Studying abroad

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You want to study abroad for one semester? A very good opportunity to get to know studies, other cultures and languages from a new perspective. Get a first overview here destination countries and financing options.

Information from International Office

Studying abroad

Internship abroad

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Website of International Office

Green travel

You are traveling abroad for an Erasmus stay? - Get 50€ of your travel costs back by traveling by bus, train, carpool or bike.

Green travel: Form

Internship at the BOKU, Vienna

Internship at the International Office of BOKU
Start from June 2025 and from September 2025, duration: 3-6 months

Internship at the BOKU, Vienna: Read More

AURORA- Research in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region

The DAAD funded research cooperation funding scheme with the research project AURORA (Sustainable AgricUltuRe and sOcial-ecological systems approaches in higheR education in the MENA region) is a subject-related partnership in higher education between University of Kassel, Germany; INRGREF, IRESA and ESA Mograne, Tunisia; American University of Beirut, Lebanon; and IAV Hassan-II, Rabat, Morocco. The AURORA project strives to contribute to sustainable development of agri-environmental systems and, ultimately, to food security and resource-efficient and environmentally sound agricultural production in the MENA region.

FUM-UK: Agroecology - Studying one semester in Iran

The DAAD funded German-Iranian exchange program “FUM-UK Agroecology” jointly developed by the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Faculty of Agriculture), Iran and University of Kassel (Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences), Germany, offers 24 study stays abroad between 2021 and 2023. Further information and call for application

Language offers at FB11

Registration see timetables

  • Specialized English (winter semester)
  • Specialized French (winter term)
  • Spanish (winter term)