IBW publication series Conferences
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IBW Publication Series Conferences FG Construction Organization and Methods
Volume 8 | Volkhard Franz (ed.) 2ndIBW-Workshop. Simulation of Unique Processes - New Applications from Research and Practice. 24.March 2011 at the University of Kassel With contributions by Fritz Berner, André Borrmann, Racha Chahrour, Ramez Edris, Christian Flemming, Volkhard Franz, Wolfgang Huhnt, Yang Ji,Gregor Kindermann, Bernd Kochendörfer, Basel Kordi, Martin Kugler, Lydia Pabst, Holger Pitsch, Sven Richter, Rainer Schach, Jan Tulke, Johannes Wimmer, Armin Wolf, Peter Wotschke |
Volume 7 | Peter Racky (ed.) Forum Baubetrieb 2009. Cooperation-oriented project management in building construction With contributions by Olaf Demuth, Klaus Eschenbruch, Armin Franke, Michael Halstenberg, Markus Koch, Peter Racky, Peter Racky, Engelbert Rummel, Carina Schlabach, Kai-Uwe Schneevogl, Philipp Stichnoth, Jörg Werner |
Volume 6 | Institute of Construction Economics (ed.) Proceedings of the 20thAssistant Meeting of the Construction Industry, Construction Management and Construction Process Engineering Divisions With contributions by Patrick Altmüller, Matthias Bergmann, Jörg Ehgartner, Lars Gonschorek, Peter Jehle, Agnes Kelm, Basel Kordi, Martin Kugler, Lars Laußat, Denis Loskant, Anica Meins-Becker, Larissa Merkl, Nikolai Michailenko, Sinan Özcan, Stefan Rathswohl, Thomas Rinas, Melanie Schleicher, Claudia Schmidt, Holger Schopbach, Stefan Seyffert, Philipp Stichnoth, Simon-Finn Stolze |
Volume 5 | Antonius Busch (ed.) 5thIBW Symposium, September 26, 2008 at the University of Kassel Project development of brownfield sites and real estate With contributions by Uwe Altrock, Antonius Busch, Antonius Busch, Mathias Eisenmenger, Paul Eldag, Mahmood Faruqi, German Halcour, Jan Miller, Bernd Nentwig, Karl Noé, Heike Pitz, Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Claud-Michael Schmidt, Hans-Uwe Schultze |
Volume 4 | Volkhard Franz (ed.) 1stIBW Workshop. Simulation in the construction industry. September 13, 2007 at the University of Kassel With contributions by Hans-Joachim Bargstädt, Christina Barking e Ferrao, Ulrike Beißert, Mikko Börkircher, Christian Danz, Felix Enge, Volkhard Franz, Volkhard Franz, Nils Heinrichs, Wolfgang Huhnt, Markus König, Martin Kugler, Sebastian Maffini, Oliver Mehr, Christoph Motzko, Uwe Rüppel, Raimar J. Scherrer, Dirk Steinhauer, Stefan Voß, Jörg Weber, Gert Zülch |
Volume 3 | Peter Racky (ed.) 4thIBW Symposium, September 15, 2006 at the University of Kassel. Innovative forms of execution for construction projects: Partnering and PPP With contributions by Wendelin Acker, Ulrich Bollwerk, Michael Brückl, Bernhard Bürklin, Andreas Eitelhuber, Klaus Eschenbruch, Volkhard Franz, Thomas Gartung, Jochen Hanff, Frank Heudorf, Philipp Kraus, Christian Pauli, Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Peter Racky, Dirk Schaper, André Schoder, Jürgen Siegel, Monica A. Storz |
Volume 2 | Peter Racky (ed.) 3rdIBW Symposium, September 17, 2004 at the University of Kassel. Partnership-based contract models for construction projects With contributions by Volkhard Franz, Gerhard Girmscheid, Mike Gralla, German Halcour, Rüdiger Kratzenberg, Iris Oberhauser, Evelin Portz, Peter Racky, Ingo Sauer, Burkhard Schmidt, Berthold Scholtes, Wolfram Wiesböck |
Volume 1 | Institut für Bauwirtschaft (ed.) Symposium 2002 Projektentwicklung brachgefallener Flächen With contributions by Antonius Busch, Carlo Frohnapfel, Holger Gestering, German Halcour, Christian Kopetzki, Stefan Kornmann, Berthold P. Mayer, Rainer Naefe, Bernd Nentwig, Thomas Pristl, Wolfgang Rösel, Claus-Michael Schmidt, Juri Schuchmann |