Review 2011

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In 2011, 18 professors and 1 junior professor worked at our department together with a total of around 200 scientific and administrative/technical staff. One professorship and one junior professorship belong equally to the University of Göttingen and the University of Kassel.

In WS 2011/12, 854 students were enrolled in the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences. They were distributed among the individual courses of study as follows:

  • Bachelor Organic Agriculture: 526 (incl. 14 from old diploma program).
  • Master Ecological Agriculture: 89
  • Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA, cooperation with the University of Göttingen): 97 (incl. 3 from the old International Organic Agriculture program)
  • International Food Business and Consumer Studies (IFBC, cooperation with Hochschule Fulda): 85Exchange students: 16
  • Doctoral students: 41

In 2011, a successful 19th Witzenhausen Conference was again organized by the students as part of the Event Management module from December 6-10 with 250 participants, this year entitled "valuable - agriculture a place for education and social work".

In addition, on 22.10.2011 the "3rd International Student Conference Global thinking - Local responsibility'' with the title "The Future of Food'' was organized.

Cooperation project: Trans-Atlantic partnership with College of the Atlantic, Maine, USA and The Organic Research Center Elm Farm, UK: student exchange, e-learning project (Sustainable Food Systems) from 15.9. to 23.12.2011.

The department conducted a variety of tours and informational events for groups of visitors. Larger events in 2011 were:

  • Open house in Frankenhausen with the motto "Animals in Organic Farming" on 26.6.2011.
  • Plant market around the tropical greenhouse on 1.5.2011
  • Exhibition "What technology can learn from plants - bionics in botanical gardens", 11 - 19.6.2011
  • Lectures and information booth at Biofach, 17. - 20.2.2011
  • Lectures and information booth at the Agritechnica from 15. - 19.11.2011
  • Study information days on 21.1., 6.5., 17.6. and 18.11.2011
  • Annual conference of the university association on "Where does organic agricultural science stand - 30 years of organic agriculture at the department" on 15.7.2011
  • University day of the department on "Animal and environmental protection - what challenges does organic livestock farming face" on 5.12.2011

In 2011, the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences raised a good 5.2 million euros in third-party funding (preliminary figures).

 In 2011, a good 70 articles from our department were published in scientific journals ("peer reviewed") (see websites of the individual departments). A total of 19 doctorates were completed.

Of the large number of research projects carried out last year, the projects with several scientific cooperation partners that were completed or started in 2011 should be listed as examples:

Completed cooperation projects


Started cooperation projects

The department has received a number of awards, i.E. the following were awarded:

Dr. Uta Dickhöfer by the W.H. Schaumann Foundation for her PhD on goat husbandry in oases of Oman (FG Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics)

Katrin Schiffer with the VDI award for her master thesis on optimizing milking comfort on large dairy farms (FG Agricultural Engineering)

Benjamin Blumenstein, Lutz Bühle and Felix Richter for their business start-up idea for the use of residual materials from agriculture, nature conservation and landscape management through the Unikat competition (FGe Business Administration, Grassland Science/ Renewable Resources)

3 0.5. - 7.6.2011.: "Applied solar technology"; funding DAAD

7. - 13.08.2011: "The Future of Food" (Cooperation with Association of German Scientists; funding: DBU, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Foundation for Environment and Development North Rhine-Westphalia)

- 14.11.2011: "Agricultural Technology and Engineering in Developing Countries"; funding DAAD