Form- Professional internship

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The possibility to create the following form digitally and online is still quite new. We are constantly working on improving the form and will gladly accept suggestions for improvement in the comment field at the end.

Data trainee:in
Internship data
Please indicate here the language used by the majority of the people employed in the company to communicate.
Please submit your job and company description in one document (pdf) and without your own personal data.
Please enter here the coordinates of your farm as described under the form.
End of the form
It will not be passed on to third parties outside the University of Kassel. The name is not linked to the company in the database
captchaEnter result sum

Find and enter coordinates

We ask for your understanding for this step, even if it may seem time-consuming. The coordinates will enable us to create and maintain an interactive map of possible internship companies in the future, which will provide other students with a means of orientation when choosing their internship company.

  1. 1.Open OpenStreetMap

    Open the Open Street Map page first

  2. 2.Search operation

    • search for your company
    • right click on the location of the farm
    • select "Show address
  3. 3.Insert coordinates

    • in the upper left corner are the coordinates of the location
    • insert these coordinates in the form on this page
      either by
      • simply typing them or
      • mark coordinates, copy and paste them in the textfield