Research Archive
Intermolecular decay protects molecules from radiation damage caused by X-rays
A combination of experimental data and theoretical simulations has shown that certain intermolecular decay processes protect small organic molecules from breaking apart after irradiation with X-rays. More...
Correlation of the polycrystalline microstructure and the macroscopic magnetic properties of polycrystalline exchange-biased thin-film systems
By systematically varying the fabrication parameters of exchange-shifted magnetic thin-film systems, the structural properties of the polycrystalline microstructure could be correlated with the macroscopic magnetic properties. Further...
Three-dimensional close-to-substrate trajectories of magnetic microparticles in dynamically modified magnetic field landscapes
The three-dimensional movement of superparamagnetic particles above a magnetically structured substrate in aqueous fluid was quantitatively determined using a standard light microscope with high temporal resolution. This allows for a better understanding of particle transport dynamics for targeted applications in future lab-on-a-chip systems. More...
Translatory and rotatory motion of exchange-bias capped Janus particles controlled by dynamic magnetic field landscapes
R. Huhnstock et al., Scientific Reports11 21794 (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-01351-x
Core-level interatomic Coulombic decay in van der Waals bound Argon clusters
A. Hans et al., PRR 2, 012022(R) (2020)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.012022
New electron-photon coincidence technique using enhanced photon detection probabilities
Electron and photon spectroscopy were used to investigate correlative processes in heterogeneous systems. These results clearly show a strong interaction between different compounds of these systems, where one compound acts as an antenna for efficient absorption of energy which is transported to the other compound. The excess energy is used ionize the second compound. More...
New electron-photon coincidence technique using enhanced photon detection probabilities
High detection efficiencies are the crucial parameters for successful coincidence measurements. Typically, photons are excluded from coincidence experiments due to the small solid angle accessible for detection. We present an approach how to drastically enhance the photon detection probabilities using optics assemblies. More...
Smart Surfaces – magnetically switchable light diffraction
I. Koch et al., Adv. Optical Mater., 1800133 (2018)
Change of the magnetic anisotropy in polycrystalline exchange-shifted thin-film systems by helium ion bombardment
N. Müglich et al. New. J. Phys. 20 053018 (2018)
First direct measurement of the radiative charge transfer in clusters
A. Hans et al. New Journal of Physics (2018)
Learning machines predict the properties of FEL pulses
A. Sanchez et al. Nature Communications 8 15461 (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15461
Topologically protected transport of colloidal particles
[1] J. Loehr et al. Soft Matter 13 5044 (2017)
DOI: 10.1039/C7SM00983F
Interatomic decay channel in clusters first detected by visible light
A. Hans et al. Chemical Physics 482 165 (2017)
Influence of magnetism by ion bombardment
H. Huckfeldt et al. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 125801 (2017)
DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/aa5ad5
Optical fluorescence of liquid water after X-ray excitation
A. Hans et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B121 2326 (2017)