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Serious games in transformative research

New article published and documentation on international exchange as part of the COST Shift action

The areas of transdisciplinary transformative research and the use of serious games as a research method have developed side by side in recent years. Serious games are now used not only for science communication, but also in the research process itself. However, this often raises conceptual and methodological questions. We have therefore contributed to a review article that brings the two areas together conceptually and uses these conceptual categories to discuss how serious games can be used methodologically and ethically responsibly in different phases of transdisciplinary and transformative research processes and developed for this purpose as a contribution to the canon of methods for the co-development of research. The paper can be found here.

We were also invited to a serious game-based exchange of experiences in the COST Initiative SHIFT - the video documentation and further resources of the COST Initiative SHIFT can be found here.