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06/30/2024 | Research | Institute for Structural Engineering (IKI)

2024 | June | Prof. N.B. Singh as a guest at the Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry

Prof. N.B. Singh as a guest at the Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry

Prof. N.B. Singh

In June 2024, Prof. Dr. Nakshatra Bahadur Singh from Sharda University in India spent a month at the Department of Building Materials and Construction Chemistry as part of his Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. In cooperation with the staff of the department, Prof. Singh used the laboratory facilities (X-ray diffraction, µ-computed tomography, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence analysis, etc.) for his research in the field of nanostructure-optimized cementitious building materials. Employees and students were also able to take advantage of his lecture series Cementitious Materials for sustainable constructions (6 x 90 min). Together with Prof. Middendorf, chapters of the planned book Binding Materials for Sustainable Construction (Editors: N. B. Singh, R. Goyal, B. Middendorf) were completed during his research stay, which is to be published by Elsevier at the beginning of 2025.

We would like to thank Prof. Singh for his visit to the University of Kassel and look forward to further long-term cooperation in research and teaching.