Scientific theses
The Department of International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance is looking forward to supporting you in your bachelor, master and project thesis topics. Below you can click through to more concrete suggestions for topics. Your own suggestions for topics are explicitly welcome. Rough topic areas in which our suggestions range:
- Comparative research on the determinants and impacts of organic farming and
natural resource management regimes (water, soil, biodiversity, pasture management,
climate change) and their links to the food system.
- European agricultural policy, European environmental policy and food policy and their
implications for Germany and European member countries
- Agroecology in Germany, the EU, North Africa and the Middle East
- Governance/regulatory processes, control measures and policy development in the fields of
organic agriculture and animal welfare
- Food system governance and regulation of food production and trade
- Innovation and new organizational forms/ governance/ regulatory regimes in the food system
and their determinants and performance, e.g. solidarity farming
- Organic farming regions in Germany and the EU
- Environmental policy integration and agricultural policy - research on the water, energy, food and
ecology exus
- Water and agricultural governance/regulatory processes in Germany and the
Iberian Peninsula and the Middle East and North Africa region.
- Irrigation management and climate change in Ethiopia and East Africa.
- Wandel von Werten und Organisation in Ökolandbauverbänden
- Urbane Ernährungsgovernance
- Participatory Guarantee Systems
- Governance von Tierwohl
- Analyse des Politikfeldes Tierwohl-/ Tierschutzpolitik
- Grüne Regierungen und Ökolandbau
- Ist es notwendig den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel zu regulieren und wie könnte dies geschehen?
- Der politische Prozess der Entstehung der deutschen Düngeverordnung und deren Bewertung aus institutioneller Sicht
- Dynamiken der Agglomerationsprämien in der neuen GAP Förderung
- Politischer Prozess der Novelle der EU Ökoverordnung von 2018 und ihre Implikationen für den Sektor in Europa und Nordafrika
- Erfolgsfaktoren von SoLaWi aus institutioneller Sicht
- Ökologischer Landbau und Wasserkonsum
- Entstehung und Erfolgsfaktoren von Ökolandbauregionen und agrarökologischen Landschaften (z.B. Biosphärenreservate) in Deutschland: ein Vergleich
- Die Determinanten von sozialer Innovation der Nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft
- Ein politikfeldbezogener Ausblick auf die GAP-Reform 2022/23 und die Rolle des Ökologischen Landbaus
- Ländervergleiche der Entwicklung des ökologischen Landbaus in der EU und darüber hinaus: die Rolle von Institutionen und Politiken
- Umweltpolitikintegration und -koordination und Landwirtschaft? Die Rolle des WEFE Nexus, des One Health oder der Ernährungssystemansatzes für die Politikkoordination
- Kooperatives Handeln im Agrar- und Umweltbereich
- Wandel aufgrund der europäischen Renationalisierung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik: Chancen und Risiken von länderbezogenen Strategieplänen, -instrumenten und -evaluationen
- Die Europäische GAP, Klimawandel und der Agrarsektor
- Diskurse der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft
- Die Effekte des Konzepts der Rechtssicherheit auf die Umsetzung der Europäischen Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik
- „Farm-to-Fork“-Strategie, Politikintegration und Nachhaltigkeit in der EU
- „Farm-to-Fork“-Strategie und ihre Rolle für die Transformation des Agrar- und Ernährungssektors
- Governance des Artenschutzes:”30% bis 2030”?
- Wolfsmanagement-Politik im Vergleich
- Öko-faire Bedingungen im Kaffee- und Teeanbau?
- Partizipatives Wassermanagement im Bereich Wasser für Lebensmittel – Was funktioniert und was nicht. Eine kritisch-institutionalistische Perspektive
- Organic and / or rainfed agriculture in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA region)
- Change of values and organization in organic agricultural associations
- Participatory Guarantee Systems
- Organic agriculture and water consumption in Europe
- Scalar re-organisation of water and agricultural governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany
- Process- versus limit value-based regulation in Organic Agriculture
- Determinants of success of community-supported agriculture in Europe
- Cooperative sectors and sustainable agriculture
- Climate change and the Common Agricultural Policy 2022/3
- Biodiversity Conservation Governance: “30% by 2030”?
- Comparison of wolf management policies
- Eco-fair conditions in coffee and tea cultivation?
- Participatory water management in water for food – What works and what does not. A critical institutionalist perspective
- Policy coordination among farming related policy sectors
- Evaluating the advance on participatory dimensions of processes to develop the EU CAP reforms throughout time
- What are cooperative arrangements for biodiversity protection in the EU and worldwide
- What drives German organic farming networks to partner with particular international actors and target particular im- and export countries and sectors?
- Reception of UTP by the sector, changes in practices?
- Why was UTP now adopted?
- Policies favoring producer organizations?
- Implementation of strategy plans of EU and comparisons
- Effect of increase in demand/ policy objectives on organic sector
- New challenges for the organic farming sector in Germany and the EU
- Status and failure of ALECA free trade agreement between the EU and Tunisia
- The effect of smallholder farming on the environment?
- Agroecology in the EU, status and initiatives and reasons?
- Agroecology as global policy discourse, what does it propose and what does it mean?
- Agroecology for the Global North, for large scale farms and the landscape scale
- Swiss farming-related referenda and sustainability of agriculture
- Agroecology without institutional change? Realistic?
- Cooperatives and cooperative approaches in autocratic regimes? Reasons for failure and success
- Distributional impacts of drip irrigation on land and labour
- The farming sector and agroecology
- Inheritance rules and the role of women in agriculture of the Global South
- Organic farming development strategies / action plans in Europe: taking stock, looking ahead and its determinants
- The transformational potential of Agroecology in France
- Transformative elements of the CAP and their potentials: UTP Directive, producer organization, Leader, Eco Schemes, agglomeration bonus, etc.
- The status of agroecology policy in Germany and EU, why and how now?
- The Committee for Food Security (CFS) in the UN System: its role in the emergence of the agenda on agroecology
- The potential of polycentric governance for food system transition
- The new EU pesticide directive
- The impact of the food system approach on food system governance in Germany and the EU
- Models to involve consumers into food production
- How to govern science in contexts of agroecological transformation
- How to govern agroecology
- Agroecology: an agenda for the EU or for the Global South
- The transformative potential of donors’ work on agroecology in the Global South
- The role of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus approach in national policies in Southern Europe/the MENA region
- Analysing policies on production and use of non-conventional water resources in Southern Europe/the MENA region
- Discourse on water scarcity in Germany
- Policy process of the EU Soil Strategy for 2030 and the EU Soil Health Law