Quality assurance

The Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences has a comprehensive system for quality assurance and development of teaching and studies. This system includes the evaluation of internal and external data analyses on student numbers and surveys of students and graduates as well as direct discussion and dialog between teaching staff and students in the various committees. Important to mention here are the Study Committee, which discusses all significant changes in the area of studies and teaching, as well as the Sustainable International Agriculture (Master SIA) Study program conference with Göttingen, the International Food Business and Consumer Studies (Master IFBC) Examination board with Fulda and the Agriculture, Ecology and Societies (Master AGES) Steering group with the Faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics. The Office of the Dean of Studies coordinates these processes. Surveys are voluntary and anonymous; no personal student data is collected or processed. The internal departmental processes are supplemented by the external accreditation procedures required for the degree programs and nationwide activities of the Faculties Association Agricultural and Food Sciences and the magazine top agrar.

The Faculty conducts a faculty-wide evaluation of all courses every three semesters. The quality of the lectures, didactic implementation and other aspects of teaching quality are recorded. The data is published in aggregated form in accordance with data protection regulations. Regardless of the three-semester cycle, many lecturers evaluate their courses on their own initiative every semester.

Winter semester 2023/24 - General report

Winter semester 2023/24 - degree programs

Winter semester 2021/22 - General report

Summer semester 2021 - General report

To better understand the background and motivation of first-year students, the Faculty conducts a survey every semester. The results are internal to the Faculty.

Every four to five years, the university conducts surveys among Bachelor's and Master's students. The Faculty receives program-related results reports. The results are internal to the university.

In cooperation with the Institute for Applied Statistics, the university conducts annual surveys with graduates one and a half years after graduation. The Faculty receives a program-related results report. The results are internal to the university.

Every two to three years, the Faculty prepares a teaching report for internal quality discussions within the Dean's Office, the Study Committee and the Faculty Council with the involvement of students, as well as for quality discussions with the Central administration and the Presidential Board. The results are internal to the university.

Every year, all faculties across Germany exchange their statistical study data and discuss current developments in teaching and studies. Reports and resolutions are available online.

Every two years, the magazine top agrar conducts a nationwide survey of agricultural science students and publishes the results online.