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Sustainable camel milk production through improved husbandry practices and milk value chain (SusCaMi)
Duration: 2024 - 2027
Funding: BMEL
The SUSCAMI project, funded by BMEL, investigates pastoralists' management practices of lactating dromedaries and their offspring, focusing on milk production, grazing management, reproduction, and health care. By collaborating with stakeholders to identify factors that hamper production and reproductive performance, the project seeks solutions to enhance camel husbandry practices. This, in turn, aims to improve livelihoods and food security along the camel milk value chain, as well as camel milk hygiene and availability for consumers in the pastoral communities of the Borana and East Shewa zones in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.
Project duration 01.04.2024 / End: 31.03.2027 Grant no: 2822NIPS01