Experimentalphysik IV


AIM Conference in Bressanone

From 09. - 12.02.2025 Jonas Bugase and Yahya Shubbak participated in the 5th AIM conference (Advances in Magnetics) in Bressanone (Italy). Jonas Bugase presented a talk entitled "Controlled transport of magnetic cuboidal particles in dynamic potential energy landscapes for lab-on-chip applications", Yahya Shubbak presented "Magnetophoretic distinction of differently surface-functionalized magnetic microparticles by close-to-surface transport in a quiescent liquid".

Link to the conference website.

Group picture.

New postdoc

Since February 2025 Dr. Rohit Tyagi supports our spectroscopy team as a postdoc. We wish you a successful time in the AG Ehresmann!

User Meeting at MAX IV

From 13 - 15.01.2025 Dana Bloß took part in the user meeting of the MAX IV facility in Lund. She represented the research of our group with a talk.

Picture of Dana Bloß and Laura Sommerlad.
Left: Dana Bloß, right: Laura Sommerlad from the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

Beamtime at BESSY II in Berlin

Between July 2024 and January 2025, the entire working group, led by Adrian Krone, spent six weeks measuring at the U125-2_NIM beamline of the electron storage ring BESSY II. The aim of this project is the precise and absolute mapping of the hydrogen molecule, a representation in which the photon emission spectrum is plotted as a function of the excitation energy. Due to the experimentally difficult to access UV/VUV spectral range, the high precision, the size of the excitation range and the desire to provide this map in absolute interaction cross-sections, many weeks of time were invested in this mammoth project.

Click here to read more about recent events in the AG Ehresmann.

Link to "News" page: Read More

Current research highlights

Combined Funnel, Concentrator, and Particle Valve Functional Element for Magnetophoretic Bead Transport Based on Engineered Magnetic Domain Patterns


Information about possible topics for your bachelor's / master's thesis, your state examination or your PhD in the group of A. Ehresmann and experience reports from graduates can be found here.

Theses: Further Information


Andrea Wecker

Heinr.-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel
Room 1265

Telefone: +49 561 804-4061

Consultation hour:
Tuesday-Thursday 9:30-16:30
Monday and Friday: upon arrangement

X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions

D. Bloß et al., "X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions", Nature Communications, 15, 4594 (2024).
DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48687-2

X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions: Read More

Experimental realization of Auger decay in the field of a positive elementary charge

A. Hans et al., "Experimental realization of Auger decay in the field of a positive elementary charge", Physical Review Letters 132, 20 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.203002

Older research highlights

You can find older research highlights here.

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