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At the Frankenhausen domain there is a reference library with maps, publications and gray literature about the domain and its region.
Brandt, Michael (2000): Soil profiles of the DFH. Department of Soil Science FB 11, University of Kassel. In working reports no. 4, Witzenhausen. (DFH-A005)
Brandt, Michael, Heß, Jürgen and Holger Wildhagen (2001): Bodenmonitoring auf der Domäne Frankenhausen - Kartier- und Analysenergebnisse. Working Report No. 5, Department of Soil Science, University of Kassel (ed.). Witzenhausen. (DFH-A008)
Gotthardi, Sara; Mittelstraß, Holger (2001): "...denn das Wetter ist unberechenbar..." - Niederschlagsmessungen auf der Hessischen Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen von 1958-88. zusammengestellt anhand von Betriebsaufzeichnungen. University of Kassel, Witzenhausen. (DFH-A007)
Hess. Forsteinrichtungs- und Versuchsanstalt (1967): Forstamt Wilhelmsthal - Regierungsbezirk Kassel, Waldzustand 1966, 1:25 000. Gießen. (Map-A011)
Hess. Cadastre and Surveying Administration (1987): Cadastral map DFH 1:2 000, cadastral office Hofgeismar. (Map-A001)
Hess. Land Registry and Surveying Administration (1987): Cadastral map DFH 1:5 000. cadastral office Hofgeismar. (Map-A002)
Hess. LA für Bodenforschung (1999): Soil map of Hesse, 1:50 000, sheet L 4522 Hann. Münden. provisional edition. Wiesbaden. (Map-A005)
Hess. Landesvermessungsamt (1989): Bildflug, 1:10 000, sheet 4522/ 5-2896. Wiesbaden. (Map-A010)
Hess. Landesvermessungsamt (1992): Topographic map, 1:25 000, sheet 4522 Hofgeismar. Wiesbaden. (Map-A006)
Hess. Min. für LULF (1979): Site map of Hesse, 1:50 000, sheet L 4522 Münden. Natural site suitability for agricultural use. Wiesbaden. (Map-A007)
Hess. Min. für LULF (1979): Site map of Hesse - Natural site suitability for agricultural use. see Map A 007. Wiesbaden. (DFH-A003)
Hess. Min. for LULF (1991): Site map of Hesse, 1:50 000, sheet L 4522 Münden. Soil erosion hazard level map due to water. Wiesbaden. (Map-A009)
Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung (1980): Explanatory notes to the Geological Map of the Reinhardswald 1:50 000. see Map A 004. Wiesbaden. (DFH-A002)
Hessian State Office for Soil Research (1980): Geological Map of the Reinhardswald 1:50 000 . Wiesbaden. (Map -A004)
Karl, Michael; Knaack, Michael (1999): Preparation and discussion of a catena on the Lindenbreite field on the DFH. Soil profile description. Project work (Brandt) Witzenhausen. (DFH-A005)
Prussian Geological Survey (1925): Geological map of Prussia and neighboring German states, 1:25 000, sheet 4522 Hofgeismar. Reprint Hess. LA für Bodenforschung 1996 (Map-A003)
Prussian Geological Survey (1928): Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Preußen und benachbarten deutschen Ländern, Blatt Hofgeismar Nr. 2590. reprint Hess. Landesamt für Bodenforschung 1996. see map A 003. Berlin. (DFH-A001)
Wildhagen, Holger; Brandt, Michael (2000): Soils under the magnifying glass. AG Ländliche Entwicklung am Fachbereich Stadtplanung/ Landschaftsplanung der University of Kassel. In working results 47, pp. 26-28. Kassel. (DFH-D001)
Wildhagen, Holger; Brandt Michael (2000): Two permanent soil monitoring plots on the Frankenhausen domain (Kassel district). Department of Soil Science FB 11, University of Kassel. In working reports no. 3, Witzenhausen. (DFH-A006)
Förster, Wilhelm (1992): Hessische Staatsdomänen im Landkreis Kassel. In Yearbook 92, District of Kassel, pp. 87-90 (DFH-B001).
Hartmann, Stefan (1990): Zur Geschichte der Domänen Burguffeln, Frankenhausen, Trendelburg und Wilhelmsthal in den Jahren 1868-1900. In Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Kassel, No. 95: pp. 207-231. (DFH-B002)
(1907): Plan of the DFH courtyard buildings, 1:500 (Map-B004)
Royal Cartographic Institute (1859): Level map 1:25 000 of the Electorate of Hesse, sheet Hofgeismar. Reprint Hess. Landesvermessungsamt, Wiesbaden. Berlin. (Map-B002)
Preußische Landesaufnahme (1911): Map of the German Empire, 1:100 000, sheet 384 Kassel. Reprint Hess. Landesvermessungsamt, Wiesbaden. Berlin. (Map-B003)
Schleenstein (1705-1715): Map of the Zierenberg and Grafenstein district, as well as the Malsburg courts, 1:52 629. reprint Hess. State Surveying Office, Wiesbaden. (Map-B001)
Troßbach, Werner (2000): Frankenhausen in the history of large agricultural holdings. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the AG Ländliche Entwicklung am Fachbereich Stadtplanung/ Landschaftsplanung der University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 19-25. (DFH-D001)
EAM : Planned 20 KV line, Calden water board, 1:2 000. Grebenstein. (Map-C004)
Hess. Cadastral and Surveying Administration (1987): Farm buildings DFH 1:350. cadastral office Hofgeismar. (Map-C001)
Hess. Kataster- und Vermessungsverwaltung (1987): Hofgebäude DFH 1:500. cadastral office Hofgeismar. (Map-C002)
State Building Authority Bad Arolsen (1999): Building condition description DFH. (DFH-C001)
Hofgeismar State Building Office (1959): Building condition drawings DFH - farm buildings. (DFH-C003)
Hofgeismar State Building Office (1959): As-built drawings DFH - residential building. (DFH-C002)
Wilhelmsthal Water Board (1997): Section HB Frankenhausen-Pumpwerk Calden, sheet P1-27, Hofgeismar district, 1 : 1000. (Map-C003)
Kassel Water Board (1964): DFH sewage treatment plant and sewerage system, elevation and site plan, 1 : 500. (Map-C005)
Organization / Concept
AG Ländliche Entwicklung (2000): The Frankenhausen domain. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the AG Ländliche Entwicklung at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, Kassel. (DFH-D001)
Bräuer, Marco et al. (1998): Stimulation of communication processes in planning using the example of the Frankenhausen domain. Project work (Poppinga, Voegelin), Witzenhausen. (DFH-D002)
Heß, Jürgen and Krutzinna, Christian (2000): The domain Frankenhausen on the way to a teaching, experimental and transfer center. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the Rural Development Working Group at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 5-8. (DFH-D001)
Deeken, Wiebke (2001): Employment promotion in agriculture - an investigation of subsidized employment relationships on farms in the district of Kassel. Diploma thesis (student, Amini). Witzenhausen (DFH-E001)
Schüler, Christian;Schmidt Götz (2000): New jobs in agriculture. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the AG Ländliche Entwicklung at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 39-42. (DFH-D001)
Heisig, Ilona (2000): Cooperation of the catering companies of the Studentenwerk Kassel with the DFH and further possibilities of using ecologically produced products. Minutes of the workshop on 29.5.2000, Kassel. (DFH-F003)
Krauss, Helma and Eva Schäfer (2000): Processing of organic vegetables in Hesse, Grebenstein (DFH-F006).
Mühlhäuser, Melanie (2000): Specialty marketing - marketing opportunities for dairy products from herds of endangered cattle breeds. Diploma thesis (Andersson/ Hermann), Osnabrück. (DFH-F004)
Müller, Christian (2002): Organizational and financial concept for a marketing facility on the Frankenhausen domain, taking into account regional organic producers. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna/ Leiber). Witzenhausen. (DFH-F008)
Reimer, Carsten (2001): Annual financial statement analysis of the teaching and experimental farm Hessische Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen for the business years 1998/99 and 1999/2000. Project work (Krutzinna/Leiber). Witzenhausen. (DFH-F007)
Scherer, Oliver; Wahl, Andrea (2000): Planning variants based on linear programming for the Frankenhausen farm. Diploma thesis (Bokermann/ Schüler), Witzenhausen. (DFH-F002)
Stegmann, Wilfried (2000): Organic direct marketers day 22.11.2000 in Hannover. Ökoring Niedersachsen (ed.). Walsrode. (DFH-F005)
Weihermann, Susanne (1998): Marketing situation of AGÖL farms in the district of Kassel. Student research project, ARLL Hofgeismar. (DFH-F001)
Plant cultivation
Royal Department of Land Improvement Cassel (1895-98): Drainage design of facilities on lands of the Royal DFH, sheets II (1895), III (1896), IX (1896), X (1898), 1:1 500 (Map-G001).
Royal Cassel Land Consolidation Office (1898/99): Drainage map of executed installations on lands of the Königl. DFH, sheet I - V, 1:1 500. (Map-G003) Kulturbauamt Kassel (1926): Drainage of the meadows "In der Holzbeck" on the DFH, site plan implementation drawing, 1:2,000. (Map-G005)
Schimpf, Mute et al (1999): Grassland utilization and pasture plan for the Frankenhausen domain, project work (Spatz), Witzenhausen (DFH-G002)
Selig, Julia (1999): The cultivation methods of the DFH 1999. project work (Heß), Witzenhausen. (DFH-G001)
Spatz, Günther and Thomas Fricke (2000): Development of permanent grassland in Frankenhausen. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the AG Ländliche Entwicklung am Fachbereich Stadtplanung/ Landschaftsplanung der University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 29-30. (DFH-D001)
Tamm, Marco; Deckers, Joachim (2000): The conversion of arable farming. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the Rural Development Working Group at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, No. 47: pp. 9-12. (DFH-D001)
Kassel Water Management Office (1964): Drainage of arable land "Im breiten Bruch" of the DFH, as-built plan, 1:2,000 (Map-G012).
Kassel Water Management Office (1967): Drainage of arable land in the "Ziegenstall" of the DFH, as-built plan, 1:2 000. (Map-G016)
Kassel Water Management Office (1968): Drainage of arable land "Das Triesch" on the DFH, as-built plan, 1:2 000. (Map-G014)
Vegetable gardening
Böhnhardt, Jan; et al. (1999): Gemüse selbst ernten. Project work (Heß), Witzenhausen. (DFH-H001)
Burchard, Irene; et al. (2000): Planning the nursery operation for the DFH. Project work (von Fragstein), Witzenhausen. (DFH-H003)
Busch, Claudia, Mittelstraß Katharina and Jürgen Heß (2003): Handbook of vegetable self-harvesting - a guide for farms. Department of Organic Agriculture and Plant Utilization Systems (ed.). Witzenhausen. (DFH-H004)
Giptner, Annika (2002): Study on nutritional behavior and attitudes regarding agriculture of users of the Vegetable Self-Harvesting Project. Diploma thesis (Meier-Ploeger/ Heß). (DFH-M001)
Heß, Jürgen, Meier-Ploeger Angelika and Ulrich Hamm (Eds.) (2003): GemüseSelbsternte - Weiterentwicklung wowie Gewinnermittlung des Beitrages zur Gesundheitsförderung (Final report of a project in the Bundesprogramm Ökollandbau). Witzenhausen. (DFH-H005)
Wortmann, Anke (1999): Self-harvesting vegetables at the DFH - a contribution to sustainable consumption. Diploma thesis (Heß, Amini), Witzenhausen. (DFH-H002)
Bokern, Eva (1999): As-built plan and preliminary design for an open space concept for the DFH, 1:500. (Map-I001)
Bokern, Eva (1999): Open space concept for the DFH - realization of a display and kitchen garden. Diploma thesis (Marschall, Bahr), Kassel. (DFH-I002)
Godt, Jochen, Thomas van Elsen, Peter Röhrig, Dieter Bruns and Jürgen Heß (2002): E+E project "Die Intergartion von Naturschutzzielen in der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft - am Beispiel der Domäne Frankenhausen" - Bericht Voruntersuchung. CD-Rom. Witzenhausen. (DFH-I007)
Heß, Jürgen; Godt, Jochen; Bruns D. (2000): The integration of nature conservation objectives into organic farming - using the example of the Hessian state domain Frankenhausen. Application to the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. (DFH-I004)
Immel, Karsten (1998): Possibilities for the utilization and increased integration of hedges and wild fruit trees in organic farming. Diploma thesis (van Elsen, Boehncke). Witzenhausen. (DFH-I001)
Loubier; Isabelle (1999): Development of an open space concept for a kitchen and show garden on the DFH. - As-built plan 1:250 - hedge with edible fruit 1:100 - kitchen garden at the rear house 1:50. (Map-I002)
Loubier, Isabelle (1999): Development of an open space concept for a kitchen and show garden at the DFH. Diploma thesis (Seyfang/ Marschall), Höxter. (DFH-I003)
Rasmus, Björn (1999): Biotope mapping in Frankenhausen. Project work (van Elsen), Witzenhausen. (DFH-I006)
Van Elsen, Thomas; Godt, Jochen (2000): Development perspectives of the cultural landscape through organic farming. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the Rural Development Working Group at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 31-38. (DFH-D001)
Weber, Gesine (2000): Morphological state and development possibilities of the Jungfernbach system under consideration of the ecological land management of the domain Frankenhausen. Diploma thesis (Detering/ Braukmann), University GHPaderborn - Höxter. (DFH-I005)
Animal husbandry
Drengemann, Susanne (2002): Planung des betriebszweiges Mastschweinehaltung auf der Domäne Frankenhausen. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna, Leiber). Witzenhausen. (DFH-J004)
Hörning, Bernhard (2000): New beginning of livestock farming in Frankenhausen. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the AG Ländliche Entwicklung at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 13-18. (DFH-D001)
Keßler, Matthias; Klattenberg, Sonja (1999): Planning of dairy cattle farming on the DFH. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna, Deininger), Witzenhausen. (DFH-J001)
Mutter, Ulrich (1999): Planning of a transitional solution for fattening pigs at DFH. Project work (Hörning), Witzenhausen. (DFH-J003)
Mutter, Ulrich (1999): Planning for the expansion of pig husbandry at DFH, taking into account procedural, building biology and economic aspects. Diploma thesis (Hörning, Deiniger), Witzenhausen. (DFH-J002)
Schumacher, Jörg (2002): Freilandhaltung von Sauen - Erstellung eines Haltungskonzeptes und ökonomische Berechnungen für die Freilandhaltung von Sauen auf der Domäne Frankenhausen. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna, Leiber). Witzenhausen. (DFH-J005)
Technology / Energy
Rauscher, Jochen (1998): Preliminary planning of an agricultural biogas plant for DFH. Diploma thesis (Krause, Mayer, Köberle), Witzenhausen. (DFH-K001)
Rauscher, Jochen (1998): Preliminary planning of an agricultural biogas plant for DFH, Appendix. Diploma thesis (Krause, Mayer, Köberle), Witzenhausen. (DFH-K002)
Further processing
Eichner, Rüdiger; et al. (1999): Kartoffelschiene für die DFH. Project work (Heß, Schüler), Witzenhausen. (DFH-L002)
Eichner, Rüdiger; et al. (1999): Potato rail for the DFH, appendix. Project work (Heß, Schüler), Witzenhausen. (DFH-L003)
Teichert, Sigrid (1999): Planning of a farmstead cheese dairy on the DFH. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna, Schüler), Witzenhausen. (DFH-L001)
Zimmermeier, Monika (2001): Concept development for the establishment of a milk bottle delivery service on the Hessian State Domain in Frankenhausen. Diploma thesis Krutzinna/ Wirthgen, Witzenhausen. (DFH-L004)
Nutrition / Gastronomy
Bier, Christoph, Busch, Claudia and Katharina Mittelstraß (2003): Small Handbook of Vegetable Science. Departments of Organic Agriculture and Plant Utilization Systems, Food Quality and Food Culture, and Agricultural and Food Marketing (eds.). Witzenhausen. (DFH-M004)
Giptner, Annika (2002): Study on nutritional behavior and attitudes concerning agriculture of the users of the project Vegetable Self-Harvest. Diploma thesis (Meier-Ploeger/ Heß). Witzenhausen. (DFH-M001)
Quast, Regina (2004): Planning of a farm café on the Frankenhausen domain. Diploma thesis (Krutzinna/ Leiber). Witzenhausen. (DFH-M003)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (1999): Field guide 1999. experimental station Frankenhausen. (DFH-N001)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2000): Project and trial guide 2000. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N002)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2001): Project and trial guide 2001. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N003)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2002): Documentation of experiments 2001 Frankenhausen domain. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N004)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2002): Projekt- und Versuchsführer 2002. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N005)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2003): Project and trial guide 2003. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N006)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2004): Project and trial guide 2004. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N007)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2005): Project and trial guide 2005. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N008)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2006): Project and experiment guide 2006. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N009)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2007): Project and trial guide 2007. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N010)
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production (2008): Project and trial guide 2008. Witzenhausen. (DFH-N011)
Busch, Claudia (1999): The model of agriculture in school teaching. Diploma thesis (Wesseler, student), Witzenhausen. (DFH-O002)
Keser, Jan Olaf (1998): Kulturlandshaft als Bildungsaufgabe - Ansätze im Ökologischen Landbau, Möglichkeiten zur Integration in die DFH. Diploma thesis (van Elsen, Heß), Witzenhausen. (DFH-O001)
Mittelstraß, Holger (2000): Frankenhausen as a new teaching and learning location of the University of Kassel. In arbeitsergebnisse, publication series of the Rural Development Working Group at the Department of Urban Planning/Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel, Kassel, No. 47: pp. 43-45. (DFH-D001)
Culture / Art
Meyer-Glitza, Patrick and Helena Rytkönen (eds.) (2000): When does peasant work become art, project week 1-8-1999 in Frankenhausen, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek, Kassel. (DFH-P001)
Meyer-Glitza, Patrick and Helena Rytkönen (eds.) (2001): Agriculture and Art as a Place of Learning - the German contribution of the EU cultural project "Art and Articulture - Maaseutu ja Taide", Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek, Kassel. (DFH-P002)
Regional development
Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (1997): Leitfaden zur Regionalentwicklung. Rheda-Wiedenbrück. AbL-Verlag. (RE-A007)
Ax, Christine (1997): The craft of the future. Guiding principles for sustainable management. Basel-Boston-Berlin. Birkhäuser Publishers. (RE-A003)
Bühler, Josef (1998): Model and project new ways Peene north. Bonn. (RE-A010)
Fellinger, Dorothea (1999): Mühle Laar 1599-1999 - Laar Mill Museum. Hofgeismar. (RE-B002) Kern, Arnold (1999): Regional Communication. Vienna. Manz Verlag. (RE-A006)
Klemm, Ulrich (1995): Adult education and regional development: a perspective for rural areas. Frankfurt/M. VAS Verlag. (RE-A005)
Meyer-Engelke, Elisabeth (1998): Examples of sustainable regional development. Recommendations for rural areas. Stuttgrat. Raaber Publishers. (RE-A004)
Molitor, Reimar (1997): The importance of agriculture for sustainable regional development. endogenous development opportunities in the Bergisches Land region. IÖW. In 111, Berlin. (RE-A009
Peters, Ursula /(et al). (1996): Sustainable regional development - a new model for a changed structural and regional policy. an exemplary study on two fields of action in the Trier region. NARET, University of Trier. Trier. (RE-A008.)
Thierstein, Alain; Walker, Daniel; Behrendt, Heiko; Egger, Urs (1997): Tatort Regionalentwicklung - Veränderungsmanagement in der Regional- und Gemeindeentwicklung. Baden-Baden. Nomos Verlag. (RE-A002.)
Thierstein, Alain; Walser, Manfred (2000): The sustainable region - a model for action. In Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Öffentliche Dienstleistungen und Toursimus: Beiträge zur Regionalwirtschaft, Bern-Stuttgart-Wien. Hauptverlag. (RE-A001)
Frankenhausen region
Hofgeismar Office for Regional Development, Landscape Management and Agriculture (2000): Regional Discoveries. Shopping directly at the producer in the district of Kassel. Hofgeismar. (RE-B006)
Brunkau Karin and Jutta Walther (2001): Kassel for us. Guidebook for Children, Youth and Families. Kassel. Eigen Verlag. (RE-B007)
Citizens' Initiative against the Expansion or New Construction of the Kassel-Calden Airfield (ed.) (2000): No flight path over Kassel. Brief information. 2nd edition. (RE-B003)
Hessian Museum Association (1994): Museums in Hesse. Kassel. (RE-B005)
Kasseler Sparkasse (1999): Landgrave Karl and the foundation of Karlshafen. In The region meets - the region remembers, Kassel. Weber Publishing House & Weidemeyer. (RE-B001.)
District committee of the district of Kassel (2000): Yearbook 2000 - Kassel County. (RE-B004)
Kreisausschuß Landkreis Kassel, Amt für Struktur-, Kultur und Sportförderung (2000): Culture global - culture local. A cultural project of the district of Kassel 2000. Landkresi Kassel. In Kultur lebt im Verbund, Vellmar. (RE-B008)
Kreisauschuss Landkreis Kassel, Fachbereich K80 Struktur-, Kultur- und Sportförderung (2001): Tradition -Here and Today. A cultural project of the district of Kassel 2001. district of Kassel. In Kultur lebt im Verbund, Vellmar. (RE-B009)
District Committee of the Kassel District (2002): Art of the world - art of the region - a cultural project of the district of Kassel, Kultur lebt im Verbund. Kassel (RE-B011)
Schmidt, Konrad (ed.) (1999): Neuland unter Pflug - 50 Jahre Katholische Landvolkshochschule Hardehausen. H+S Verlag. Paderborn. (RE-B012)
Soltau, Heinz (ed.) (1988): Der Sensenstein - eine Burg der Jugend - eine Handreichung für selbstgestaltete Aufenthalte in der Jugendburg. Sensenstein sports training center. Sensenstein (RE-B008)
Organic farming
Bunge, Torsten et al 1993: Box subscriptions in the direct marketing of organic farms. Working reports on agricultural economics no. 14. Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek. Kassel (ÖL-F001)
Haßkerl, Heide 2002: Treasures from the farm garden - old cultivated plants: Cultivation, history, vegetarian recipes. Pala-Verlag. Darmstadt (ÖL-H002)
Hörning, Bernhard 1997: Animal welfare and process engineering of lined dairy barns in practice. Dissertation. University of Kassel. Witzenhausen (ÖL-J001)
Hurka, Werner and Henning Milde 2002: Gartenfreude bis ins hohe Alter - wie man Gärtnern leichter machen kann. Woto Verlag. Bad Liebenzell (ÖL-H001)
Lorenz, Konrad-Peter 2002: Politische Landschaft - die andere Sicht auf die natürliche Ordnung. trikont-verlag. Duisburg (ÖL-J001)
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Forestry of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.) 2000: EU Regulation on Organic Farming - an introductory explanation with examples. Münster (ÖL-A001)
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Forestry of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.) 1999: Organic animal husbandry and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1804/1999 of 19.7.1999. Münster (ÖL-A002)
Müller, Peter 1995: Landbutterbetriebe im Schwarzwald. Working reports on agricultural economics no. 18. Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek. Kassel (ÖL-F003)
Scheemann, Uwe 1995: Meat direct marketing in large agricultural enterprises in Saxony and Thuringia. Working reports on agricultural economics no. 17. Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek. Kassel (ÖL-F002)
Zenner, Silvia and Bernd Wirthgen 2000: The acceptance of the eco-label from the point of view of users and selected non-users. Working reports on agricultural economics no. 23. Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek. Kassel (ÖL-F004)