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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Athmann, Miriam
Head of Sec­tion Organic Farming and Cropping Systems
scientific head
Image: Miriam Athmann
Athmann, Miriam
Prof Dr Backes, Gunter
Head of OPB section
Backes, Gunter
Prof. Dr. Braun, Andreas Christian
Head of section Human-Environment Interactions, funding director of Kassel Institute for Sustainability
Braun, Andreas Christian
Prof. Dr. Bürkert, Andreas
Head of Section
Chair of Tropical Greenhouse
Bürkert, Andreas
Prof. Dr. Finckh, Maria Renate
Head of Section Ecological Plant Protection
Finckh, Maria Renate
Prof. Dr. Gornott, Christoph
Head of section Agroecosystem analysis and modelling
Support for Young Academics
Gornott, Christoph
Prof. Dr. Hallmann, Johannes
extraordinary professorship
Hallmann, Johannes
Prof. Dr. Hensel, Oliver
Head of Department
Hensel, Oliver
Prof. Dr. Hinrichs, Dirk
Head of section animal breeding
Dean of Study
Hinrichs, Dirk
Prof. Dr. Klevenhusen, Fenja
Head of section (Environmentally Sustainable Animal Nutrition)
Women's and Equal Opportunity Officer
Image: Universität Kassel
Prof. Dr. Fenja Klevenhusen
Prof. Dr. Knierim, Ute
Head of section
Image: A. Ebinghaus
Photo U. Knierim
Prof. Dr. König, Bettina
Head of section
ERASMUS Representative
König, Bettina
Prof. Dr. Ludwig, Bernard
Fachgebietsleiter*in Umweltchemie
Ludwig, Bernard
Prof. Dr. Möller, Detlev
Vorsitzender Prüfungsausschuss BSc und MSc ÖL
Möller, Detlev
Prof. Dr. Neu, Claudia
Head of the Department of Sociology of Rural Areas
Neu, Claudia
Prof. Dr. Plieninger, Tobias
Head of Section
Vice Dean
Plieninger, Tobias
Prof. Dr. Popp, Alexander
Head of section sustainable land use and climate protection
Popp, Alexander
Dr. Saucke, Helmut
Assistant Professor
Saucke, Helmut
Prof. Dr. Schlecht, Eva
Head of Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics
Image: Marion Reichenbach
Schlecht, Eva
Prof. Dr. Simon, Judy
Head of Section
Women's and Equal Opportunity Officer
Support for Young Academics
Simon, Judy
Prof. Dr. Thiel, Andreas
Head of International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance
Thiel, Andreas
apl. Prof. Dr. Wachendorf, Christine
Extraordinary professorship soil ecology
Wachendorf, Christine
Prof. Dr. Wachendorf, Michael
Head of Section Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Wachendorf, Michael
Prof. Dr. Weber, Fabian
Head of Section
Weber, Fabian
Prof. Dr. Weber, Tobias
Head of section soil science
Weber, Tobias
Prof. Dr. Zander, Katrin
Head of Agricultural and Food Marketing
Image: Per Schröter
Zander, Katrin
Prof. Dr. Gwenzi, Willis
Visiting Professor (Georg Forster Research Fellowship)
Gwenzi, Willis
Dr. Karpenstein-Machan
Honorary professorship
Karpenstein-Machan, Marianne
Honorary professorship
Moghaddam, Parviz Rezvani
Prof. Dr. Rahmann, Gerold
honorary professor
Rahmann, Gerold