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Frankenhausen expert talks: Compost on the field! Strengthening soils, closing cycles
When: February 20, 2025, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Where: Hessian state domain Frankenhausen, 34393 Grebenstein
What is it about?
The use of compost has many advantages. By stabilizing soil organic matter and important macronutrients, it not only helps to increase soil fertility, but also contributes to the climate friendliness and resilience of agricultural systems. But what about the quality of the composts, are there ways to increase the benefits even more specifically? What legal problems do we face and what is the economic viability?
Together with farmers, consultants and scientists, we will discuss these and other questions. There will be short contributions from Felix Hoffarth (farmer, Hof Eselsmühle), Jonas Ehls (Bioland consultant) and Jörg Schäfer (Department of Agriculture, RP Kassel). The discussion will be moderated by Birge Wolf, University of Kassel.
Who is it for?
All farmers, consultants, scientists, students and interested parties who care about the future of organic farming. Participation is free of charge, but we ask for binding registration so that we can better plan the catering.
Frankenhausen expert talks
In the new event series Frankenhäuser Fachgespräche, farmers, scientists and advisors will present their perspectives on current challenges in organic farming. We invite you to the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, the teaching, research and transfer center for organic agriculture and regional development of the University of Kassel. Here, on over 320 hectares, work and research is carried out on future concepts for plant cultivation, animal husbandry, biodiversity promotion and resource management - on the farm and with a range of scientific approaches including long-term trials and practical research networks.
Further key topics and dates in 2025:
20.03.2025, 16.00-18.00: Fertilize efficiently, farm sustainably
24.04.2025, 16.00-18.00: Between drought and heavy rain: Can digital solutions help with irrigation?
03.07.2025 Focus: Climate change - problems and potential in organic farming (all-day field day)
Further topics and dates are planned for the second half of the year.
Short film about the teaching and experimental farm Domäne Frankenhausen
As part of a student project, a very watchable short film about the domain was created.
Common good economy
"The common good economy establishes an ethical economic model.
The well-being of people and the environment becomes the primary goal of economic activity."
As part of a student project, a common good balance sheet has been drawn up for the Frankenhausen domain.
In a balance sheet for the common good, the economic success of a company is examined and evaluated according to more comprehensive criteria than monetary ones: ethical aspects as well as social cooperation in a company, fair economic and trade relations along the entire value chain, and the ecological sustainability of economic activity play a major role in the evaluation.
Based on this common good balance sheet, it is now possible to continuously work on improvement processes towards the common good at the domain.
Since 2020, the domain has been a member of Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie e.V. and thus supports the establishment of an ethical and sustainable economic model.
Film about our carrot cultivation
At the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, carrot cultivation is an important mainstay of agricultural production. For the marketing initiative "Bio mit Gesicht" (Organic with a Face), Ines Reinisch made a film that accompanies carrot cultivation from sowing to harvesting, storage and marketing.