Publications from the field

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Functional construction contracts in road construction - tendering and award-related analysis of contract part C of previous federal trunk road projects. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Assistant Meeting of the Departments of Construction Management, Construction Operations and Construction Process Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Progress Report VDI, Series 4, No. 218, pp. 241 - 252, Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag 2012.

Publications from the FG Construction Organization and Procedures

2018 - 09 Franz, Volkhard; Möhring, Felix; Gnerlich, Ralf and Tiesler, Antje,Yes we can (really)? In: Construction Industry - Market Management Law, issue 3/2018, 3rd year, pp. 134 - 139, Werner Verlag.
2018 - 09 Gnerlich, Ralf; Tiesler, Antje and Franz, Volkhard,Influence of object-distributed time expenditure values on the claim evaluation of disturbed construction processes. In: Proceedings of BauSIM 2018, 7th German-Austrian Conference, September 26-28, Karlsruhe. Ed. Both/Wagner, pp. 455 - 462. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000085743.
2017 - 06 Gnerlich, R.,BIM and Simulation - First Approaches and Constraints for Construction Law Expert Opinions on Disturbed Construction Processes in German Construction Law. In: Proceedings of the 28th BBB-Assistententreffens, Fachkongress der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter der Bereichen Bauwirtschaft, Baubetrieb und Bauverfahrenstechnik, 27-29 June 2017 at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Schriftenreihe des Fachgebiets Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft I Forschung Vol. 3, pp. 75 - 89.
2013 - 10 Astour, H.; Franz, V.,Simulation-based crane deployment planner for building construction projects. In: Dangelmaier, W.; Laroque, C.; Klass, A. (Eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics - Decision Support from Planning to Control, 15th ASIM Symposium Simulation in Production and Logistics, Paderborn, 09-11 October 2013 , Publisher: HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Paderborn 2013, pp.515-524.
2013 - 04 Samkari, K.; Gnerlich, R.; Franz, V.,Perception of a Building Construction Schedule. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia (EAIA'13), Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'13), Society for Computer Simulation International, 2013.
2013 - 01 Rathswohl, S.; Franz, V.,Building on Knowledge: Special features in the construction industry. In: Wissensmanagement - Das Magazin für Führungskräfte, Heft 1/2013, Page 12-13, Verlag: Büro für Medien, Oliver Lehnert e.K., Neusäß.
2012 - 12 Samkari, K.; Franz, V.,A Petri net based method for the early verification & validation of a simulation study in construction management. In: C. Laroque and J. Himmelspach and R. Pasupathy and O. Rose and A. M. Uhrmacher, (ed.): Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, Piscataway, New Jersey.
2012 - 06 Samkari, K.; Kugler, M.; Kordi, B.; Franz, V.,Colored Petri-net and Multi-Agents: A Combination for a Time-efficient Evaluation of a Simulation Study in Construction Management. In Proceedings of the 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Edited by R. Raymond Issa and Ian Flood, Florida, USA, pp 153-160.
2011 - 11 Kugler, M.; Kordi, B.; Franz, V.; Samkari, K.,Linking Product and Process Data in the modeling Environment 'CiSmo' in: CONVR 2011, 11th International Conference of Construction Applications or Virtual Reality, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany.
2011 - 04 Kugler, M.; Kordi, B.; Franz, V.,The user interfaces of the modeling environment CiSmo. In: Franz (Ed.), 2011, 2nd IBW Workshop.
2011 - 04 Kugler, M.; Kordi, B.; Franz, V.,Development of a process model for the simulation of sequence planning for shell and finishing works. In: Franz (Ed.), 2011, 2nd IBW Workshop.
2010 - 10 Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,CiSmo - CAD-integrated simulation modeling for construction sequence simulation in building construction. In: Proceedings of the 14th ASIM Symposium Simulation in Production and Logistics, Karlsruhe October 7 & 8, 2010, KIT Scientific Publishing 2010.
2010 - 02 Franz, V.; Kordi, B.,Empirical survey on CAD-based scheduling in building construction / Results of a survey; in ComputerSpezial, 1/2010, page: 44-46, Bauverlag, (
2009 - 07 Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,Development of a Simulation System for the Preparation of Work in Building Construction, In: Computation in Civil Engineering - EG-ICE Conference 2009, TU Berlin, Heftreihe des Instituts für Bauingenieurwesen, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2009.
2009 - 04 Rathswohl, S.,CAD-based expert system for work preparation in construction companies based on a knowledge management system. In: Tagungsband des 20. Assistententreffens der Bereichen Bauwirtschaft, Baubetrieb und Bauverfahrenstechnik, Schriftenreihe Bauwirtschaft, Institut für Bauwirtschaft, Kassel: kassel university press 2009.
2009 - 04 Kugler, M.,Process data model for simulation in building construction. In: Tagungsband des 20. Assistententreffens der Bereichen Bauwirtschaft, Baubetrieb und Bauverfahrenstechnik, Schriftenreihe Bauwirtschaft, Institut für Bauwirtschaft, Kassel: kassel university press 2009.
2009 - 04 Kordi, B.,CAD-based construction sequence planning in building construction. In: Tagungsband des 20. Assistententreffens der Bereichen Bauwirtschaft, Baubetrieb und Bauverfahrenstechnik, Schriftenreihe Bauwirtschaft, Institut für Bauwirtschaft, Kassel: kassel university press 2009.
2008 - 11 Mieth, P. ; Franz, V.,Success factor qualification - How can company construction managers be supported in mastering their work tasks through meaningful qualification? In: Bauingenieur Vol. 83, Ed.: Springer VDI-Verlag, November 2008.
2008 - 10 Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,Use of simulation to increase the efficiency of production processes in the construction industry. In: Markus Rabe (Ed.): Advances in Simulation for Production and Logistics Applications, 13th ASIM Symposium Simulation in Production and Logistics, Berlin, October 01-02, 2008, Publisher: Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag , Stuttgart 2008.
2007 - 09 Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,Design of a multi-agent based reference model for simulations in building construction. In: Proceedings of the 1st IBW-Workshop Simulation in der Bauwirtschaft, Ed.: V. Franz, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel, 2007.
2007 - 09 Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,Development of a multi-agent based simulation system for building construction projects. In: Tagungsband Forum Bauinformatik 2007, Ed.: Merkel, Schütz und Wießfle-cker, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2007.
2007 - 01 Funk, T.; Franz, V.,Man muss nicht alles selber machen, Einsparungspotenziale durch den Einsatz innovativer Logistkkonzepte im Bauwesen. In: bd Baumaschinendienst, Issue 1/2007.
2006 - 11 Utsch, J.H.; Streck, Ch.; Franz, V.,Application potentials of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) and ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) in civil engineering. In: Road and Civil Engineering, Issue 11/2006.
2006 - 10 Utsch, J.H.; Stichnoth, P.; Goetz, A.; Franz, V.,Logistic Services as a Special Task in Construction Industry. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commissions, Rome, 18 - 20.10.2006.
2006 - 10 Utsch, J.H.; Franz, V.,New Perspectives of Planning in Construction Management with a Special View to Controlling. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commis-sions, Rome, 18 - 20.10.2006.
2006 - 10 Chahrour, R.; Kugler, M.; Franz, V.,A Case Study on Implementing CAD-based Simulation in Earthwork. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commis-sions, Rome, 18 - 20.10.2006.
2006 - 06 Utsch, J.H.; Franz, V.,A Controlling Approach for Improving Decision Making and Planning in Construction Management. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June 14 - 16, 2006.
2006 - 06 Chahrour, R.; Franz, V.,Seamless Data Model for a CAD-based Simulation System. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June 14 - 16, 2006.
2006 - 05 Chahrour, R.; Utsch, J.H.; Franz, V.,A Comprehensive Approach to Implement Simulation in Construction Sites. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Speciality Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction, ASCE 4 - 6 May 2006 in Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, pp. 58 - 66.
2006 - 05 Chahrour, R.; Franz, V.,Analysis of earthwork processes using simulation. In: Road and Civil Engineering, Issue 5/2006, pp. 3 - 5.
2005 - 09 Chahrour, R.; Utsch, J.H.; Franz, V.,Computer Simulation in Construction Operations - Paths to Innovation. In: Proceedings 18th Symposium Simulationstechnique in Erlangen, ASIM Advances in Simulation Technology, 09/2005, pp. 548 - 553.
2004 - 10 Chahrour, R.; Franz, V.,Computer Simulation in Construction Operations Research Status and Innovative Applications. In: Experiences from the Future, Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (Eds.), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 10/2004, pp. 320 - 340.
2004 - 10 Chahrour, Franz,Computersimulation im Baubetrieb -Forschungsstand, innovative Einsatzmöglichkeiten-, 11th ASIM Symposium, Fraunhofer IPK, Berlin, 2004, pp. 329 - 339.
2003 - 02 Franz, V.; Pauels, O.; Rhomberg-Kauert, C.,Success factors for medium-sized construction companies. In: Baumarkt + Bauwirtschaft 2/2003, pp. 22 - 25.
2002 - 10 Franz, V.; Pauels, O.; Rhombert-Kauert, C.,Success factors for medium-sized construction companies. In: Baumarkt + Bauwirtschaft 2/2003, pp. 22 - 25.
2002 - 10 Franz, V.; Chahrour, R.,Computer simulation ... Why not also in civil engineering? In: Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Road Construction (tis), 10/2002, pp. 21 - 26.
2001 - 11 Franz, V.; Grau, H.,Software for business and financial accounting. In: Mikado 11/2001, p. 39 - 43.
2001 - 10 Franz, V.; Grau, H.,The right software makes life easier. In: Mikado 10/2001, p. 23 - 27.
2001 - 05 Franz, V.,Simulation techniques in practice. In: Betonwerk + Fertigteiltechnik, issue 5/2001, p. 20 - 23.
2001 - 05 Enkelmann, M.; Franz, V.,Simulation in concrete block production. In: Concrete Plant + Precast Technology, issue 5/2001, p. 24 - 28.
2001 - 04 Franz, V. ; Pauels, 0.,e-commerce in the construction industry. Potential benefits and success factors. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, Issue 4/2001.
2001 - 04 Franz, V. ; Grau, H.,Reorganization of a carpentry business. In: Der Zimmermann, Issue 4/2001.
2000 - 12 Franz, V., Grau, H.,Structural analysis - timber house construction demands joinery centers. In: Mikado 12/2000.
2000 - 04 Franz, V. , Grau, H.,Operational reorganization - faster, higher, further. In: Mikado 4/2000.
2000 - 04 Franz, V. , Grau, H.,Work processes in joinery centers. In: The carpenter, 4/2000.
2000 - 01 Franz, V. , Wagner, N.,How to get construction machinery - rent, purchase, installment plan or leasing. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, issue 1/2000.
2000 - -- Franz, V. ; Schopbach, H.,Comparative investigation of different non-commercial Petri net tools on their application possibilities for simulation in the construction industry. In: Petri-Net Newsletter 58/2000.
2000 - -- Franz, V.,Perspectives in teaching in civil engineering studiesShort description of the topic.
1999 - 10 Franz, V. , Grau, H.,Joinery centers - Organization for more profit. In: Mikado 10/99.
1999 - 07 Franz, V.,German Construction Companies in Moscow - A Situation Report. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, issue 7 and 8/99.
1999 - 06 Franz, V. , Grau, H.,Simulation improves planning - Production optimization of a joinery center. In: Building with Wood, Issue 6/1999.
1999 - -- Franz, V.,Permissible dimensional tolerances in building construction according to DIN 18202 for reinforced concrete work. Proceedings of the 9th Kassel Construction Seminar for Formwork Technology, 1999.
1999 - -- Franz, V.,Aufgaben und Verantwortung der Arbeitsvorbereitung im modernen Baubetrieb und Beschreibung der Möglichkeiten der Einbindung externer Spezialisten. Contribution to the book, Technik verantworten, edition sigma - Verlag 1999.
1998 - 12 Franz, V.,Russia - A construction market of the future ? In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, issue 12/1998.
1998 - 12 Franz, V. , Enkelmann, M.,Process visualization and process simulation in the concrete block plant. In: BFT- Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik, Issue 12/1998.
1998 - 11 Franz, V.,Necessity, responsibility and scope of work preparation measures in the context of task sharing contractor / specialist. 8th Kassel Construction Operations Seminar, November 1998.
1998 - 09 Franz, V. , Enkelmann, M.,Simulation optimizes paving stone production. In: BFT Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik, issue 9/1998.
1998 - 03 Franz, V. , Fricke, J.,Exposed concrete - What is it ? 7th Kassel construction seminar on formwork technology, bd-bauwirtschaft, issue 3/1998.
1998 - 01 Franz, V. , Schopbach, H.,Optimization of assembly sequences in the course of site equipment planning. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, Issue 1/1998.
1998 - -- Franz, V.,Possible applications of Petri nets in construction. Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Working Group Petri Nets and Information Systems in Practice, GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik, Kassel, 1998.
1997 - 01 Franz, V.,Management and Control of the Execution Planning Process by Petri Nets. In: Project Management, Issue 1/1997.
1995 - 09 Franz, V.,Food for thought on construction site equipment planning. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, Issue 9/1995.
1995 - 06 Franz, V.,Planning and Control of the Construction Process. In: BW-Bauwirtschaft, Issue 6/1995.