Organic sales potential
BLE-Projekt „Analysis of household panel data for the identification of sales potential amongst customers with low, medium and high organic purchase frequency”
Project outline
In face of growing sales volumes in the organic food sector there is evidence that demand potential has not been fully exhausted amongst organic consumers yet.
In order to stimulate further increases in demand, this research project aims at identifying such food products and product groups, which consumers still prefer in conventional quality. This shall be realized by means of real purchase behaviour data analysis of different consumer groups as contained in the GfK panel data from 13.000 German households. The consideration of real purchase behaviour is crucial in this context, as self-evalutation or reportings are often biased by an overestimation of organic product purchases caused by effects of social desirability.
The research approaches the product level, as price sensitivity and factors individual to the consumer may vary, depending on individual appreciation amongst products. By determination of factors, which drive consumers to choose an organic product, and the description of different consumer segments by purchase and attitudinal characteristics, marketing measures fit to specific target groups can be designed for better development of the demand potential.