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Decision support for strengthening land resilience in the face of global challenges (DecLaRe)

Within the BMBF-funded DecLaRe project, the section Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics mainly focuses on pathways for sustainably increased crop- and livestock production (WP4). By comparing ruminant husbandry practices in two regions in Northern Ghana, PhD student Elizabeth Yeboah seeks to identify sustainable intensification strategies for the local cattle and small ruminant systems. As an important livelihood source, they contribute to food security and serve as insurance and complementary income for households involved in mixed crop-livestock farming. By testing how dry season feed scarcity and increasing cultivation of pasture land with tree crops can be counterbalanced by strategic allocation of locally available feed resources and systematic manure recycling to cultivated land, the team aims to contribute to better animal performance and reduced carbon and nutrient losses to the environment.

Duration: 15.10.2022 - 14.10.2026
Grant number: 01LL2203A

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