AIM Conference in Bressanone
From 09. - 12.02.2025 Jonas Bugase and Yahya Shubbak participated in the 5th AIM conference (Advances in Magnetics) in Bressanone (Italy). Jonas Bugase presented a talk entitled "Controlled transport of magnetic cuboidal particles in dynamic potential energy landscapes for lab-on-chip applications", Yahya Shubbak presented "Magnetophoretic distinction of differently surface-functionalized magnetic microparticles by close-to-surface transport in a quiescent liquid".
New postdoc
Since February 2025 Dr. Rohit Tyagi supports our spectroscopy team as a postdoc. We wish you a successful time in the AG Ehresmann!
User Meeting at MAX IV
From 13 - 15.01.2025 Dana Bloß took part in the user meeting of the MAX IV facility in Lund. She represented the research of our group with a talk.
Beamtime at BESSY II in Berlin
Between July 2024 and January 2025, the entire working group, led by Adrian Krone, spent six weeks measuring at the U125-2_NIM beamline of the electron storage ring BESSY II. The aim of this project is the precise and absolute mapping of the hydrogen molecule, a representation in which the photon emission spectrum is plotted as a function of the excitation energy. Due to the experimentally difficult to access UV/VUV spectral range, the high precision, the size of the excitation range and the desire to provide this map in absolute interaction cross-sections, many weeks of time were invested in this mammoth project.
New PhD student Mika Ossenschmidt
In January 2025 we welcome Mika Ossenschmidt as a new PhD student in the Functional Thin Films group. We wish you a great time at the AGE and much success for your doctorate!
New Bachelor's and Master's degrees
Several Bachelor's and Master's theses were successfully defended in December 2024
Bhavadip Rakholiya, Investigating Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect on Micron-sized 3D Pyramidal Ferromagnetic Thin Films
Robin Ise, Neubau eines Gaseinlasssystems zur Bestimmung der Teilchenzahldichte durch Kontrolle des Drucks bei fluoreszenzspektroskopischen Untersuchungen
Gabriel Klassen, Koinzidenzmessung von Elektronen an in Wasser gelöstem Adenosinmonophosphat mit einem Magnetflaschen-Spektrometer
Jan Philipp Linke, Optimierung der Polymerunterlage für den gerichteten substratnahen Transport magnetischer Partikel in physiologisch relevanten Substanzen
Congratulations to all of you!
Beamtime at Synchrotron Soleil
From 01. - 10.12.2024 Emilia Heikura, Christina Zindel, Dana Bloß, Leon Schwarz, Lutz Marder and Yahya Shubbak conducted another experiment within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center ELCH 1319, in which the behavior of photoelectron circular dichroism was investigated. The experiment was carried out at the PLÉIADES beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron.
Disputation by Dana Bloß
On 27.11.2024 Dana Bloß successfully defended her dissertation with the title Intermolekulare Energie- und Ladungstransferprozesse in photoinduzierten anorganischen Ionen und biorelevanten Molekülen in wässriger Umgebung.
Master defense by Florian Ott
On 26.11.2024 Florian Ott successfully defended his master's thesis entitled Modeling the magneto-optical Kerr effect in three-dimensional magnetic microstructures.
Beamtimes at MAX IV
From November 18 - 25, 2024, Johannes Viehmann, Adrian Krone, Andreas Hans, Jan Peter Hartung, Niklas Golchert and Yusaku Terao, actively supported by Antti Kivimäki, Francis Penent, Noelle Walsh and Rémi Dupuy, experimented at the two beamlines FlexPES and FinEstBeAMS of the MAX IV storage ring. These two parallel experiments served on the one hand to investigate non-local relaxation mechanisms in weakly bound noble gas clusters, while on the other hand a new operating mode at MAX IV, called TRIBs (Transverse Resonance Island Buckets), was tested. For this purpose, time-of-flight-based electron spectrometers were used on both beamlines.
Beamtime at MAX IV in Sweden
From November 4 - 11, 2024, Johannes Viehmann, Yusaku Terao, Simeon Bürger and Niklas Golchert experimented at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of the synchrotron radiation facility MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. Here they installed the EPIC setup (short for electrons and photons in coincidence) to measure multi-electron photon coincidence spectra of pure neon and mixed neon-krypton clusters. One focus was on the suppression of the ICD (short for: Interatomic Coulombic Decay) process by the presence of a neighboring ion within a cluster.
Bachelor defense of Daniel Hermann
On 05.11.2024 Daniel Hermann successfully defended his bachelor thesis with the title Simulation Based Comparison of Electrode Configurations for Velocity Map Imaging Spectrometers.
We wish you all the best for your future!
Beamtime at PETRA III in Hamburg
From 22 - 29.10.2024 Emilia Heikura, Adrian Krone, Andreas Anschütz, Dana Bloß and Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury, actively supported by Florian Trinter (FHI Berlin), conducted an experiment on the distance dependence of photoelectron circular dichroism, an effect that occurs during the ionization of chiral molecules by circularly polarized light. For this purpose, a molecular jet was crossed with circularly polarized synchrotron radiation, provided by the P04 beamline of the PETRA III storage ring, and the emitted electrons were measured with a VMI spectrometer (short for Velocity Map Imaging).
Bachelor defense of Julian Hertlein
On the 15th of October 2024, Julian Hertlein successfully defended his Bachelor thesis with the title Vermessung der lateralen Quanteneffizienz eines positionssensitiven Photonendetektors.
We wish you best of luck for your future!
Bachelor defense of Volodymyr Zhyrnyi
On 10th of September 2024, Volodymyr Zhyrnyi successfully defended his Bachelor thesis with the title Untersuchung von Systemen mit doppeltem Exchange Bias für den Transport magnetisch funktionalisierter Partikel.
We wish you best of luck for your future!
New PhD student Nikolai Weidt
Since August 2024, we are glad to welcome former Master student Nikolai Weidt as PhD student in our group. We wish you best of luck!
Beamtime at Synchrotron Soleil in France
From 21.07. - 30.07.2024 Johannes Viehmann, Yusaku Terao and Niklas Golchert, actively supported by Ouassim Hocine Hafiani (Uppsala University, Sweden), experimented at the PLÉIADES beamline of the synchrotron Soleil. They were interested in the fluorescence spectra of noble gas clusters after inner-shell excitation with a special focus on the postulated neighbor induced recapture process, whose photon spectrum has never been investigated before.
International conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2024 in Bologna
Rico Huhnstock and Arne Vereijken visited the International conference on magnetism from 30.06.-05.07.2024. Both presented their work with posters, Arne Vereijken with "Tailoring the Magnetoionic Effect by Defect Engineering in Magnetic Thin Films" and Rico Huhnstock with "Magnetically patterned exchange-biased thin films: Engineering stray field landscapes for the multipurpose transport of magnetically functionalized particles".
Master defense of Nikolai Weidt
On 18.06.2024, Nikolai Weidt successfully gave the defense of his Master thesis with the title Remote-Controlled Transport of Superparamagnetic Particles in Liquid: Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trajectories.
We wish you only the best for your future!
Beamtime at Synchrotron Soleil in France
From 16.06. - 25.06.2024, Niklas Golchert, Yusaku Terao, Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury, Emilia Heikura and Andreas Hans experimented at the GALAXIES beamline of the synchrotron Soleil, where they were supported by Minna Patanen (University of Oulu) and Oksana Travnikova (CNRS). During this first-time combination of our setup EPIC (electrons and photons in coincidence) with a hard x-ray beamline, multielectron-photon coincidence spectra of Argon clusters after 1s ionization were measured. The resulting spectra will contain information about the different non-local processes occuring during the relaxation of these excited systems.
Beamtime at PETRA III in Hamburg
From 05.06. - 12.06.2024, Yusaku Terao, Johannes Viehmann, Gabriel Klassen, Christina Zindel und Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam experimented at the P04 beamline of the PETRA III accelerator in Hamburg. They recorded luminescence spectra of solvated nucleotides (Adeninmonophosphate AMP and Uridinemonophosphate UMP). These are supposed to yield information about the deexcitation of DNA components after X-ray irradiation when they are embedded in a watery environment.
New publication
On 30.05.2024, our group published an article in Nature Communications. A radiation damage cycle in X-ray-ionized solvated Mg ions is reported by the authors leading to production of water radicals and low-energy electrons. The Mg ion ends in its initial state quickly and can restart the cycle, multiplying the local damage.
D. Bloß et al., "X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions", Nature Communications, 15, 4594 (2024).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48687-2
Also interesting: Press release of the university of Kassel.
Beamtimes at MAX IV in Sweden
In the period from 19.05. - 04.06.2024, our group absolved two beamtimes at the FlexPES beamline of the MAX IV storage ring in Lund, Sweden. The experiments were performed by Yusaku Terao, Niklas Golchert, Johannes Viehmann, Joel Herrmann, Gabriel Klassen, Emilia Heikura, Dana Bloß, Andreas Hans and Adrian Krone with the helpful support of Noelle Walsh and Maxim Tchaplyguine.
During the first experiment, the fluorescence of solvated nucleotides (Cytidinmonophosphate CMP) was measured, in order to investigate their relaxation after inner-shell ionization by X-rays. For this purpose, a liquid microjet was combined with a Seya-Namioka spectrometer. In the second experiment, a magnetic-bottle-type electron spectrometer was used in combination with a rare-gas cluster source in order investigate multiple (non-local) processes in prototypical many-particle systems with the multielectron coincidence technique.
New publication
On 16.05.2024, our group published an article in Physical Review Letters, where the Auger decay of an atom inside of a cluster is discussed, while an elementary charge is present in its close viscinity. This charge influences the measured electron spectra in dense media and needs to be considered for their correct interpretation.
A. Hans et al., "Experimental realization of Auger decay in the field of a positive elementary charge", Physical Review Letters 132, 20 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.203002
INTERMAG conference 2024
From 05.05.-11.05.2024, Rico Huhnstock and Christian Janzen participated in the IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2024 in Rio de Janeiro. This is a conference with a wide range of topics, covering the advances in fundamental research as well as application of magnetism. Rico Huhnstock and Christian Janzen represented our group with two presentations.
Beamtime at PETRA III in Hamburg
From 22. - 29.04.2024, Emilia Heikura, Andreas Hans, Johannes Viehmann, Leon Schwarz and Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury were experimenting at the P04 beamline of the PETRA III storage ring in Hamburg. They were studying photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) on electrons with high kinetic energy after participator Auger decay in the chiral molecule methyloxirane.
New bachelor students
Welcome Joel Herrmann and Leon Schwarz. We wish you a good time in the AG Ehresmann!
Beamtime at MAX IV in Sweden
From 31.03. - 09.04.2024, Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury, Andreas Hans, Christina Zindel, Emilia Heikura, Johannes Viehmann and Niklas Golchert experimented at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of the MAX IV storage ring in Sweden. They investigated the fragmentation pattern of pyrmidine-water clusters after inner-shell ionization of the water and pyrimidine molecules using the PePiPiCo (Photoelectron-Photoion-Photoion-Coincidence) method. The results are expected to give additional insights in the protective or destructive effects of watery environments to X-ray irradiated biomolecules.
DPG spring meeting 2024 (SKM)
From 17. -22.03.2024, Bhavadip Rakholiya, Christian Janzen, Jonas Bugase, Nikolai Weidt, Rico Huhnstock and Yahya Shubbak participated in the Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG) for the Section condensed matter (SKM) in Berlin. They contributed 3 talks, 3 posters and 1 science slam to the scientific programme of the conference.
DPG Spring meeting 2024 (SAMOP)
From 10. - 15.03.2024, Adrian Krone, Andreas Hans, Arno Ehresmann, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Christina Zindel, Dana Bloß, Emilia Heikura, Johannes Viehmann, Lutz Marder, Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury, Niklas Golchert and Yusaku Terao participated in the Spring meeting of the German Physical Society DPG for the Section Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Photonics (SAMOP) in Freiburg. They contributed 10 talks and 1 poster to the scientific programme of the conference.
Beamtime at PETRA III in Hamburg
From 28.02. - 06.03.2024, Niklas Golchert, Adrian Krone, Andreas Anschütz, Andreas Hans, Emilia Heikura and Johannes Viehmann performed an experiment at the P04 beamline of the storage ring PETRA III in Hamburg. They investigated the local and non-local relaxation mechanisms occuring in rare-gas clusters after excitation with X-rays. For this purpose, they combined an electron spectrometer with a mirror system, therefore enabling the coincident detection of multiple electrons and photons.
New bachelor student
Welcome Volodymyr Zhyrnyi. We wish you a good time in the AG Ehresmann!
Extreme Atomic Systems conference 2024
From 11. - 16.02.2024 Dana Bloß, Emilia Heikura, Niklas Golchert and Yusaku Terao participated at the 44. EAS conference in Riezlern, Austria. In more than 50 talks, recent research results regarding light-matter interaction, highly charged ions, structured light and many other topics were presented. In between the scientific program in the morning and evening, the afternoon could be utilized for skiing or hiking in the mountains.
Doctoral defense of Valerija Music
On 17.01.2024, Valerija Music successfully defended her doctoral thesis with the title Towards the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in chiral systems using free-electron lasers.
We wish you only the best for your future!
New Postdoc
Since december 2023, Dr. Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury supports the spectroscopy team as a postdoc. We wish you a successful time in the AG Ehresmann!
Workshop "Soft X-ray Science at PETRA"
From 29.11. - 01.12.2023 Andreas Hans, Dana Bloß and Emilia Heikura represented our group with one talk and two posters at the "Soft X-ray Science at PETRA" workshop on the DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) campus in Hamburg.
Beamtime at MAX IV in Sweden
From 18.11 - 27.11.2023 Yusaku Terao, Dana Bloß, Gabriel Klassen, Johannes Viehmann, Andreas Hans, Adrian Krone and Niklas Golchert performed an experiment at the FlexPES beamline of the storage ring MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. They used a liquid micro-jet to investigate the electron emission spectra of solvated salts and biomolecules. Special focus lied on the multiple relaxation mechanisms that occur after ionization by X-rays.
Beamtime at ILL in Grenoble
From 26.10.-03.11.2023, Arne Vereijken, Varun Vanakalapu, Christian Janzen and Rico Huhnstock employed polarized neutron reflectometry at the world's most potent neutron source, the ILL in Grenoble, in order to examine the magnetization of their samples at varying depths and under the influence of an external magnetic field. They intended to confirm the formation of magnetic spiral states induced by two arbitrarily set exchange-bias effects.
New bachelor students
Welcome Julian Hertlein and Christopher Wilke. We wish you a good time in the AG Ehresmann!
Doctoral defense of Sapida Akhundzada
On 18.10.2023, Sapida Akhundzada successfully defended her doctoral thesis with the title Asymmetric magnetization reversal processes in exchange-biased microstructures.
We wish you only the best for your future!
Experiment at the EuXFEL
In October 2023, Lutz Marder and Niklas Golchert participated at an inhouse beamtime of the Small Quantum Systems (SQS) group of the European X-ray free-electron laser facility (EuXFEL). Goals of the experiment were on one hand the establishment of the "angular streaking" method as a tool for the characterization of attosecond soft X-ray pulses and on the other hand the implementation of intelligent online data analysis by machine learning.
Beamtime at SOLEIL in France
From 01.10-10.10.2023, Emilia Heikura, Christina Zindel, Andreas Hans, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Lutz Marder and Johannes Viehmann conducted an experiment at the synchrotron radiation facility SOLEIL in France. During this experiment, it was investigated how the distance of an atom to the stereocenter of a chiral molecule (here: sec-butyl trimethylsilylether) influences the inner-shell photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD), a common measure for the chirality of molecules.
Group retreat 2023
From the 27.09.-29.09.2023, our yearly group retreat took place. The objective of this event was the discussion of scientific topics in a relaxed environment as well as strengthening the team spirit within the group.