Current research projects

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Sustainable camel milk production through improved husbandry practices and milk value chain >>>Details

BMEL (2024-2027)


Decision support for strengthening land resilience in the face of global challenges >> >Details

BMBF (2022-2026)

DAAD African Excellence Pro-RUWA

Pro­mo­ting aca­de­mic ca­pa­ci­ties for sustainable agri­cul­tu­ral re­sour­ces use in West Af­ri­ca >> > Details

DAAD (2021-2025)

Improving crop-shrub-livestock integration in the Sahel

Focusing on the Sahel zone, the EU-funded SustainSAHEL project aims to enhance the resilience of smallholder agricultural farming systems to climate change as well as their intensification potential through scalable innovations on crop-shrub-livestock (CSL) integration. The project is working closely with existing Africa-Europe networks and programs, establishing partnerships that could emerge as a model laboratory on CSL for the Sahel. >>>Details

EU (2020 - 2025)

Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change

The interdisciplinary fellowship project "Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change" is part of the Volkswagen Foundation initiative "Knowledge for Tomorrow - Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa" >> > Details

Volkswagen Foundation (2017 - 2024)

DFG Research Unit FOR2432 - India

Social-Ecological Systems in the Indian Rural-Urban Interface: Functions, Scales, and Dynamics of Transition - Phase II > > > Details

The livestock-focused project A03 "Genetic and management factors influencing cow milk quality and safety" currently investigates if the use of forage collected from municipal parks and lakes in Bangalore affects the health and performance of dairy cows as well as the quality of their milk. On the forage side, focus is laid on the concentration of minerals and metals, for the milk consumer safety and health aspects are relevant, and at the level of the cow the modulating effects of the animal's genetics and of heat stress are taken into account.

DFG (2016 - 2022)


International Center for Development and Decent Work     > > >    Details

DAAD (2010 - 2022)