
Research Project „Influencing factors on the choice of organic meat meals in business canteens“

Duration of project

January 2020 - August 2023

In cooperation with

FiBL Deutschland e.V.
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau
Anja Erhart, Dipl. oec. troph, M.Sc.
Postfach 90 01 63
60441 Frankfurt am Main

Project outline

The aim of the project is to investigate the choice behaviour of guests in business canteens with regard to organic meat meals. Special attention is addressed to the effect that information on the attributes “organic” and “animal welfare” can have on the choice of menus. Therefore, two business canteens will be recruited and as well stated as revealed preferences of guests for organic meat meals will be elicited. Several methods will be used: At first, a qualitative experiment using “think aloud method” will be conducted to analyse the guest’s perception of the presented information. Secondly, a choice experiment will be applied to analyse the stated preferences of guests. Thirdly, in existing meals, the conventional meat component will be replaced by an organic meat component and the menu choices will be measured (revealed preferences). Additionally, several interventions, e.g. providing information on the husbandry conditions, will be carried out. Data of both, revealed and stated preference elicitations, will be combined in one model and the influence of the measured factors on the choice of organic meat meals will be estimated. The results will be used to derive recommendations for a suitable consumer communication of organic meat meals in business canteens.


Image: ©BLE