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New strategies to reduce diseases on organic broiler farms with special focus on the gut microbiome ("ProBioChicken")

Duration: 10/2022 - 02/2026

FNT involved: Anika Bolten, Simon Horbach, Dr. Lisa Jung, Frauke Umbach, Dr. Margret Krieger, Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim

Project partners:
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Epidemilogy, Zoonoses and Antibiotic Resistance Division University of Hohenheim, Department of Microbial Ecology in Livestock Thuringian Animal Disease Fund, Poultry Health Service

Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

The overall aim of the ProBioHuhn project is to make a fundamental contribution to the development of new strategies for reducing diseases on organic broiler farms, with a particular focus on the gut microbiome. As part of the project, three types of broiler chickens found in organic livestock farming (slow-growing broiler hybrids, cockerels from dual-purpose crosses and laying hybrid cockerels) will be investigated with regard to their animal welfare, with a particular focus on animal health, their gut microbiome and their antibiotic resistance over the course of the fattening period.

The aim is to determine whether there are differences in these aspects between the different fattening types and between different age periods and to what extent this is influenced by the company's health management. One focus is on the explorative analysis of the interactions between housing environment, feeding, age, fattening type and the microbiome, disease rates and antibiotic resistance as well as fattening performance.

The aim is to derive innovative strategies for reducing diseases on organic broiler farms, taking into account both internal factors (feeding, health management, etc.) and cross-farm and cross-stage factors (fattening types, hatchery, etc.). Possible strategies are evaluated in the project in focus groups with relevant stakeholders with regard to their acceptance and feasibility.