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 338, 22–71. | |
Hans, A., Ozga, C., Seidel, R., Schmidt, P., Ueltzhöffer, T., Holzapfel, X., Wenzel, P., Reiss, P., Pohl, M. N., Unger, I., Aziz, E. F., Ehresmann, A., Slavícek, P., Winter, B., & Knie, A. (2017). Optical Fluorescence Detected from X‑ray Irradiated Liquid Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121, 2326–2330. | |
Loehr, J., Heras, D., Loenne, M., Bugase, J., Jarosz, A., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Tomita, A.-I., Huhnstock, R., Koch, I., Ehresmann, A., Holzinger, D., & Fischer, T. M. (2017). Lattice symmetries and the topologically protected transport of colloidal particles. Soft Matter, 13(29), 5044–5075. | |
Jarosz, A., Gaul, A., Urbaniak, M., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2017). Magnetic domain propagation in Pt/Co/Pt micro wires with engineered coercivity gradients along and across the wire. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017(435), 162–166. | |
Huckfeldt, H., Gaul, A., Müglich, N. D., Holzinger, D., Nissen, D., Albrecht, M., Emmrich, D., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2017). Modification of the saturation magnetization of exchange bias thin film systems upon light-ion bombardment. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 125801. | |
Hosaka, K., Hosaka, K., Torizuka, Y., Schmidt, P., Odagiri, T., Knie, A., Jänkälä, K., Ehresmann, A., Kitajima, M., & Kouchi, N. (2017). The observation of the pair of Lyman- extgreeka and Lyman- extgreekb photons produced in the photodissociation of H2. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 875, 032002. | |
Hans, A., Holzapfel, X., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Hergenhahn, U., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2017). Investigation of environmental effects in prototypical noble gas clusters using fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 875, 032036. | |
Hans, A., Ben Ltaief, L., Förstel, M., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Reiss, P., Holzapfel, X., Küstner-Wetekam, C. S., Wiegandt, F., Trinter, F., Hergenhahn, U., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, P., & Knie, A. (2017). Fluorescence cascades evoked by resonant interatomic Coulombic decay of inner-valence excited neon clusters. Chemical Physics, 482, 165–168. | |
Korff Schmising, C., Weder, D., Noll, T., Pfau, B., Hennecke, M., Strüber, C., Radu, I., Schneider, M., Staeck, S., Günther, C., Lüning, J., Merhe, A. E. D., Buck, J., Hartmann, G. P. M., Viefhaus, J., Treusch, R., & Eisebitt, S. (2017). Generating circularly polarized radiation in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range at the free-electron laser FLASH. Review of Scientific Instruments, 88(5), 053903. | |
Zingsem, N., Ahrend, F., Vock, S., Gottlob, D., Krug, I., Doganay, H., Holzinger, D., Neu, V., & Ehresmann, A. (2017). Magnetic charge distribution and stray field landscape of asymmetric néel walls in a magnetically patterned exchange bias layer system. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 495006. | |
Tia, M., Pitzer, M., Kastirke, G., Gatzke, J., Kim, H.-K., Trinter, F., Rist, J., Hartung, A., Trabert, D., Siebert, J., Henrichs, K., Becht, J., Zeller, S., Gassert, H., Wiegandt, F., Wallauer, R., Kuhlins, A., Schober, C., Bauer, T., Wechselberger, N., Burzynski, P., Neff, J., Weller, M., Metz, D., Kircher, M., Waitz, M., Williams, J. B., Schmidt, L. P. H., Müller, A. D., Knie, A., Hans, A., Ehresmann, A., Berger, R., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Schmidt-Böcking, H., Dörner, R., Jahnke, T., Demekhin, P. V., & Schöffler, M. (2017). Observation of Enhanced Chiral Asymmetries in the Inner-Shell Photoionization of Uniaxially Oriented Methyloxirane Enantiomers. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(13), 2780–2786. | |
Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Micaelli, P., Olivier, C., Barillot, T. R., Ilchen, M., Lutman, A. A., Marinelli, A., Maxwell, T., Achner, A., Agraker, M., Berrah, N., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J. D., Buck, J., Bucksbaum, P. H., Montero, S. C., Cooper, B., Cryan, J. P., Dong, M., Feifel, R., Frasinski, L. J., Fukuzawa, H., Galler, A., Hartmann, G. P. M., Helml, W., Johnson, A. S., Lindahl, A. O., Knie, A., Liu, J., Motomura, K., Mucke, M., O’Grady, C., Rubensson, J.-E., Simpson, E. R., Squibb, R. J., Strathe, C., Ueda, K., Ueda, K., Vacher, M., Walke, D. J., Zhaunerchyk, V., Coffee, R. N., & Marangos, J. P. (2017). Accurate prediction of X-ray pulse properties from a free-electron laser using machine learning. Nature Communications, 8, 15461. |
Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Correlation and polarization effects in two-photon photoionization of Ar. Physical Review A, 93, 033408. | |
Kuświk, P., Szymański, B., Anastaziak, B., Matczak, M., Urbaniak, M., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2016). Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Co layer in exchange-biased Au/Co/NiO/Au polycrystalline system. Journal of Applied Physics, 119(21), 215307. | |
Hans, A., Knie, A., Förstel, M., Schmidt, P., Reiss, P., Ozga, C., Hergenhahn, U., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Determination of absolute cross sections for cluster-specific decays. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49, 105101. | |
Da Silva Telinhos, D. S., Reginka, M., Koch, I., Holzinger, D., Bertinetti, O., Bertinetti, D., Ehresmann, A., Herberg, F. W., & Pavlidis, I. (2016). Novel click-chemistry immobilization approach enables direct in situ monitoring of immobilization quality and yield. In 67. Mosbacher Kolloquium (Hrsg.), 67. Mosbacher Kolloquium (S. 0–20). Mosbach: 67. Mosbacher Kolloquium. | |
Hartmann, G. P. M., Lindahl, A. O., Knie, A., Lutman, A. A., MacArthur, J. P., Shevchuk, I., Buck, J., Galler, A., Glownia, J. M., Helml, W., Huang, Z., Kabachnik, N. M., Kazansky, A. K., Liu, J., Marinelli, A., Mazza, T., Nuhn, H.-D., Walter, P., Viefhaus, J., Meyer, M., Moeller, S., Coffee, R. N., & Ilchen, M. (2016). Circular dichroism measurements at an x-ray free-electron laser with polarization control. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(8), 83113. | |
Ueltzhöffer, T., Streubel, R., Koch, I., Holzinger, D., Makarov, D., Schmidt, O. G., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Magnetically Patterned Rolled-Up Exchange Bias Tubes: A Paternoster for Superparamagnetic Beads. ACS Nano, 2016(10), 8491–8498. | |
Knie, A., Patanen, M., Hans, A., Petrov, I. D., Bozek, J. D., Ehresmann, A., & Demekhin, P. (2016). Angle-Resolved Auger Spectroscopy as a Sensitive Access to Vibronic Coupling. Physical Review Letters, 116, 193002. | |
Müglich, N., Gaul, A., Meyl, M., Ehresmann, A., Götz, G., Kuschel, T., & Reiss, G. (2016). Time-dependent rotatable magnetic anisotropy in polycrystalline exchange-bias systems: Dependence on grain-size distribution. Physical Review B, 94(18), 184407. | |
Ozga, C., Jänkälä, K., Schmidt, P., Hans, A., Reiss, P., Ehresmann, A., & Knie, A. (2016). X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the chiral molecules fenchone, alpha-pinene, limonene and carvone in the C1s excitation region. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 207, 34–37. | |
Lestinsky, M., Andrianov, V., Aurand, B., Bagnoud, V., Bernhardt, D., Beyer, H., Bishop, S., Blaum, K., Bleile, A., Borovik, A., Bosch, F., Bostock, C. J., Brandau, C., Bräuning-Demian, A., Bray, I., Davinson, T., Ebinger, B., Echler, A., Egelhof, P., Ehresmann, A., Engström, M., Enss, C., Ferreira, N., Fischer, D., Fleischmann, A., Förster, E., Fritzsche, S., Geithner, R., Geyer, S., Glorius, J., Gorda, O., Goullon, J., Grabitz, P., Grisenti, R., Gumberidze, A., Hagmann, S., Herfurth, F., Heß, R., Hillenbrand, P.-M., Hubele, R., Indelicato, P., Källberg, A., Kester, O., Kiselev, O., Kozhuharov, C., Knie, A., Kraft-Bermuth, S., Kühl, T., Lane, G., Litvinov, Y. A., Liesen, D., Ma, X. W., Märtin, R., Moshammer, R., Müller, A., Müller, A. D., Namba, S., Neumeyer, P., Nilsson, T., Nörtershäuser, W., Paulus, G., Petridis, N., Reed, M., Reifarth, R., Reiß, P., Rothhardt, J., Sanchez, R., Sanjari, M. S., Schippers, S., Schmidt, H. T., Schuch, R., Schulz, M., Shabaev, V., Simonsson, A., Sjöholm, J., Skeppstedt, Ö., Sonnabend, K., Spillmann, U., Stiebing, K., Stöhlker, T., Surzhykov, A., Torilov, S., Träbert, E., Trassinelli, M., Trotsenko, S., Tu, X. L., Uschmann, I., Walker, P. M., Winters, D. F. A., Woods, P. J., Zhao, H. Y., & Zhang, Y. H. (2016). Physics book: CRYRING@ESR. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 225(5), 797–882. | |
Jarosz, A., Holzinger, D., Urbaniak, M., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2016). Manipulation of superparamagnetic beads on patterned Au/Co/Au multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Journal of Applied Physics, 120(8), 084506. | |
Ahrend, F., Glebe, U., Arnadottir, L., Baio, J. E., Fischer, D. A., Jaye, C., Leung, B. O., Hitchcock, A. P., Weidner, T., Siemeling, U., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Magnetic Field Landscapes Guiding the Chemisorption of Diamagnetic Molecules. Langmuir, 32(41), 10491–10496. | |
Knie, A., Braune, M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Ilchen, M., Lischke, T., Reinkoester, A., Meissner, A., Deinert, S., Glaser, L., Al-Dossary, O., Ehresmann, A., Kheifets, A. S., & Viefhaus, J. (2016). Electron angular distributions of noble gases in sequential two-photon double ionization. Journal of Modern Optics, 63, 324–333. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Vasserot, A.-M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Experimental and theoretical study of the np sigma 1 Sigma(+)(u) (n >= 4) N=0 excited states of D-2: Absolute absorption cross sections and branching ratios for ionization, dissociation and fluorescence. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 320, 25–32. | |
Gaul, A., Hankemeier, S., Holzinger, D., Müglich, N., Staeck, P., Frömter, R., Oepen, H. P., & Ehresmann, A. (2016). Engineered magnetic domain textures in exchange bias bilayer systems. Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 033902. |
Reiss, P., Schmidt, P., Tulin, I., Knie, A., Hentges, R., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Photon-photon coincidence apparatus with position sensitive detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 776, 57–64. | |
Hans, A., Knie, A., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Ben Ltaief, L., Reiss, P., Huckfeldt, H., Förstel, M., Hergenhahn, U., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Lyman-series emission after valence and core excitation of water vapor. Physical Review A, 92, 032511. | |
Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Gaul, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Magnetization reversal of Co/Au multilayer stripes with keV-He+ion bombardment induced coercivity gradient. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 335003. | |
Huckfeldt, H., Ahrend, F., Holzinger, D., Klein, H., Engel, D., Melzer, M., Makarov, D., Schmidt, O. G., Fuhrmann-Lieker, T., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Selective Alignment of Molecular Glass Wrinkles by Engineered Magnetic Field Landscapes. Advanced Functional Materials, 25(43), 6768–6774. | |
Ueltzhöffer, T., Schmidt, C., Krug, I., Nickel, F., Gottlob, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Néel walls between tailored parallel-stripe domains in IrMn/CoFe exchange bias layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 123904. | |
Holzinger, D., Koch, I., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Manipulation of Superparamagnetic Beads on Patterned Exchange-Bias Layer Systems for Biosensing Applications. Sensors, 15, 28854–28888. | |
Richter, R., Wolter, D., Zimmermann, T., Landt, L., Knecht, A., Heidrich, C., Merli, A., Dopfer, O., Reiss, P., Ehresmann, A., Petersen, J., Dahl, J. E., Carlson, R. M. K., Bostedt, C., Moller, T., Mitric, R., & Rander, T. (2015). Correction: Size and shape dependent photoluminescence and excited state decay rates of diamondoids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(48), 32574–32575. | |
Hans, A., Schmidt, P., Förstel, M., Hergenhahn, U., Ben Ltaief, L., Huckfeldt, H., Ozga, C., Reiss, P., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Lyman series emission of valence and inner-shell excited gaseous H₂O. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635, 112133. | |
Holzinger, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Diffusion enhancement in a laminar flow liquid by near-surface transport of superparamagnetic bead rows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19, 395–402. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Vasserot, A., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Experimental and theoretical study of the npπ1Πu- (n⩾4) excited states of D-2: Absolute absorption cross sections and branching ratios for ionization, dissociation and fluorescence. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 315, 155–171. | |
Schmidt, P., Hans, A., Ozga, C., Reiß, P., Ltaief, L. B., Hosaka, K., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Excitation-energy resolved fluorescence spectra of hydrogen molecules in the regime of singly excited molecular states. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 2015(635), 112130. | |
Ozga, C., Reiss, P., Kielich, W., Klumpp, S., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Fluorescence cascades after excitation of XeII 5p46p satellite states by synchrotron radiation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48, 015004. | |
Holzinger, D., Koch, I., Burgard, S., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Directed Magnetic Particle Transport above Artificial Magnetic Domains Due to Dynamic Magnetic Potential Energy Landscape Transformation. ACS Nano, 9, 7323–7331. | |
Hosaka, K., Nakanishi, Y., Kogo, R., Schmidt, P., Torizuka, Y., Shigemura, K., Odagiri, T., Knieb, A., Jänkälä, K., Ehresmann, A., Nakano, M., Kumagai, Y., Shiino, K., Kitajima, M., & Kouchi, N. (2015). Angular correlation measurements of a pair of Lyman-α photons emitted in the photodissociation of H2. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635(11), 112016. | |
Ahrend, F., Holzinger, D., Fohler, M., Pofahl, S., Wolff, U., De Kieviet, M., Schäfer, R., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Stray fields above artificial magnetic in-plane domains. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 381, 292. | |
Reiss, P., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., Knie, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2015). Dispersed fluorescence spectrometry from the VIS to VUV spectral range for experiments at heavy-ion storage facilities. Physica Scripta, T166, 14031. |
Ilchen, M., Glaser, L., Scholz, F., Walter, P., Deinert, S., Rothkirch, A., Seltmann, J., Viefhaus, J., Decleva, P., Langer, B., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Al-Dossary, O., Braune, M., Hartmann, G., Meissner, A., Tribedi, L., AlKhaldi, M., & Becker, U. (2014). Angular Momentum Sensitive Two-Center Interference. Physical Review Letters, 112, 023001. | |
Schmidt, C., Smolarczyk, M. A., Gomer, L., Hillmer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2014). Artificial sub-μm magnetic patterning by He+ ion bombardment through a mask fabricated by Ultraviolet NanoImprint Lithography (UV-NIL). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 322, 59–62. | |
Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2014). Strong impact of the giant resonance on the radiationless decay of the 4d-vacancy in Xe: II. N4, 5OO Auger effect. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47, 055001. | |
Matczak, M., Szymanski, B., Kuswik, P., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Kurant, Z., Maziewski, A., Lengemann, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2014). Tailoring magnetic anisotropy gradients by ion bombardment for domain wall positioning in magnetic multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. Nanoscale Research Letters, 9, 395. | |
Knie, A., Hans, A., Förstel, M., Hergenhahn, U., Schmidt, P., Reiss, P., Ozga, C., Kambs, B., Trinter, F., Voigtsberger, J., Metz, D., Jahnke, T., Dörner, R., Kuleff, A., Cederbaum, L. S., Demekhin, P. V., & Ehresmann, A. (2014). Detecting ultrafast interatomic electronic processes in media by fluorescence. New Journal of Physics, 16(10), 102002. | |
Allaria, E., Diviacco, B., Callegari, C., Finetti, P., Mahieu, B., Viefhaus, J., Zangrando, M., De, N. G., Lambert, G., Ferrari, E., Buck, J., Ilchen, M., Vodungbo, B., Mahne, N., Svetina, C., Spezzani, C., Di, M. S., Penco, G., Trovo, M., Fawley, W. M., Rebernik, P. R., Gauthier, D., Grazioli, C., Coreno, M., Ressel, B., Kivimaeki, A., Mazza, T., Glaser, L., Scholz, F., Seltmann, J., Gessler, P., Gruenert, J., De, F. A., Meyer, M., Knie, A., Moeller, S. P., Raimondi, L., Capotondi, F., Pedersoli, E., Plekan, O., Danailov, M. B., Demidovich, A., Nikolov, I., Abrami, A., Gautier, J., Luening, J., Zeitoun, P., & Giannessi, L. (2014). Control of the Polarization of a Vacuum-Ultraviolet, High-Gain, Free-Electron Laser. Physical Review X, 4, 041040. | |
Basaran, A. C., Saerbeck, T., de la Venta, J., Huckfeldt, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schuller, I. K. (2014). Exchange bias: The antiferromagnetic bulk matters. Applied Physics Letters, 105, 072403. | |
Knie, A., Ilchen, M., Schmidt, P., Reiss, P., Ozga, C., Kambs, B., Hans, A., Müglich, N., Galitskiy, S. A., Glaser, L., Walter, P., Viefhaus, J., Ehresmann, A., & Demekhin, P. V. (2014). Angle-resolved study of resonant Auger decay and fluorescence emission processes after core excitations of the terminal and central nitrogen atoms in N₂O. Physical Review A, 90, 013416. | |
Kübler, S., Müglich, N., & Ehresmann, A. (2014). Magneto-optic surface plasmon resonance of Au/IrMn/Co/Au exchange biased layer systems. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 064502. | |
Richter, R., Wolter, D., Zimmermann, T., Landt, L., Knecht, A., Heidrich, C., Merli, A., Dopfer, O., Reiss, P., Ehresmann, A., Petersen, J., Dahl, J. E., Carlson, R. M. K., Bostedt, C., Möller, T., Mitric, R., & Rander, T. (2014). Size and shape dependent photoluminescence and excited state decay rates of diamondoids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 3070–3076. |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Tulin, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Experimental and theoretical studies of excited states of H₂ observed in the absorption spectrum: II. The 6pπ and 7pπ1Πu states. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 293, 11–18. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Spielfiedel, A., Schmoranzer, H., Tulin, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Experimental and theoretical studies of excited states of H₂ observed in the absorption spectrum: I. The 5pπD″ 1Πu state. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 293, 1–10. | |
Jamali, A. A., Kübler, S., Müglich, N., Witzigmann, B., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Electromagnetic study of magneto-optic surface plasmon resonance effects for biosensing applications. In SPIE (Hrsg.), SPIE Photonics Europe (Bd. 8774, S. 87741). Prague, Czech Republic: SPIE. | |
Holzinger, D., Zingsem, N., Koch, I., Gaul, A., Fohler, M., Schmidt, C., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Tailored domain wall charges by individually set in-plane magnetic domains for magnetic field landscape design. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 013908. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Tulin, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Experimental and theoretical studies of excited states of H2 observed in the absorption spectrum: III. The 5pσ, 6pσ and 7pσ 1Σu+ states. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 293, 19–26. | |
Dubowik, J., Gościańska, I., Załȩski, K., Głowiński, H., Kudryavtsev, Y., & Ehresmann, A. (2013). Exchange bias in thin Heusler alloy films in contact with antiferromagnet. Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 193907. |
Knie, A., Burbank, N., Schmidt, P., Ozga, C., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Electron-impact induced fluorescence for EUV spectrometer-detector calibration. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 185, 492–497. | |
Holzinger, D., Lengemann, D., Göllner, F., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Controlled movement of superparamagnetic bead rows for microfluid mixing. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 153504. | |
Ehresmann, A., Hellwig, O., Buhl, O., Müglich, N., Weis, T., & Engel, D. (2012). Modifications of magnetic anisotropy and magnetization reversal in [Co0.4 nm/Pd0.7 nm]₅₀ multilayers induced by 10 keV-He ion bombardment. Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 063901. | |
Lengemann, D., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Plasma ion source for in situ ion bombardment in a soft x-ray magnetic scattering diffractometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 053303. | |
Kämpf, K., Kübler, S., Herberg, F. W., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Magneto-optic surface plasmon resonance optimum layers: Simulations for biological relevant refractive index changes. Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 034505. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Schmoranzer, H., Jungen, C., Haar, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Ab initio nonadiabatic study of the 3pπD 1Πu+ state of H₂ and D₂. Physical Review A, 86(86), 052507. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Haar, I., Hentges, R., Kielich, W., Jänkälä, K., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). The absolute cross section of the Fluorescence, Dissociation, and Ionization of H₂ super excited states. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 388, 022045. Abgerufen von | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2012). Strong impact of the giant resonance on the radiationless decay of the 4d vacancy in Xe: I. Decay of the 4d9np resonances. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45, 245006. | |
Matczak, M., Kuswik, P., Szymanski, B., Urbaniak, M., Schmidt, M., Aleksiejew, J., Stobiecki, F., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Co/Au multilayers with graded magnetic anisotropy for magnetic field sensing. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 162402. | |
Kuswik, P., Sveklo, I., Szymanski, B., Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Ehresmann, A., Engel, D., Mazalski, P., Maziewski, A., & Jagielski, J. (2012). Colloidal domain lithography in multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy: an experimental study and micromagnetic simulations. Nanotechnology, 23, 475303. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Schmoranzer, H., Haar, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). The J = 1 para levels of the v = 0 to 6 np singlet Rydberg series of molecular hydrogen revisited. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(13), 134301. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Schmoranzer, H., Haar, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). The J = 2 ortho levels of the v = 0 to 6 np singlet Rydberg series of molecular hydrogen revisited. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 137(8), 084303. | |
Dubowik, J., Załȩski, K., Gościańska, I., Głowiński, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2012). Magnetoresistance and its relation to magnetization in Ni₅₀Mn₃₅Sn₁₅ shape-memory epitaxial films. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 162403. | |
Paul, A., Schmidt, C., Paul, N., Ehresmann, A., Mattauch, S., & Böni, P. (2012). Symmetric magnetization reversal in polycrystalline exchange coupled systems via simultaneous processes of coherent rotation and domain nucleation. Physical Review B, 86, 094420. | |
Dubowik, J., Goscianska, I., Zaleski, K., Glowinski, H., Ehresmann, A., Kakazei, G., & Bunyaev, S. A. (2012). Epitaxial Growths and Magnetization Dynamics of Ni₂MnSn Heusler Alloy Films. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 121, 1121–1123. |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Schmoranzer, H., Schartner, K.-H., & Ehresmann, A. (2011). Fourfold excitations, intra- and inter-shell correlations in the Auger decay of Kr 3d-np resonances. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44, 095002. | |
Ehresmann, A., Lengemann, D., Weis, T., Albrecht, A., Langfahl-Klabes, J., Göllner, F., & Engel, D. (2011). Asymmetric Magnetization Reversal of Stripe-Patterned Exchange Bias Layer Systems for Controlled Magnetic Particle Transport. Advanced Materials, 23, 5568–5573. | |
Ehresmann, A., Schmidt, C., Weis, T., & Engel, D. (2011). Thermal exchange bias field drift in field cooled Mn83Ir17/Co70Fe30 thin films after 10 keV He ion bombardment. Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 023910. | |
Kuswik, P., Ehresmann, A., Tekielak, M., Szymanski, B., Sveklo, I., Mazalski, P., Engel, D., Kisilewski, J., Lengemann, D., Urbaniak, M., Schmidt, C., Maziewski, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2011). Colloidal domain lithography for regularly arranged artificial magnetic out-of-plane monodomains in Au/Co/Au layers. Nanotechnology, 22, 095302. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Haar, I., Knie, A., Reiss, P., & Ehresmann, A. (2011). The transition probabilities from the ground state to the excited J=0 1Σ+u levels of H₂: Measurements and ab initio quantum defect study. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 135(14), 144302. | |
Schmidt, C., Weis, T., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2011). Thermal exchange bias field drifts after 10 keV He ion bombardment: Storage temperature dependence and initial number of coupling sites. Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 113911. | |
Dickenson, G. D., Ivanov, T. I., Ubachs, W., Roudjane, M., de Oliveira, N., Joyeux, D., Nahon, L., Tchang-Brillet, W.-U.-L., Glass-Maujean, M., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., & Ehresmann, A. (2011). VUV Spectroscopic Study of the D1Πu State of Molecular Deuterium. Molecular Physics, 109, 2693–2708. | |
Dickenson, G. D., Ivanov, T. I., Ubachs, W., Roudjane, M., Oliveira, N. de, Joyeux, D., Nahon, L., Tchang-Brillet, W.-U.-L., Glass-Maujean, M., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., & Ehresmann, A. (2011). Synchrotron VUV radiation studies of the D 1Πu state of molecular deuterium. Molecular Physics, 2011(109), 2693. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Ehresmann, A., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2011). Single center method: A computational tool for ionization and electronic excitation studies of molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 024113. | |
Dickenson, G. D., Ivanov, T. I., Roudjane, M., Oliveira, N. de, de Oliveira, N., Joyeux, D., Nahon, L., Tchang-Brillet, W.-ü L., Glass-Maujean, M., Glass-Maujean, M., Haar, I., Ehresmann, A., & Ubachs, W. (2011). Publisher’s Note: "Synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet radiation studies of the D1 \textgreekP u state of H 2 [J. Chem. Phys. 133, 144317 (2010)]. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(4), 049901. |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Schmoranzer, H., Kielich, W., Demekhin, P. V., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Photoionization of Xe near 5s threshold: I. Theoretical study of 5s-np resonance structure in 5p- photoabsorption. The European Physical Journal D, 59, 151–159. | |
Dickenson, G. D., Ivanov, T. I., Roudjane, M., de Oliveira, N., Joyeux, D., Nahon, L., Tchang-Brillet, W.-U.-L., Glass-Maujean, M., Haar, I., Ehresmann, A., & Ubachs, W. (2010). Synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet radiation studies of the D 1Πu state of H₂. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 144317. | |
Urbaniak, M., Kuswik, P., Kurant, Z., Tekielak, M., Engel, D., Lengemann, D., Szymanski, B., Schmidt, M., Aleksiejew, J., Maziewski, A., Ehresmann, A., & Stobiecki, F. (2010). Domain-Wall Movement Control in Co/Au Multilayers by He+-Ion-Bombardment-Induced Lateral Coercivity Gradients. Physical Review Letters, 105, 067202. | |
Jänkälä, K., Demekhin, P. V., Heinäsmäki, S., Haar, I., Hentges, R., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Theoretical description of dissociative γ → 2γ’ scattering in diatomic molecules. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43, 065104. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Tanaka, T., Hoshino, M., Tanaka, H., Ueda, K., Kielich, W., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Large impact of the weak direct photoionization on the angularly resolved CO+(A 2Π) de-excitation spectra of the CO*(1σ−12π) resonance. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43, 065102. | |
Ehresmann, A., Kielich, W., Klumpp, S., Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Müller-Albrecht, R., & Schmoranzer, H. (2010). Photoionization of Xe near 5s threshold: II. 5s- main line and satellites. The European Physical Journal D, 59, 161–169. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kielich, W., Knie, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Strong interference effects in the angularly resolved Auger decay and fluorescence emission spectra of the core-excited NO molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43, 165103. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Partial Photoelectron Wave Analysis in Diatomic Molecule Photoionization by Fluorescence Polarization Experiments. Physical Review A, 82, 041401(R). | |
Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Neutral dissociation of the I, I’, and I" vibronic progressions of O₂. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 204303. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Reichardt, G., Balzer, A., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Haar, I., & Reiss, P. (2010). Competing decay-channel fluorescence, dissociation, and ionization in superexcited levels of H₂. Physical Review A, 82, 062511–1 – 062511–062513. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Haar, I., Hentges, R., Kielich, W., Jänkälä, K., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). H₂ Superexcited States: Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of their Competing Decay-Channel Fluorescence, Dissociation, and Ionization. Physical Review Letters, 104, 183002. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kielich, W., Knie, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Symmetry-Forbidden Electronic State Interference Observed in Angularly Resolved NO+(A1 Π) Deexcitation Spectra of the N*O(2 σ-1 2π2) Resonance. Physical Review Letters, 104, 243001. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kielich, W., Reiss, P., Hentges, R., Haar, I., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2010). Erratum: Interference effects during the Auger decay of the C∗O 1s−1π∗ resonance studied by angular distribution of the CO+(A) photoelectrons and polarization analysis of the CO+(A-X) fluorescence [Phys. Rev. A 80, 063425 (2009)]. Physical Review A (atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information), 81(6), 069902. |
Glapka, W., Kuswik, P., Sveklo, I., Urbaniak, M., Jozwiak, K., Weis, T., Ehresmann, A., Blaszyk, M., Szymanski, B., Maziewski, A., Stobiecki, F., & Engel, D. (2009). Magnetic Tailoring of Domains in NiFe/Au/Co/Au Multilayers by He Ion Bombardment through Nanospheres. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 115, 348–351. | |
Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Engel, D., Szymanski, B., & Ehresmann, A. (2009). Selective Modification of Magnetic Properties of Co₀/Au/Co₂/Au Multilayers by He Ion Bombardment. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 115, 326–328. | |
Landt, L., Kielich, W., Wolter, D., Staiger, M., Ehresmann, A., Möller, T., & Bostedt, C. (2009). Intrinsic photoluminescence of adamantane in the ultraviolet spectral region. Physical Review B, 80, 205323. | |
Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, P. V., Kielich, W., Haar, I., Schlüter, M., Sukhorukov, V. L., & Schmoranzer, H. (2009). Predominant dissociation of the CO*(D2Π)n(d/s)σ Rydberg states into atomic excited Rydberg fragments with the same effective principal quantum number. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42, 165103. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kielich, W., Reiss, P., Knie, A., Hentges, R., Haar, I., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2009). Interference effects during the Auger decay of the C∗O 1s−1π∗ resonance studied by angular distribution of the CO+(A) photoelectrons and polarization analysis of the CO+(A-X) fluorescence, 80, 022073. | |
Saragi, T. P. I., Schmidt, C., Schultz, K., Weis, T., Salbeck, J., & Ehresmann, A. (2009). Interface morphologies and magnetization characteristics of Co₇₀Fe₃₀ thin films deposited on conjugated polymer thin films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321, 2204–2209. | |
Szymanski, B., Stobiecki, F., Weis, T., Engel, D., Urbaniak, M., Kuswik, P., Lengemann, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2009). Hard and Soft X-Ray Reflectivity Studies of (NiFe/Au/Co/Au)₁₀ Magnetic Multilayers. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 115, 366–368. | |
Stobiecki, F., Urbaniak, M., Szymanski, B., Kuswik, P., Schmidt, M., Aleksiejew, J., Weis, T., Engel, D., Lengemann, D., Ehresmann, A., & Kopcewicz, M. (2009). Domains Stimulated Magnetostatic Coupling in NiFe/Au/Co/Au Multilayers Investigated by Complementary Methods. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 115, 345–347. |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2008). The study of the fifth 1Σ+u state (5pσ) of H₂: Transition probabilities from the ground state, natural line widths and predissociation yields. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 249(1), 51–59. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kielich, W., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2008). Vibrational analysis of the N₂+(C → X) fluorescence in the vicinity of the 1s → π* excitation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41, 045104. | |
Theis-Bröhl, K., Westphalen, A., Zabel, H., Rücker, U., McCord, J., Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Weis, T., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Toperverg, B. P. (2008). Hyper-domains in exchange bias micro-stripe pattern. New Journal of Physics, 10, 093021. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2008). The study of the D′1Πu state of H₂: Transition probabilities from the ground state, predissociation yields, and natural linewidths. Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 094312. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Omel’yanenko, D. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Demekhina, L. A., Werner, L., Kielich, W., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (2008). Interference effects in 1s → π* resonance excitation processes of the NO molecule. Journal of Structural Chemistry, 49, S63–S72. | |
Weis, T., Krug, I., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., & Reiss, G. (2008). Characterization of magnetic force microscopy probe tip remagnetization for measurements in external in-plane magnetic fields. Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 123503. | |
Stobiecki, F., Urbaniak, M., Szymanski, B., Dubovik, J., Kuswik, P., Schmidt, M., Weis, T., Engel, D., Lengemann, D., Ehresmann, A., Sveklo, I., & Maziewski, A. (2008). Magnetic field induced transition from weak to strong ferromagnetic coupling in NiFe/Au/Co/Au multilayer. Applied Physics Letters, 92, 012511. | |
Kuswik, P., Kisielewski, J., Weis, T., Tekielak, M., Szymanski, B., Urbaniak, M., Dubovik, J., Stobiecki, F., Maziewski, A., & Ehresmann, A. (2008). He+ ion bombardment induced effects on magnetic properties of NiFe/Au/Co/Au films. Acta Physica Polonica Series a, 113, 651–656. | |
Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Weis, T., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Lengemann, D. (2008). Influence of ion bombardment induced patterning of exchange bias in pinned artificial ferrimagnets on the interlayer exchange coupling. Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 123903. |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Observation of the oscillating absorption spectrum of a double-well state: the B’’B1Σ+u state of H₂. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40, F19–F26. | |
Ennen, I., Höink, V., Weddemann, A., Hütten, A., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Waltenberg, C., Jutzi, P., Weis, T., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2007). Manipulation of magnetic nanoparticles by the strayfield of magnetically patterned ferromagnetic layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 013910. | |
Theis-Bröhl, K., Toperverg, B. P., Westphalen, A., Zabel, H., McCord, J., Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Weis, T., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Rücker, U. (2007). Polarized neutron reflectometry study on a magneticfilm with an ion beam imprinted stripe pattern. Superlattices and Microstructures, 41, 104–108. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Omel’yanenko, D. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). The predissociation of the 2σ−1u (c 4Σ−u), v states of the oxygen molecular ion. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 1, 213–221. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Transition probabilities from the ground state of the npπ 1Π−u states of H₂. Molecular Physics, 105(11-12), 1535–1542. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Cross sections for the ionization continuum of H₂ in the 15.3-17.2 eV energy range. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126, 094306. | |
Höink, V., Meyners, D., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Junk, D., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2007). Reconfigurable magnetic logic for all basic logic functions produced by ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning. Applied Physics Letters, 91, 162505. | |
Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Szymanski, B., Ehresmann, A., Maziewski, A., & Tekielak, M. (2007). Magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of NiFe/Au/Co/Au multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy of Co layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 013905. | |
Ehresmann, A., Kielich, W., Werner, L., Demekhin, P. V., Omel’yanenko, D. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Lifetime vibrational interference during the NO 1s−1π* resonant excitation studied by the NO+(A 1Π → X 1Σ+) fluorescence. The European Physical Journal D, 45, 235–246. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Omel’yanenko, D. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Investigation of photoionization and photodissociation of an oxygen molecule by the method of coupled differential equations. Optics and Spectroscopy, 102, 318–329. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Investigation of N₂+ (C2Σ+u → X2Σ+g fluorescence excited through auger decay of the 1s −1π* resonance. Optics and Spectroscopy, 102(3), 330–340. | |
Schartner, K.-H., Schill, R. H., Hasselkamp, D., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Lagutin, B. M., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2007). Interference between resonant Raman Auger decay and direct excitation manifested in orientation and alignment of KrII 4p4(1D)5p 2P3/2 ions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40, 1443–1450. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Study of the B′′B1 Σ+u state of H₂: Transition probabilities from the ground state, dissociative widths, and Fano parameters. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126, 144303. | |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Schmoranzer, H., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Schartner, K.-H., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., & Ehresmann, A. (2007). Interaction between doubly-excited 4p4nln’l’ resonances in Kr I. Journal of Physics B (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), 40, 1295–1307. | |
Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2007). Many-electron character of Rydberg series converging to the ionization thresholds of the 4p45s states of Kr II. Optics and Spectroscopy, 102, 1–7. |
Höink, V., Sacher, M., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Engel, D., Weis, T., & Ehresmann, A. (2006). Thermal stability of magnetic nanostructures in ion-bombardment-modified exchange-bias systems. Physical Review B, 73, 224428. | |
Schmalhorst, J., Sacher, M., Höink, V., Reiss, G., Hütten, A., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2006). Magnetic and chemical properties of Co₂MnSi thin films compared to the Co₂MnSi/Al-O interface. Journal of Applied Physics, 100(11), 113903. | |
Ehresmann, A., Engel, D., Weis, T., Schindler, A., Junk, D., Schmalhorst, J., Höink, V., Sacher, M., & Reiss, G. (2006). Fundamentals for magnetic patterning by ion bombardment of exchange bias layer systems. physica status solidi (b), 243, 29–36. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (2006). Interference effects in alignment and orientation processes of atoms excited by polarized radiation. Optics and Spectroscopy, 101, 832–838. | |
Höink, V., Sacher, M., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Engel, D., Weis, T., & Ehresmann, A. (2006). Switchable resonant x-ray Bragg scattering on a magnetic grating patterned by ion bombardment. Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 063903. | |
Kammer, S., Schartner, K.-H., Mickat, S., Schill, R. H., Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Schmoranzer, H., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2006). Cross sections for photoabsorption and 3p44s,3d satellite production at energies of the doubly excited Ar 3p4(3P)4s 2P3/2,1/2 np resonances. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39, 2757–2771. | |
Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Lucht, S., Schmoranzer, H., Mickat, S., Schill, R. H., Schartner, K.-H., Demekhin, P. V., Lemeshko, M. P., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2006). Studying the N₂+ (C2Σ+u → X2Σ+g) fluorescence excited via the 1s−1π* resonance. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39, 283–304. Abgerufen von | |
Urbaniak, M., Stobiecki, F., Engel, D., Szymanski, B., Ehresmann, A., & Kim, J. B. (2006). Domain structure and magnetoresistance of NiFe/Au/Co/Au multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. Physica Status Solidi C, 3, 57–60. | |
Theis-Bröhl, K., Toperverg, B. P., Wolff, M., Zabel, H., McCord, J., Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Weis, T., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2006). Magnetic order in exchange bias patterns in a continuous film. Annual Report, 26–27. Abgerufen von | |
Theis-Bröhl, K., Wolff, M., Westphalen, A., Zabel, H., McCord, J., Höink, V., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Weis, T., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., Rücker, U., & Toperverg, B. P. (2006). Exchange-bias instability in a bilayer with an ion-beam imprinted stripe pattern of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interfaces. Physical Review B, 73, 174408. | |
Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Demekhin, P. V., Lemeshko, M. P., Sukhorukov, V. L., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2006). Predissociation of the N₂+ C2Σ+u state observed via C2Σ+u → X2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of the N₂ molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39, L119–L126. |
Höink, V., Sacher, M., Schmalhorst, J., Reiss, G., Engel, D., Junk, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2005). Postannealing of magnetic tunnel junctions with ion-bombardment-modified exchange bias. Applied Physics Letters, 86, 152102. | |
Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Vollweiler, F., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (2005). Interaction between resonances through the autoionizing continua near the 4s-threshold in Kr II. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 38, 3129–3145. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2005). Interference shake-up effects in the resonant Auger decay of krypton. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144, 79–82. | |
McCord, J., Schäfer, R., Theis-Bröhl, K., Zabel, H., Schmalhorst, J., Höink, V., Brückl, H., Weis, T., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2005). Domain propagation in He-ion-bombarded magnetic wires with opposite exchange bias. Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 10K102. | |
Schartner, K.-H., Schill, R. H., Hasselkamp, D., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Lagutin, B. M., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2005). Partial wave analysis of interfering Kr 3d95p resonant Raman Auger transitions based on measurements of alignment and orientation parameters within the natural line width. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 38, 4155–4170. | |
Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., & Schmoranzer, H. (2005). Strongly perturbed Rydberg series originating from Kr II 4p45s ionic states. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144, 35–38. | |
Ehresmann, A., Junk, D., Engel, D., Paetzold, A., & Röll, K. (2005). On the origin of ion bombardment induced Exchange Bias modifications in polycrystalline layers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 801–806. | |
Mickat, S., Schartner, K.-H., Kammer, S., Schill, R. H., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2005). Absolute cross sections and branching ratios for the radiative decay of doubly excited helium determined by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 38, 2613–2628. | |
Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., Schmalhorst, J., Sacher, M., Höink, V., & Reiss, G. (2005). Initialization of unidirectional anisotropy in a ferromagnet-antiferromagnet bilayer by keV-He ion bombardment. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 293, 849–853. |
Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., Schmoranzer, H., Wilhelmi, O., Zimmermann, B., & Schartner, K.-H. (2004). VUV-fluorescence spectroscopy of O₂ photodissociation into neutral excited fragments between 17 eV and 19 eV. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, 389–401. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A. (2004). He-ion bombardment induced exchange bias modifications : Fundamentals and applications. Recent research developments in applied physics, 7, 401–421. | |
Schmalhorst, J., Sacher, M., Höink, V., Reiss, G., Engel, D., & Ehresmann, A. (2004). X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism studies of ion bombarded ferromagnet-antiferromagnet bilayers. Physical Review B, 70, 184403. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Krug, I., Kronenberger, A., Ehlers, A., & Engel, D. (2004). In-plane magnetic pattern separation in NiFe/NiO and Co/NiO exchange biased bilayers investigated by magnetic force microscopy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 280, 369–376. | |
Glass-Maujean, M., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2004). Photodissociation of doubly excited states of H₂ into H(2s) and H(2p) fragments. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, 2677–2684. Abgerufen von | |
Engel, D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Mertins, H.-C., Abramsohn, D., & Gudat, W. (2004). Soft X-ray resonant magnetic reflection investigations of FeMn/Co/Cu/Co spin valves modified by He ion bombardment. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 345, 185–188. | |
Ehresmann, A., Klumpp, S., Werner, L., Schmoranzer, H., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Schartner, K.-H., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2004). Observation and identification of doubly excited KrI 4s24p45snℓ Rydberg series. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, L251–L257. Abgerufen von | |
Zimmermann, B., Schartner, K.-H., Wilhelmi, O., Kammer, S., Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2004). Experimental study of the photoproduction of Ne+3p satellites in the threshold energy range. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, 511–523. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Schmoranzer, H., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Zimmermann, B., & Schartner, K.-H. (2004). De-excitation dynamics of Rydberg states in O2: II. Vibrational and rotational structure of 2σ−1u(c4Σ−u)(ns/nd)σg3Σ−u(v = 0, 1) states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(22), 4405–4422. | |
Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Schmoranzer, H., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Zimmermann, B., & Schartner, K.-H. (2004). Deexcitation dynamics of Rydberg states in O₂: II. Vibrational and rotational structure of 2σ−1u(c4Σ−u)(ns/nd)σg3Σ−u (v = 0, 1) states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, 4406–4422. Abgerufen von |
Schmalhorst, J., Höink, V., Reiss, G., Engel, D., Junk, D., Schindler, A., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2003). Influence of ion bombardment on transport properties and exchange bias in magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 5556–5558. | |
Fassbender, J., Poppe, S., Mewes, T., Juraszek, J., Hillebrands, B., Barholz, K. U., Mattheis, R., Engel, D., Jung, M., Schmoranzer, H., & Ehresmann, A. (2003). Ion irradiation of exchange bias systems for magnetic sensor applications. Applied Physics A, 77, 51–56. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2003). Interference Effects in Auger spectra at the 3d9np resonances in Kr. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36, L163–L168. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., Kröger, M. von, & Schmoranzer, H. (2003). Vibrationally resolved band profiles for autoioniosation of NO (c3Π) nlλ (vR = 0) Rydberg states into NO+ A1Π (vi = 0, 1, 2) vibronic levels. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 130(1-3), 49–56. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Demekhin, P. V., Zimmermann, B., Mickat, S., Kammer, S., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., Shutov, Y. A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2003). The interference effects in the alignment and orientation of the Kr II 4p45p states following Kr I 3d9np resonance excitation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36, 3251–3268. Abgerufen von | |
Engel, D., Krug, I., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Paetzold, A., Röll, K., Ocker, B., & Maass, W. (2003). Alteration of exchange anisotropy and magnetoresistance in Co/Cu/Co/FeMn spin valves by ion bombardment. Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 5925–5929. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Schill, R. H., Shutov, Y. A., & Schartner, K.-H. (2003). Raman regime energy dependence of alignment and orientation of Kr II states populated by the resonant Auger effect. Physical Review Letters, 90, 073001. Abgerufen von | |
Schill, R. H., Hasselkamp, D., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Zimmermann, B., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Schlüter, M., Schutov, Y. A., Lagutin, B. M., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2003). Partial wave analysis of the Kr I 3d5/295p3/2 → Kr II 4p4(1D)5p2F7/2 decay based on orientation and alignment transfer. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36, L57–L61. Abgerufen von | |
Engel, D., Kronenberger, A., Jung, M., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Paetzold, A., & Röll, K. (2003). Exchange anisotropy modification in NiO/NiFe bilayers by ion bombardment. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 263, 275–281. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (2003). Alignment and orientation of the ionic states of rare gas atoms populated by resonant Auger effect. AIP Conference Proceedings, 697, 127–132. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., Schmoranzer, H., Zimmermann, B., Kammer, S., Schartner, K.-H., Demekhin, P. V., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2003). Double photoionization of N₂ into the N₂2+ D 1Σu+-state. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36, 3669–3681. Abgerufen von |
Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2002). Deexcitation dynamics of Rydberg states in O₂: I. Total cross sections for O I fluorescence emission following predissociation of 2σ−1u (c4Σ−u)nσg 3Σ−u state. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 35, 895–905. Abgerufen von | |
Liebel, H., Müller-Albrecht, R., Lauer, S., Vollweiler, F., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2002). Fine structure selective predissociation of O₂. Surface Review and Letters, 9(01), 57–62. | |
Juraszek, J., Fassbender, J., Poppe, S., Mewes, T., Hillebrands, B., Engel, D., Kronenberger, A., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2002). Tuning exchange bias and coercive fields in ferromagnet/antiferromagnet bilayers with ion irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 6896–6898. | |
Fassbender, J., Poppe, S., Mewes, T., Mougin, A., Hillebrands, B., Engel, D., Jung, M., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Faini, G., Kirk, K. J., & Chapman, J. N. (2002). Magnetization reversal of exchange bias double layers magnetically patterned by ion irradiation. physica status solidi (a) – applications and materials science, 189, 439–447.<439::AID-PSSA439>3.0.CO;2-4 | |
Zimmermann, B., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Schartner, K.-H., Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2002). Alignment of photoions for the autoionization analysis of doubly excited rare gas valence shells. AIP Conference Proceedings, 604, 172–177. Abgerufen von |
Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., von Kröger, M., & Schmoranzer, H. (2001). Dissociation of NO b 3Π0,1,2 npλ 2Λ(v = 0) Rydberg states into O((4S)3s 3S₀) + N(4S3/2) fragments: Rotational band shapes of vibronic peaks seen in fluorescence. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(14), 2893–2904. | |
Liebel, H., Müller-Albrecht, R., Lauer, S., Vollweiler, F., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2001). Fine structure selectivity of neutral dissociation with excitation observed in O₂. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(13), 2581–2596. | |
Mougin, A., Poppe, S., Fassbender, J., Hillebrands, B., Faini, G., Ebels, U., Jung, M., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2001). Magnetic micropatterning of FeNi/FeMn exchange bias bilayers by ion irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 6606–6608. | |
Reichardt, G., Bahrdt, J., Schmidt, J.-S., Gudat, W., Ehresmann, A., Müller-Albrecht, R., Molter, H., Schmoranzer, H., Martins, M., Schwentner, N., & Sasaki, S. (2001). A 10 m-normal incidence monochromator at the quasi-periodic undulator U125-2 at BESSY II. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 467, 462–465. | |
Kilin, V. A., Lazarev, D. A., Lazarev, D. A., Zelichenko, V. M., Amusia, M. Y., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2001). Test of a q-fractional V(N-q) Hartree-Fock potential for the calculation of double photoionization cross sections of neon. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34, 3993–4001. | |
Schartner, K.-H., Zimmermann, B., Kammer, S., Mickat, S., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., Follath, R., & Reichardt, G. (2001). Radiative cascades from doubly excited He states. Physical Review A, 64, 040501(R). | |
Schmoranzer, H., Lauer, S., Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, P. V., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2001). Manifestation of doubly excited atomic states in the photoionization cross-sections of Ar, Kr and Xe in the vicinity of the subvalence ns-shell threshold. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114, 135–140. | |
Ehresmann, A., Liebel, H., von Kröger, M., & Schmoranzer, H. (2001). Final state selectively observed autoionisation and predissociation processes in NO for Eex = 16.9 eV - 19.6 eV. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34, 3119–3131. Abgerufen von | |
Schmoranzer, H., Liebel, H., Vollweiler, F., Müller-Albrecht, R., Ehresmann, A., Schartner, K.-H., & Zimmermann, B. (2001). Photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 467, 1526–1528. |
Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Sukhorukov, V. L., Vollweiler, F., Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., Lauer, S., Schmoranzer, H., Wilhelmi, O., Zimmermann, B., & Schartner, K.-H. (2000). Alignment of ions after autoionization decay of atomic resonances: I. The 4d95/26p3/2 (J=1) resonance in Xe. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33(7), 1337–1356. | |
Mewes, T., Lopusnik, R., Fassbender, J., Hillebrands, B., Jung, M., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2000). Suppression of exchange bias by ion irradiation. Applied Physics Letters, 76, 1057–1059. | |
Mougin, A., Mewes, T., Jung, M., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Fassbender, J., & Hillebrands, B. (2000). Local manipulation and reversal of the exchange bias field by ion irradiation in FeNi/FeMn double layers. Physical Review B, 63, 2647–2649. | |
Mewes, T., Lopusnik, R., Fassbender, J., Hillebrands, B., Jung, M., Engel, D., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2000). Modification of the exchange bias effect by He ion irradiation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 1057–1059. | |
Kilin, V. A., Lazarev, D. A., Lazarev, D. A., Amusia, M. Y., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (2000). State selective single-photon double ionization of Ne indicating singlet-triplet mixing of doubly excited LS-states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33, 4989–5005. | |
Liebel, H., Lauer, S., Vollweiler, F., Müller-Albrecht, R., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Mentzel, G., Schartner, K.-H., & Wilhelmi, O. (2000). Neutral photodissociation of O₂ Rydberg states accompanied by changes of the Rydberg electron’s quantum numbers n and l. Physics Letters A, 267(5-6), 357–369. | |
Ehresmann, A., Machida, S., Kitajima, M., Ukai, M., Kameta, K., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Shigemasa, E., & Hayaishi, T. (2000). Dissociative single and double photoionization with excitation between 37 and 69 eV in N₂. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33, 473–490. | |
Zimmermann, B., Wilhelmi, O., Schartner, K.-H., Vollweiler, F., Liebel, H., Ehresmann, A., Lauer, S., Schmoranzer, H., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., & Sukhorukov, V. L. (2000). Alignment of ions after autoionization decay of atomic resonances: II. The 3d95/25p (J=1) resonance in Kr. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33(13), 2467–2478. |
Ehresmann, A., Schäffer, H., Vollweiler, F., Mentzel, G., Magel, B., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (1998). Alignment of Xe II and Xe III ionic states after the decay of the Xe I 4d9 5/26p 1P1 autoionization resonance. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 31(7), 1487–1501. | |
Ehresmann, A., Schäffer, H., Vollweiler, F., Mentzel, G., Magel, B., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (1998). Alignment of Xe II and Xe III ionic states after the decay of the Xe I 4d5/296p ₀P₀ autoionization resonance. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 31, 1487–1501. Abgerufen von | |
Lagutin, B. M., Demekhin, P. V., Petrov, I. D., Sukhorukov, V. L., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (1998). Relativistic effects in photoabsorption of the outer atomic shells. Journal of Structural Chemistry, 39, 811–818. |
Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schartner, K.-H., Schmoranzer, H., & Kilin, V. A. (1997). Perturbation theory study of triple photoionization: I. Two step approximations in triple photoionization of Kr in the exciting-photon energy region of Kr I 3d9 np resonances (90-100 eV). Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30(24), 5715–5727. | |
Ehresmann, A., Machida, S., Ukai, M., Kameta, K., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Ito, K., & Hayaishi, T. (1997). CO Rydberg series converging to the CO+ D and C states observed by VUV-fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 1907–1926. | |
Schmoranzer, H., Lauer, S., Vollweiler, F., Ehresmann, A., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Demekhin, P. V., Schartner, K.-H., Magel, B., & Mentzel, G. (1997). Angular distribution of the fluorescence radiation of Kr II satellite states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 4463–4480. |
Ehresmann, A., Machida, S., Ukai, M., Kameta, K., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Ito, K., & Hayaishi, T. (1996). Photodissociation of CO: partial cross sections for neutral dissociative excitation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 29, 3629–3650. | |
Ehresmann, A., Machida, S., Ukai, M., Kameta, K., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Ito, K., & Hayaishi, T. (1996). Neutral photodissociation of CO into excited fragments investigated by dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 80, 21–24. | |
Kitajima, M., Ukai, M., Machida, S., Kameta, K., Ehresmann, A., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Hayaishi, T., & Ito, K. (1996). Excitation function measurements of the dissociative photoionization excitation of N₂. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 79, 467–469. | |
Ehresmann, A., Mentzel, G., Schartner, K.-H., & Schmoranzer, H. (1996). Quantitative investigations of the decay of Kr I 3d9np resonances: I. Literature discussion and cascade population of the Kr II 4s14p62S1/2 state. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 29(5), 991–1006. | |
Kitajima, M., Ukai, M., Machida, S., Kameta, K., Ehresmann, A., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Hayaishi, T., Shigemasa, E., & Ito, K. (1996). One-electron and multi-electron transitions observed in the excitation function of the dissociative photoionization excitation of N₂. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 29, 1711–1722. | |
Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schmoranzer, H., Mentzel, G., & Schartner, K.-H. (1996). Quantitative investigation of the decay of KrI 3d9np resonances: Cross sections of spectator auger and auger shake processes and for cascades on the KrII 4s14p62S1/2 state. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 79, 311–314. |
Kilin, V. A., Kharlova, A. N., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (1995). Competition between non-correlative visible and correlative fluorescence transitions in KrIII. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 28, 4723–4732. | |
Ehresmann, A., Machida, S., Ukai, M., Kameta, K., Kitajima, M., Kouchi, N., Hatano, Y., Ito, K., & Hayaishi, T. (1995). Threshold behaviour of neutral photodissociation with excitation of CO probed by dispersed fragment VUV fluorescence. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 28, 5283–5293. | |
Ehresmann, A., Kilin, V. A., Schmoranzer, H., Schartner, K.-H., & Amusia, M. Y. (1995). Assignment of new fluorescence lines from Kr III 4p36s/5d states observed after excitation of the Kr I 3d5/29 5p-resonance. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 28(6), 965–977. | |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., & Schartner, K.-H. (1995). Resonance structure of the photoionization cross sections of the Kr atom in the energy region between single and double ionization thresholds. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 76, 421–426. |
Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr near the 4s threshold. IV. Photoionization through the autoionization of doubly-excited states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27(21), 5221–5239. | |
Wildberger, M., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Möbus, B., Schartner, K.-H., & Magel, B. (1994). Fluorescence studies on the 3d-ionization threshold range in Krypton. Physics Letters A, 193, 274–278. | |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr near 4s-threshold. II: Intermediate coupling theory. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, 241–256. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schmoranzer, H., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Mentzel, G., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr near 4s-threshold. III. Detailed and extended measurements of the Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross section. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, 1489–1496. Abgerufen von | |
Möbus, B., Schartner, K.-H., Ehresmann, A., & Schmoranzer, H. (1994). Double photoionization of argon into the 3s3p51P- and3P-states. Z. f. Phys. D Atoms Molecules and Clusters, 30(4), 285–290. | |
Lagutin, B. M., Sukhorukov, V. L., Petrov, I. D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr near 4s-threshold. IV. Photoionization through the autoionization of doubly excited states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, 5221–5239. Abgerufen von | |
Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schmoranzer, H., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Mentzel, G., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr 4s. III. Detailed and extended measurements of the Kr 4s-electron ionization cross section. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27(8), 1489–1496. | |
Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., Vollweiler, F., Mentzel, G., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Absolute Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross sections between 30 eV and 90 eV measured by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS). Physics Letters A, 184(6), 432–434. | |
Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., & Schartner, K.-H. (1994). Photoionization of Kr near 4s threshold. II. Intermediate-coupling theory. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27(2), 241–256. |
Ehresmann, A., Kilin, V. A., Chernysheva, L. V., Schmoranzer, H., Amusia, M. Y., & Schartner, K.-H. (1993). Three-electron radiative transitions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26, L97–102. Abgerufen von | |
Amusia, M. Y., Kilin, V. A., Ehresmann, A., Schmoranzer, H., & Schartner, K.-H. (1993). Double-autoionization decay of resonantly excited single-electron states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26, 1281–1300. | |
Schartner, K.-H., Mentzel, G., Magel, B., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Schmoranzer, H., & Möbus, B. (1993). State-selective study of the direct double photoionization of the Ne valence shell. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26, L445–L450. | |
Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Schartner, K.-H., & Mobus, B. (1993). Photoionization of Kr near the 4s threshold. I. Experiment and LS coupling theory. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26(17), 2795–2810. | |
Schmoranzer, H., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., Sukhorukov, V. L., Lagutin, B. M., Petrov, I. D., Schartner, K.-H., & Möbus, B. (1993). Photoionization of Kr near 4s-threshold. I. Experiment and LS-coupling theory. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26, 2795–2810. Abgerufen von |
Schartner, K.-H., Möbus, B., Mentzel, G., Ehresmann, A., Vollweiler, F., & Schmoranzer, H. (1992). Threshold scan of the Ne-2s electron photoionization cross section. Physics Letters A, 169, 393. |