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Sustainable seafood? - IFBC students present their project work

Students on the "International Food Business and Consumer Studies" Master's degree program investigate sustainable fish consumption among their fellow students and present their findings in Fulda and Witzenhausen.

Poster presentation Fulda 2024
Ufuk Önerbay, Adil Roshan Kokkadan, Tahamida Binta Bashar and Aastha Priya present their poster in Fulda. Picture: T.V.Matheis (02/24)

How can fish be consumed in an ecologically sustainable way on a budget? How are recipes made from vegetarian and vegan substitute products received? On February 5 and 6, 2024, students on the Master's degree course in International Food Business and Consumer Studies presented their project on "Communicating Sustainability in the Food Sector - Examples from Science and Business" to lecturers and their fellow students at Fulda University of Applied Sciences and the University of Kassel. The project was the result of group work aimed at highlighting the challenges associated with fish consumption and developing solutions for more sustainable practices. Among other things, students in the canteen were asked about their consumption behavior. In addition, a communication workshop was developed in which recipes were tested and various conflicting goals were discussed on the premises of the Chair of Ecological Food Quality (Prof. Dr. Fabian Weber).

As part of the final presentation of the IFBC annual projects, the students had the opportunity to present their findings and recommendations in the form of a poster. In the bright conference room diagonally opposite the canteen in Fulda, there was a lively exchange in front of the posters, with freshly baked waffles and coffee. The following day, the students presented their results in an oral presentation at the Witzenhausen site.

This topic and the group work were supervised by Prof. Dr. Bettina König and Tanja Verena Matheis.