LöLa e.V. - Association for the Promotion of Teaching in Organic Agriculture

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What do we do?

LöLa e.V. is an association for the promotion of teaching in organic agriculture. It offers students the possibility of self-determined influence on everyday university life and support in financing projects, lectures, seminars, excursions, etc.. As a non-profit association, there is also the possibility to realize projects through foundation funds or to acquire further funding on the initiative of students.

Who are we?

the LÖLA board holds up the LÖLA logo togetherImage: LÖLA e.V.

Current board of the association:

Chairman: Vincent Schreiber

1st de puty chairman: Hermann Darr

2nd Deputy Chairperson: Hanna Boegel

Treasurer: Elisabeth Körbs

Deputy treasurer: Lisa Hillenbrand

Projects that we have accompanied recently:

Witzenhausen Conference

Excursion abroad

Course "Solidarity Agriculture"

Course "Introduction to nature and wilderness education"


Strong horses in agriculture

How does it work?

We will provide you with a sub-account at the bank, so that you can collect donations for your project, for example from foundations (this is not so easy as a private person, but it is possible through the association). Of course, you can also use the account to pay speakers.

The "Verein zur Förderung der Lehre im Ökologischen Landbau" (Association for the Promotion of Teaching in Organic Agriculture) offers you the possibility of self-determined influence in the university's everyday life!

You have an idea and want to implement it?

We offer you support in financing projects, lectures, seminars, excursions, etc. . As a non-profit association, we have the possibility to realize your idea through foundation funds or to acquire further financial means on your initiative.

Send us your application by mail or e-mail, or deposit it in our mailbox in front of the FSR room.The points for the formal application are listed below. Once the project has been confirmed, please refer to the documentation points for the required final report on Part 2.

I. Orientation Points for the Application:

Your Person

First and last name, address, e-mail, phone number (if applicable, times you can be reached)

Project description

  • Project name and goal
  • Form and time frame
  • Method
  • Content
  • persons involved
  • References to other events, if concretely available
  • Participant selection and recruitment
  • is a crediting intended for participants?

Financing plan -preliminary cost calculation

  • Is the application for partial or complete funding, an advance payment, a default guarantee?
  • Statement of income and expenses, advertising costs
  • Have there been / will there be other applications for financial support?

The application should not fail - we are happy to answer any questions you may have!
We are also available for a preliminary discussion for planning and / or brainstorming.


II. points to be considered for the final report:

Keep a collection of receipts

  • For each small expense incurred in the project, the receipt / invoice must be kept.
  • For easy reference, number the receipts and create a spreadsheet with the receipt numbers. The final totals then flow into the final calculation.
  • If the expense is an invoice (e.g. from a speaker), it should be submitted directly to LöLa e.V. by the invoicing party.

Documenting the project

  • Whatever the project is about, there should be documentation in any case.
  • The final report can be supplemented by photos or, if available, a documentation tape or similar.

Documents to LöLa e.V.

  • Final report, final calculation, invoices and receipts must be handed over to Löla e.V., so that they have the necessary evidence for the whereabouts of the money.
  • If possible, it is very helpful to send the reports and pictures digitally, by email, upload or USB stick, so we can easily create a report for the homepage.


If you follow all the points, nothing will stand in the way of a successful cooperation ;-)

Good luck wishes the LöLa e.V. !

University sweater and T-shirt project:

With the help of a designer and the screen printing company from Witzenhausen, we, the student council and LöLa, have designed a sweater for our Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences.

The sweaters and T-shirts can be bought at the tourist information office and
and at university events.

Advantages of membership

  • Insight into association organization
  • Participation in project coordination
  • Understanding of funding
  • Personal development


If you have any questions, feel free to email info[at]loela[dot]de!