Information material of the tropical crops greenhouse:

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"The Political Plant - Developing, Testing, and Disseminating Innovative Educational Formats at Conservation Academies and Botanical Gardens."

Hethke, Marina, Ute Becker, Andreas Eis, Bernd Overwien and Eva-Maria Kohlmann (eds.) (2023) │ The political plant - development, testing and dissemination of innovative educational formats at nature conservation academies and botanical gardens. University of Kassel, self-published

Querblicke - Biodiversity Education in Botanical Gardens between Biology, Politics and Ethics

Hethke, M., Becker U., Roscher K. and Wöhrmann, F. (eds.) (2018) │ Querblicke - Biodiversitätsbildung zwischen Biologie, Politik und Ethik in Botanischen Gärten, University of Kassel, Eigenverlag

Flower power - energy plants in botanical gardens

Becker, U.; Hethke, M.; Roscher, K., Wöhrmann, L. (eds.), 2012: University of Mainz, University of Kassel, self-published

Power of nature- The energy plants in the tropical greenhouse

Bense, C., 2009: Kraft der Natur- Die Energiepflanzen im Tropengewächshaus. University of Kassel/Ecological Agricultural Sciences. Greenhouse for tropical crops, Witzenhausen

Green connects - Global learning in the Botanical Garden.

Hethke, M., K. Roscher and F. Wöhrmann (eds.), 2008: Grün verbindet - Globales Lernen im Botanischen Garten. University of Kassel, Witzenhausen. Self-published, 126 pp.

Paragraph meets audience - Biodiversity and Botanical Gardens

Edited by K. Roscher; B. Engelschall, M. Hethke, and F. Wöhrmann; 2007; Forstbotanischer Garten Tharandt, Tharandt, 109 p.

Greenhouse for tropical crops

Brochure/Leporello, 2005, GhK, self-published, Witzenhausen. New edition, modified, 2013 

Of the bittersweet good taste - the "colonial" plants in the tropical greenhouse

M. Hethke, A. Csik and U. Künnemann, 2004, kassel university press

100 years of greenhouses for tropical crops - from colonial plant collection to research and educational institution

Supplement No. 74 to Der Tropenlandwirt. Verband der Tropenlandwirte Witzenhausen e.V.
Wolff, P., Hethke, M. und Hammer, K.
2002, Kassel University Library

Pumpkin, kiwano & Co. - from the benefits of diversity

Karl Hammer, Thomas Gladis and Marina Hethke (eds.), 2002:
Volume 1 K. Hammer et al: Pumpkin, Kiwano & Co. - The Catalog for the Exhibition  download

Volume 2 Emmerling-Skala, Andreas: Pumpkin, Kiwano & Co. - Cucurbits in Texts of the Ancient World Download

Volume 3 C. Merx: Pumpkin, Kiwano & Co. - Botanical Drawings of Cucurbits Download

Welcome - and then? Planning guided tours in the Botanical Garden and making them attractive

Publication of the Pedagogy Working Group in the Association of Botanic Gardens
Eds. M. Hethke and F. Wöhrmann: Welcome - and then? University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, 2002; ISBN 3-89792-083-2

Of corn men and cassava girls - tropical crops in myths and fairy tales

Hethke, M., 2001, 12 pages, Ghk, self-published, Witzenhausen

There's a herb for that - medicinal plants in the tropical greenhouse

Fehrmann, I., 2001, Self-published by GhK, Witzenhausen

Of pepper and other spicy fruits - the spice plants in the tropical greenhouse,

Bokeloh, T., 32 pages, 1997/2000, self-published GhK, Witzenhausen

Eat and be eaten - Information on Biological Pest Control

1997, Winkler, K., 1998/2001